It’s been a while since iOS 11 and the new App Store came out, and I’m sure you’ve all experienced it. Share a small problem I recently encountered when uploading an APP. As a small talk, not dry goods.

One day, when you’re ready for an APP update, pack it in Xcode and upload it to the APP Store. Everything seems to be familiar with the road, smooth sailing (is also experienced this operation more than 100 times of people ~). So breathe a sigh of relief, drink a cup of tea and wait for the upload to complete. I enjoy this relief every time I release a new version.

After drinking a cup of tea, I turned to look at the screen. The progress bar had finished, but a strange content appeared in front of me:

When I saw it, I had a hunch that something was wrong. I thought this is just a function update, the app icon has not changed any, how can the alarm missing icon? I decided to submit the APP for approval directly in the hope of giving it another try (actually being lazy and also because the number of users of the APP is not very large yet).

After waiting nearly 20 minutes, Apple’s package handler in the background finished. Since similar warnings had appeared before and there was no significant impact after submitting, I decided to try clicking submit for review.

Sure enough, when I clicked the “Submit” button, the same error was reported on the back of the page, which meant I had to deal with the problem before I could proceed.

I began to wonder which of the 1024×1024 ICONS the warning was referring to. Does it mean iTunesArtwork? But I looked at it and found that this file also existed in the project. I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

Icon Asset in Xcode 9 does have a new size:

The resolution below says 1024pt, and the conversion of pt to PX is 1 to 2. Export an icon file with a resolution of 2048×2048, and drag it here, thinking it should be ok this time. So keep packing, upload, and get another cup of tea.

When I came back, I saw the same alarm continue to appear, and suddenly my heart stopped. I have already set the icon, how can I still report an error?

No way, continue to search big method, after turning over N more than pages, there is a content that the icon file can not have a transparent area, I immediately went back to see my icon file, sure enough around the rounded corner is transparent. Fill the transparent area in the image and then check the opacity when PHOTOSHOP exports the file:

This time it will be no problem, with a try of the mood, continue to pack, upload, tea.

After a while back to see again, as expected not so smooth, still report error. I really don’t know what the problem is this time. I used all the information I could find, no more information. Start thinking hard, deducing from the information you’ve just searched, and see if you can find a breakthrough.

This reminds me of the fact that there is no explanation for the resolution of the image in any of the search messages. Transparency, icon position, everything is clearly described, but only this resolution. Remember the resolution in Xcode interface, 1024pt, according to the habit of the past, 1pt=2px, seems to be my mindset. But I also noticed another detail, marked 1x below the position of the picture:

What it needs here is a haplogram, that is, a 1024px image. Is that really the problem? Anyway, decided to try again (there was no other way). Pack, upload, no tea this time. Keep an eye on the progress bar and wait for it to finish.

Until, after a while, I saw this interface and felt relieved:

That’s it. That was the problem. Pack and upload four or five times, and then look at the time, nearly two hours have passed (students who have uploaded the APP should know that it takes a lot of time to package and upload each time, and the debugging cost of repackaging is not small).

Has examined the apple document in the Xcode 9, have this limitation:… .

However, there is no mandatory verification in App Store background before, so it does not affect submission for review. With the release of iOS 11 and Xcode 9, the App Store server is starting to validate the icon.

This article is to share my own experience of stepping on pits. I believe that everyone in their daily work is to improve themselves in this time of stepping on pits. So it’s not a very sophisticated piece of work, perhaps not of much value to the great god. The purpose of sharing it is to make students who have not yet encountered this pit avoid wasting such time again and improve efficiency. Because of the high coverage rate of this problem, students who have recently submitted the App should have encountered it.