This article was originally published on Jupyter on Remote Access Linux.

Because of the poor network environment of the lab, every time I use Conda to open a new environment and download some new packages, it will be very slow, WHICH I can tolerate. The problem is that I often fail to download, which wastes my time. Then I think I have a server of Tencent Cloud. I just want to download Jupyter from the server and access it remotely.

Download Miniconda

First you need to download Miniconda. I didn’t download Anaconda because I didn’t need that many packages

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If you do not have the wget command, you can use yum -y install wget to download it.

Here is a shell script that you can run to automatically download Miniconda

chmod +x # Add executable permission
./        # Execute script
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Some questions will be asked during the download. Just answer yes.

After the installation is complete, enter the command line again and type

conda -V
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If the version number is printed correctly, the download is successful.

Download jupyter

So let’s create a new environment, let’s call it jupyter

conda create -n jupyter
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And then activate the environment

conda activate jupyter
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Then download Jupyter

conda install jupyter
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Configure a password

To access Jupyter remotely, we need to configure a password to log in, and enter ipython on the command line (which was already downloaded when we downloaded Jupyter) to enter a Python interactive shell

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Enter the following commands in turn

from notebook.auth import passwd
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You will then be prompted for a password, which will give you a ciphertext string such as

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This ciphertext string will be used in jupyter’s configuration file, save/copy it first.

Jupyter configuration file

Next we need to configure jupyter’s configuration file and run it on the command line

jupyter notebook --generate-config
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The ~/.jupyter/ file will be generated and we will open it and edit it

vi ~/.jupyter/
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Add the following configuration to it

c.NotebookApp.ip=The '*' Set the IP address for remote access to Jupyter. * indicates that all IP addresses can be accessed
c.NotebookApp.allow_remote_access = True Allow remote access
c.NotebookApp.password = 'sha1:5df252f58b7f:bf65d53125bb36c085162b3780377f66d73972d1' # Fill in the generated ciphertext
c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False Disable the Notebook from automatically opening the browser when it starts. So, it doesn't work.)
c.NotebookApp.port =8888 # Specifies the port to access. Default is 8888
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Start the jupyter

Now we can start jupyter by typing the following command on the command line

jupyter notebook --allow-root
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This command runs in the foreground when started, if we want jupyter to run in the background, we can run the following command

nohup jupyter notebook --allow-root > jupyter.log 2>&1 &
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We can access the Jupyter Notebook through the server’s public IP address :8888.

PS: If you want to stop Juputer on the server, run it first

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This command can display the processes that are running, we find the PID of the jupyter process and then pass

kill -9 pid
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To kill the Jupyter service and stop jupyter.

Refer to the link

  • Install Miniconda on Linux
  • Configure remote access for the Jupyter Notebook on Linux
  • How to let Jupyter run in the background in the cloud Server (3)