
Remix: Not Another Framework!

Remin is built on a standard Web standards API. Ryan Florence can’t predict whether Remix will stick, but gives a good reason to learn it: the knowledge you gain is not lost. Just like React, you don’t need to learn another last-class language; your JS knowledge from JSX will still be useful elsewhere. Remin is also set to frame independent. On Twitter, Ryan introduced potential targets for the next Remix. My money is on Qwik and Solid. More and more, I see Remix as a potential gateway to Deno(also based on Web APIS) and perhaps the next framework beyond React.

React Unrelated news: Kent C. Dodds has been in a serious car accident 🤕

MDX 2.0

Official release of MDX 2.0. This technique allows for the interleaving of Markdown and JJSX, making it easy to create interactive content (e.g., Josh Comeau’s website, Docusaurus…). . Version V2 is improved in many ways: some syntax fixes, significantly improved performance, support for other frameworks…

Lifetime Analysis for React Component Architecture

Alan was inspired by the notion of declarative cycle analysis and object attribution in Rust to deduce where React state should be placed. I felt like I instinctively did it. Original reading. It’s a little long at first, but it makes sense over time. You don’t need to know Rust to read.

Creating a Schema-Based Form System

Tania explained how to use JSON mode to drive rendering of React forms. This example is based on Formik and Yup, but most importantly technology, which is useful for integrating with a CMS or backend that sends you this pattern.


  • Dan Abramov rewrote the React Fast Start document (beta site) and it looks pretty good!
  • 🎥 The Story of React: An excellent review of React stories, from JQuery/Backbone to Next-js /Remix
  • Pause Your React App with Breakpoints: Still used for theseconsole.log😏
  • react-zorm: a new (uncontrolled) React forms library, typed, zod-based, that uses Web APIS (FormData) and Remix for perfect integration
  • The Baseline for Web Development in 2022: Those statistics on The Web have The ecosphere buzzing this week. React doesn’t score as well, especially Next. Js (beaten by Gatsby on Core Web Vitals).
  • 🧵 “Over-fetching means three things to me” : Advantages of GraphQL and Relay compared to modern alternatives (Remix loader, next.js getServerProps, tRPC…) Compared.
  • 🧵 Next.js: avoid returning too much data in getStaticProps and getServerProps
  • Recoil 0.6: React 18, concurrent rendering, strict mode
  • Docusaurus 2.0.0-beta.15: Nice release 😌
  • SWR 1.2Support:.mjs+ Optimistic UI automatically rolls back based on errors
  • Gatsby v4.6
  • 🎥 Nx ❤ ️ Remix
  • Atomic design and storybook


  • React-native Versions: I know that this tool can see how each react-Native version (+Expo SDK) is used. May be useful in convincing your boss to upgrade.
  • Deep Dive into React Native’s New Architecture: Introduce the various parts of the New Architecture. JSI, Fabric, Turbomodules, Codegen
  • 🐦 “We will be focusing a lot on Expo Web this year” : exciting!
  • 🐦 Demo React-Native-Skia: shaders, path interpolations
  • 0.4 🐦 React – Native – Performance
  • 🎙️ RNR 225 – Behind Our Decision to Cancel Chain React 2022


Porting tsc to Go (not Rust)

With the arrival of new bundlers, type checking has become a bottleneck in large code bases. Donny (Vercel) is the author of SWC (Rust). He tried to rewrite it completely with Rust (POC compiles 62 times faster than TSC), but it was a big undertaking compared to a port that borrowed from existing TSC code. The problem: THE TSC code base is hard to port to Rust (shared variability, GC…) And Go is better suited for this particular task. The plan from SWC and Vercel is clear: they will give us fast tools for everything we need: translation, type checking, minimization, and bundling. Another option for porting TSC exists in Rust — Tyty — but it is currently a fringe project and not open source.

Deno in 2021

Deno shared its 2021 review, improvements in Core (Opcalls, PERF, FFI), their Deno Deploy service (V8 isolation, comparable to Cloudflare, a good target for Remix)…… I’m excited about the compatibility with Web APIs and the Node.js compatibility model. As Node.js gradually implements the Web APIs (see below), it may be easier to switch from one to the other through meta-frameworks such as Remix.


  • Node.js: v18 will support native fetch() 🙌! JSON modules unflagged and maybe a new API Response.json()?
  • Node.js debugging and error handling with error Cause: a good introduction to this ES 2022 feature
  • Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled? : my analysis on trailing slashe (done for Docusaurus) seems useful for the community. Zach Leatherman (Eleventy/Netlify) Chicago it in a more appealing way 🤗 This should also help Gatsby 😏
  • V8 V9.9: Internationalization improvements
  • Prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: Sorts class names
  • Updates from the 88th meeting of TC39: not much 😅 Note there’s an enum proposal (stage 0) 🤔
  • Turborepo V1.1: In particular allows you to create dependencies on environment variables
  • The TypeScript converging point”Can we express every JavaScript program using TypeScript types?” Stefan replies “Not yet” and enters the CLI packagecommanderTo explain the limitations
  • NAPI-RS Creator Hired by Vercel This strengthens its position in Rust
  • Vue 3 as the New Default
  • Caching Header Best Practices
  • Writing build scripts using TypeScript
  • How TypeScript Won Over Developers and JavaScript Frameworks
  • Demystifying TypeScript Discriminated Unions
  • openapi-graphql
  • The Return of Server Side Routing
  • State of the Web: Bundlers & Build Tools, Static Site Generators, Serverless Functions, Deno, WebAssembly
  • Publishing and consuming ECMAScript modules via packages
  • A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases
  • Storybook + Figma
  • The Web in 2036: Predictions on a Whim
  • Building a Vaporwave scene with Three.js
  • Speeding up VSCode (extensions) in 2022
  • Getting Started With CSS Cascade Layers
  • 🎥 How does !important actually work?

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