This is the 13th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

The final keyword identifier cannot be modified in Java. Next, we’ll start with final modifiers for data, methods, and classes.

The final data

Final is used to tell the compiler that a piece of data is constant. Constant data and the following functions:

1. A compile-time constant that never changes.

2. A value that is initialized at runtime and you do not want it to change.

In the case of a compiler constant, the compiler can substitute the value of the constant into any computation it may need, and it can execute the computation at compile time, reducing the burden of running. Such constants must be basic data types and be represented by the keyword final. Constants must be assigned when they are defined. A domain that is both static and final occupies an immutable amount of storage.

If no initial value is assigned, the compiler will report an error.

When final decorates an object reference, final makes the reference of the object constant. Once a reference has been initialized to one object, it cannot be pointed to another. The object itself, however, can be modified.

As you can see from the above code, the compiler will give an error message when changing a reference, but there is no problem when changing the internal properties of the reference object.

Blank final

Java allows the production of a blank final, which is a field declared as final but not given an initial value. In either case, the compiler ensures that a blank final must be initialized before it can be used. The role of blank FIANL can vary from object to object, yet remain constant.

class Poppet{ private int i; Poppet(int ii){ i = ii; } } public class BlankFinal { private final int i = 0; private final int j; private final Poppet p ; public BlankFinal(){ j =1 ; p = new Poppet(1); } public BlankFinal(int x){ j = x; p = new Poppet(x); } public static void main(String[] args) { new BlankFinal(); new BlankFinal(20); }}Copy the code

When we define blank final, we must ensure that the value is initialized at constructor time. The code above will report an error if we do not initialize it in the constructor.

The final parameter

Java allows parameters to be specified as final declaratively in parameter lists, which means that you cannot change the object to which a parameter reference points ina method.

void with(final Gizmo g){
    g= new Gizmo();
Copy the code

The above code does not work because the final type cannot be changed.

void f(final int i){
Copy the code

Above also can’t.

void f(final int i){
    return i+1;
Copy the code

As above. Data of the final type can be read but cannot be modified.

The final method

The final method is used for two reasons. The first reason: lock the method to prevent any inherited classes from changing its meaning. You want to ensure that the method behavior remains the same in inheritance and is not overridden. Second reason: In the early days of Java development, specifying a method as final allowed the compiler to turn all calls to that method into inline calls. When the compiler finds a final method call command, it uses its discretion to skip the normal way of inserting program code and execute the method call mechanism instead. And replace the method call with a copy of the actual code in the method body. This will eliminate the overhead of method calls. , of course, if a method is very big, your code will expand, so can’t see the inline bring any performance improvement, because of the performance improvement in the way because of the cost will be the amount of time was reduced, in a recent Java version, virtual machine can detect all of these cases, and optimize the removing these efficiency reduce additional nested call instead, As a result, there is no longer any need to use final for optimization, which is becoming increasingly stymized by setting methods to final only when you want to explicitly disallow overrides.

The final and private keywords

All private methods ina class are implicitly specified as final and cannot be overridden because they are not available. You can add a final modifier to a private method, but it doesn’t make any sense.

Final class

When you define the whole of a class as final, you don’t intend to inherit the class, and you don’t allow others to do so. You never need to make any changes to the class. You don’t want subclasses for security reasons. The domain of a final class can be selected as final or not as desired. Whether or not the class is defined as final. The same rules apply to domains defined as final. Because final classes forbid inheritance, all methods in final classes are implicitly specified to be FIANL. Because you can’t override it. It makes no sense to add the final keyword to a method ina final class.