Starting with this article, we’ll start learning about the Java IO system, which is essentially reading and writing files. It sounds simple, but it’s not. Java IO system has been improving and improving, the design of a large number of classes, and only by understanding the meaning of the design of these types and their application scenarios, can improve the understanding of file IO.
So, the first step is to solve the problem of how to represent a file. In the Java world, where everything is an object, how to map an actual disk file or directory to a Java object is our first problem.
Java uses File to abstract a File, either a File or a directory, corresponding to a File object. I think you have to be right about the File type: it represents a File or directory on disk in the abstract, it actually relies on a platform-independent local File system class, and File doesn’t do any reading or writing to the contents of the File it represents (that’s what streams do).
Build a File instance
Before we actually introduce the File instance constructor, we need to look at several of its important attribute members.
private static final FileSystem fs = DefaultFileSystem.getFileSystem();
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This is the core member of the File class, which represents the File system API of the current system, and all operations issued to disk are based on this property.
private final String path;
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Path represents the full path name of the current instance. If the current File instance represents a directory, the value of path is the full directory name. If it represents a pure File, the value of path is equal to the full path of the File + the File name.
public static final char separatorChar = fs.getSeparator();
public static final char pathSeparatorChar = fs.getPathSeparator();
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SeparatorChar indicates the separator between directories. PathSeparatorChar indicates the separator between different paths. The two values vary on different systems. For example, on Windows, the values are “\” and “; “respectively. Is used to separate multiple paths.
The File class provides four different constructors for instantiating a File object, but only three are commonly used, and we’ll focus on the first three.
public File(String pathname)
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This is the most common way to instantiate a File object, and the pathName value can be a directory or the name of a pure File. Such as:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop");
File file1 = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\a.txt");
File file2 = new File("a.txt");
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It is also possible to explicitly specify a parent path:
public File(String parent, String child)
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Inside the constructor, the program concatenates a complete file path for us, for example:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop"."a.txt");
File file1 = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop"."java");
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The third constructor is essentially the same as the second, but adds a wrapper around the parent File instance:
public File(File parent, String child)
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I’m not going to give you any more examples. We do not delve into the internal implementation of these constructors here, not to say that it is simple, but File is overly dependent on the local File system, and the implementation of many methods cannot be directly seen, so the learning of File should be defined as mastery, and the specific implementation cannot be further studied for the time being.
Obtain file name or path information
The getName method can be used to get the file name:
public String getName() {
int index = path.lastIndexOf(separatorChar);
if (index < prefixLength) return path.substring(prefixLength);
return path.substring(index + 1);
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Remember what our separatorChar meant?
It is represented as a path separator, which in Windows is the symbol “\”. The path property stores the full path name of the current instance of File, so all characters after the location last seen must be our File name.
Of course, you must have noticed that for pure files, this method will return the simple name of the file, but for a directory, the return value will be the most recent directory name. Such as:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\a.txt");
File file1 = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop");
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The output won’t surprise you:
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The getParent method is used to return the parent directory of the current file. Whether you are a file or a directory, you will always have your parent directory (temporary files generated by the virtual machine, of course, are not).
public String getParent() {
int index = path.lastIndexOf(separatorChar);
if (index < prefixLength) {
if ((prefixLength > 0) && (path.length() > prefixLength))
return path.substring(0, prefixLength);
return null;
return path.substring(0, index);
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The implementation of the method is simple and will not be described again.
The getPath method returns the full File name of the current File instance:
public String getPath() {
return path;
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The following are some related directory operations, implementation is relatively simple, here simply listed:
- Public Boolean isAbsolute() : specifies whether the path isAbsolute
- Public String getAbsolutePath() : Obtains the absolute path to the current File instance
- Public String getCanonicalPath() : Returns the standard path of the current File instance
We need to explain a little bit about getCanonicalPath, what is the standard path, and what is the absolute path?
Generally speaking, “../ “indicates the upper level of the source file directory,”../../ “indicates the upper level of the source file directory, and so on. The getAbsolutePath method does no such conversion, while the getCanonicalPath method recognizes these special characters and takes appropriate semantics.
Such as:
File file = new File(".. \\a.txt");
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Output result:
C:\Users\yanga\Desktop\Java\workspace2017\TestFile\.. \a.txt C:\Users\yanga\Desktop\Java\workspace2017\a.txtCopy the code
The former will recognize “..\ a.xt “as part of the file path name, while the latter will recognize”..\ a.xt “as indicating that” A.xt “is in the upper directory of the current directory. That’s the big difference between the two. It fits different situations.
Obtain file attribute information
This part of the file operation is actually very simple, nothing more than some file permissions, whether to read, whether to write, whether to hide files and so on. Let’s look at these methods in detail:
- Public Boolean canRead() : Specifies whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance is readable
- Public Boolean canWrite() : Specifies whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance is writable
- Public Boolean exists() : Whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance actually exists
- Public Boolean isDirectory() : Specifies whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance is a directory
- Public Boolean isFile() : Specifies whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance is a pure File
- Public Boolean isHidden() : Specifies whether the File corresponding to the abstract File instance is a hidden File
- Public Long Length () : The number of bytes in the file
As an added bonus, the Length method correctly returns the file’s total number of bytes for a pure file, but for a directory, the return value is unspecified, with unspecified values that are neither unspecified nor zero for the files in the directory.
File manipulation
The operation of the document is nothing more than “add, delete, change and check”, let’s have a look.
- Public Boolean createNewFile() : Creates an actual disk File based on the abstract File object
- Public Boolean delete() : Delete the disk File corresponding to the File object. False is returned if the disk File fails to be deleted
Of course, to handle these two simple create and delete operations, the File class also provides a so-called “query” operation, which we’ll learn more about. Such as:
public String[] list() {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if(security ! = null) { security.checkRead(path); }if (isInvalid()) {
return null;
return fs.list(this);
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This method retrieves a collection of all the simple names of “pure files” and “directories” under the directory represented by the current instance. Such as:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop");
String[] list = file.list();
for (String str : list){
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The output of the program will print the simple names of all the files in my desktop directory, which I won’t show you.
Note that if our File instance corresponds to a pure File instead of a directory, then list will return NULL.
Next, let’s look at another method to retrieve directory files:
public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) {
String names[] = list();
if ((names == null) || (filter == null)) {
return names;
List<String> v = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++) {
if(filter.accept(this, names[i])) { v.add(names[i]); }}return v.toArray(new String[v.size()]);
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This method is actually an overloaded version of list, which allows you to pass in a filter that only filters the files and directories we need when retrieving directories.
The definition of the FilenameFilter interface is simple:
public interface FilenameFilter {
boolean accept(File dir, String name);
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Just override the Accept method, and the list for loop will try to call the filter method every time it gets a file or directory. If it passes the filter, the simple name of the current file will be added to the return collection.
So the accept override determines which files will be filtered and which will not. Let’s look at an example:
The files in the test folder on my desktop are as follows:
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\test");
String[] list = file.list(
new FilenameFilter() {@override public Boolean Accept (File dir, String name) {// dir represents the current File object //name is the simple name of the current File item traversedif(! name.endsWith(".txt"))
return false;
return true; }});for (String str : list){
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Here, we create a subclass instance of FilenameFilter using the anonymous inner class and implement its Accept method. The implementation is simple, filtering out all directories and fetching the simple names of all pure files.
The final output is as follows:
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Of course, the File class also provides two “variants” of the list method, for example:
- public File[] listFiles()
- public File[] listFiles(FilenameFilter filter)
Instead of returning the simple names of “pure files” and “directories” in the target directory, they return the File objects they correspond to, which is fine, because the target directory + the simple names build these File instances.
So, essentially, the list method does not iterate through all the files in the target directory, that is, files in subdirectories of the target directory are not accessed.
So you should think about how to traverse all files in the target directory, including deep files in level 1 subdirectories. The answer will be given at the end of this article.
The next two methods have to do with creating folders:
- public boolean mkdir()
- public boolean mkdirs()
Both create folders based on the current File instance.
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\test2");
File file2 = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\test3\\hello");
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Test2 and test3 do not exist before the program is executed.
The following output is displayed:
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Why did the latter creation fail?
This is because the mkdir method can only create one folder at a time, and if there are uncreated directories in the parent or higher directories of a given directory, the creation will fail.
The mkdirs method is used to solve this situation. It creates all uncreated directories on the target path.
File file3 = new File("C:\\Users\\yanga\\Desktop\\test3\\hello\\231");
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Test3, Hello, and 231 will be created after the program runs, even if the test3 folder doesn’t exist.
In addition, File has a class of methods for creating temporary files that exist at runtime and are destroyed when the virtual machine is shut down. You can study by yourself, the use is relatively simple, here is no longer repeated.
So far, we’ve taken a look at the File type, and the idea of using the same type for pure files and directories seems a bit confusing. We’ll learn more about jdk1.7 sun’s introduction of Files and Path to separate Files from directories.
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