Tencent PCG application Bao data center

PCG feels crazy to recruit people, the difficulty of the interview is suddenly high and low, the interview form is also very diverse, Tencent video ZOOM niuke network have, more casual.

Tencent three 20min algorithm questions + a basic question on the end of the interview…… At one point, I thought I just hung up.

Prepare the operating system computer network to look more. If C++ more preparation, Tencent interview is not a big problem.

Tencent side

The project went on for 20 minutes and asked what did you do, project details, your growth, that sort of thing

Java synchronized lock volatile

How does fast row become stable

How to implement leaderboards

How to check the information of the 2,000th person on the list

How does a Java game server communicate

Algorithm coding, inverse linked list

Tencent’s second interview

Factory Mode scenario

hashmap treemap

The reason why database indexes don’t use binary trees is because binary trees can be O(n)

How to speed up a database query: cache index, partition table,

Network stick package

Network two handshake is not ok?

Kafka high watermark

ArrayList and LinkedList traversal efficiency comparison? ArrayList is faster for operating system prefetch

Tencent on three sides

Algorithm: the last node in a binary tree with a parent node for sequential traversal? How does ZooKeeper embody CP

Douyin, IES interactive entertainment

Byte interview efficiency is the highest, one afternoon, two consecutive interviews, and then every two days three interviews. HR can give the results of every interview that night, which is very efficient and sends love to HR sister

Interview preparation, basic points, as long as you don’t answer poorly. Mainly algorithm, basically two algorithm questions per round, whiteboard to write code, to run the kind of, or quite a pressure.

Tiktok backstage side


Thread pool blocked queue why blocked

How is a thread stored in memory

Volatile -> Memory reordering

Wait time for HTTP handshake

What happens when you visit a URL

How does DNS work

Hops and balance trees

Balance the types of trees

Calculation: the probability of two Kings in poker

Merge N linked lists -> optimize to log(N) -> NULL judgment -> do not allow to modify the data structure how to implement

Tik Yin backstage second interview


Microservice registry principles

Registration service how to judge online offline

What if one service version is upgraded and other services are not

Why use Spring Cloud

What is the maximum configuration for a machine Java process with 8GB of memory

How is the policy pattern decoupled -> how is it used in the project

Redis persistence

Redis primary/secondary replication

An algorithm

Determine whether an IP address is domestic. Input: database with hundreds of thousands of domestic IP segments (start_IP, end_IP) one IP to be verified output: YES or NO

Algorithm question 2

User online crest calculation. Input: user log (time, user_id, login | logout) output: people online at the same time, the peak of the peak period of peak (90%) eg (peak timnathserah to no, 300 million, the lowest 270 million)

Tiktok backstage three sides

No technical problems, the leader to talk about life, career planning, plans and so on.

Ali, new retail supply chain

Ali’s interview is the most difficult. You will be asked every basic knowledge point until you can’t answer it. The time is also the longest, basically every interview is 50min+, the interviewer asked the question is very detailed, found you have ambiguous will ask in detail, the basis must review good, but also look at the source code.

The interview process is still very long, once a week, the whole process is very tired, the author is still waiting for the cross interview.

Ali side

Mysql B+ B

Mysql isolation level -> MVCC how to guarantee -> gap lock how to use mysql hash index?

Why is Redis fast -> how to optimize the system design

How does Jenkins work

How do different strategies translate

How does Spring AOP implement -> How do you catch AOP exceptions in your project and are logging Java enumeration types inheritable

(final)? Are annotations inheritable?

Java memory structure

Object creation process

Class loaders -> parent delegate -> ClassLoad find load -> JDBC load mechanism ->

Object-oriented principles

Sliding window -> Which areas are available on the client side and server side respectively (confirmed transmission not confirmed transmission)

Volatile how make

Ali 2 face

An internship? What do you find difficult? How does it work with the rest of the team?

What’s the growth after the internship?

Where can the business improve?

Do you have a blog? Open source projects?

Career plan for the next three years?

Looking at my junior year interview notes? Asked the reason why the interview failed? I said the algorithm was not good at that time, by the way asked me this year’s written test situation

Common language? Compare Python with Java

What are you reading these days?

Technology: What is the difference between HTTPS and HTTP? How do HTTPS client servers interact?

Ali on three sides

Project: Introduction difficult implementation details and the second side of the same

Parallel comparison of projects… What are the advantages of our group’s projects compared to parallel projects (Hadoop Spark)?

Eureka source Hystrix source code

Distributed lock implementation?

Zk principle source code

Spring Cloud/JDK Design Patterns Design patterns in the project

Serialization mode

What are you reading these days? How do you study at ordinary times

Meituan – In-store Business Division

Meituan interview difficulty is general, basically ask some basic knowledge, prepare more basic knowledge can.

Meituan side

What is the use of MVCC in reading

How is the Future’s flaw CompletionService implemented between dependent tasks

Servlets for the Tomcat framework

The actual role of algorithm stability

What is the HTTP protocol POST request field

Algorithm: the KTH largest element

Leaving out some basic questions, it’s easier…

Meituan 2 face

Algorithm 1: the first to extract m numbers from an array of n numbers with moderate probability

Algorithm 2: suffix tree to find the longest repeated string

Algorithm 3: Reverse the last K nodes

How to implement HTTP request API timeout (timer related)

Mysql > select * from ‘orderby’

How is OrDerby implemented

Can two processes write inconsistencies to a location in shared memory (related to paging segmentation)

Leaving out some basic questions, it’s easier…


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