Remember the difference between ImageView background and SRC thoroughly

The sample code

    android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />
Copy the code

The difference between:

(1) Background will stretch the Drawable according to the width and height of the ImageView control; SRC keeps the size of the Image; background is foreground; SRC is foreground. ScaleType only applies to SRC.


Background is a View property, specifically android.r.tyleable #View_background, which takes effect when the View#draw(Canvas Canvas) method is used. In the View#draw(Canvas Canvas) method, the View#drawBackground(Canvas Canvas) method is first called to draw the background. OnDraw, dispatchDraw, onDrawForeground and other methods will be called.


SRC is the attribute of the ImageView, in particular android.r.table_imageView_src, which is used to draw the corresponding mDrawable attribute in the onDraw method, the specific call time is after the background draw.


The difference between SRC and background in Android _android