How does wechat interview? How did the big guy ask the question? What can I learn from the interview conversation that will help?

At the time of writing this article, I was not accepted by wechat. It was just an interesting experience, but I’d better write it down and share it with you to get a feel for what a great engineer is.

Who am I?

I am a front-end engineer from Tencent. I graduated from the university two years ago. Its main business is React and Node. Like fitness and badminton.

Why interview on wechat?

Around April, 21, I found myself in the bottleneck stage, during this period, I found that nothing was interesting to do, and I had been output without the pleasure of input.

I was in a state of deep anxiety, like a fish bone stuck in my throat.

Then I came up with an idea, hoping to break through my bottleneck by increasing the variables in life, and the result was just as I had hoped.

Prepare for wechat interview

Going into battle almost shirtless — disoriented, unprepared, aimless. After finding a job, I spent an hour scribbling out my resume and handing it in. The most interesting thing is that the leader saw me preparing my resume… Ten thousand heart 🦙 Pentium.

Unhappy ending written test + interview

The written test

There are 4 questions in this passage.

  • Array intersection: Given two arrays, output intersection (simple)
  • Number of triangles (medium)
  • Node reads and writes files: reads 3 files, writes 1 file, up to 5 threads (medium)
  • Split array is a continuous subsequence (medium)

A given: 1 h

The garbage finally wrote questions 1 and 3, and the second question had some ideas, because there was not enough time to end in advance.

The interview

The first question is about the above question

  • Why didn’t they give you an optimal solution in problem one. I’m using filter with find. The optimal solution is space for time, which I explained a little bit later, but I barely made it
  • The idea of the second question
  • Question 3: Why generator? Why use “for await”?
  • Question 4 passed.

Questions about the project

Involves project privacy omitted

Some interview questions

  • Next JS optimizations, there is no way to reduce multiple renderings of createElement on the server side
  • What did you do from writing JSX to rendering the page?
  • React works and optimization suggestions
  • Talk about areas of the project where the technology is reflected

Interview result: death

The Feeling of an interview

Overall feeling:

During the communication with the interviewer, there is a feeling of being oppressed. It feels like sun Wukong in Buddha’s Five elements Mountain, how can not escape. It’s the pure technical feeling of being crushed by the big guy, like water in a pool, gently, bit by bit, and finally out of breath.

Feelings in communication:

Here are a few examples:

  • You said vUE encapsulation is better and cost is lower. If I use React to encapsulate a good framework, will the cost be lower?
  • The reason you say XXX does not lead to the result of using XXX.
  • That’s a fact, so how do you justify what you’re saying without the current facts?
  • I tried to dig deep in my questions, but I didn’t seem to find anything that reflected your skills.

Give me the most feeling: not only logical, but also very good at Chinese (somewhat insulting)

The feeling of thinking logic:

Big guy thinking logic, is the process of deduction. It requires a certain point to solve a specific problem. It goes from A to B, very specific and very clear.

Technical experience:

They didn’t ask very deep questions, like how V8 works, etc., they asked very basic questions. Solve complex problems through basic problems

Problems and improvement plan

Exposed problem

  • When you enter the realm of an energetic person, you are unable to think deeply, and your brain slows down briefly
  • What is technology and what embodies it
  • What is the root cause? What are the consequences?
  • You don’t express your ideas very clearly

Improvement measures

  • Train your speech to say things in one sentence
  • Increase your confidence and talk to different people
  • Think about what technology, reflected technology, how to make the project more perfect

The latter

Although I also thought about whether TO go to wechat after the interview, it may be the infinite yy of the results.

I am also very satisfied with the result. I have found many shortcomings of myself, and I have also seen the real genius.

I hope we can encourage each other. Rui, thanks