The Cocos developer salon was held in Guangzhou.

I’ve never been to a developer salon like this before, and I was excited to sign up as soon as I saw the tweet.

First impression

When I arrived at the salon, I saw Jare outside the door, smoking. I double-checked that it was. Happy ~ but did not take the big guy’s photo, unfortunately, here fill a

I went up to the floor where the salon was, but it hadn’t started yet because I was early

Technology to share

Big bang, shares the full picture of CocosCreator3.0 and more powerful features.

And pan Weizhou, who was in charge of the atmosphere group and I shouted 666 all the way

Well worth learning0. The full picture of high-energy online education solutions

  1. Communication pain points and JSB binding implementation

2. Multi-protocol network library architecture3. Cocos game audio and video playback solution 4. Implementation of route management (some inspiration, then share)5. Nb hybrid engine development

Great sharing from the other big guys

I’m not going to list them all

Nice snack

I ate a coconut custard, I don’t know if it was named that, in a glass bottle, thought it was yogurt at first, opened it to drink, but couldn’t pour it down. And went to get a fork.

The final QA

I asked a question that I was concerned about and curious about. Because Pan Weizhou said that he pushed Tencent internal education related project team to build the ABCKit project, and plans to open next year. I am curious: how is this ABCKit built and maintained? (because I also have an open source framework :EasyGameFramework, hoping to learn from it)

  1. Please have dinner (one meal or two meals), actively promote the promotion and use of this project, and build together.
  2. Technically, internal open source, provide framework source code and examples to show.

Thank you very much

I also got a 10th anniversary souvenir from Cocos, a black hoodie that my girlfriend said looked great

All the big shots


I wish Cocos better development and go further

I hope I’ll come to Guangzhou again

See you next time.

The last

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