What are generics?
Java generics is a parameterized type feature introduced in JDK5
Generics is a new feature introduced in JDK5. Generics provides a compile-time type-safety detection mechanism that allows programmers to detect illegal types at compile time. The nature of generics is parameter types, that is, the data type being operated on is specified as a parameter generic that does not exist in the JVM virtual machine
What are parameterized types?
Pass the type as an argument
Data types can only be reference types (a side effect of generics)
Here’s an example:
The “T” in the List is called the type parameter
The “Person” in the List is called the actual type parameter
“List” becomes a generic type altogether
The whole “List” is called the ParameterizedType
Why generics and the benefits of using generics?
More robust code (no classcastExceptions at runtime as long as there are no warnings at compile time)
List List = new ArrayList(); list.add(“hello”); Integer s = (String) list.get(0); // Causes a ClassCastException to be thrown.
List List = new ArrayList(); list.add(“hello”); Integer s = (String) list.get(0); // The compiler will fail
Code is more concise, no strong rotation
List = new ArrayList(); list.add(“hello”); String s = (String) list.get(0);
List = new ArrayList(); list.add(“hello”); String s = list.get(0); // no cast
Code is more flexible and reusable
Void void sort(@nullable Comparator<? super E> c) { throw new RuntimeException(“Stub!” ); }
How does Java handle generics
The class information obtained through the runtime is exactly the same. The generic type is erased, leaving only the original type, as shown below, leaving only the ArrayList type.
ArrayList strings = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList integers = new ArrayList<>(); System.out.println(strings.getClass() == integers.getClass()); //result true
Generic erasure
Functionality: Ensures that generics do not appear at run time
Where type elimination is applied: The compiler replaces all type parameters in a generic type with their upper (lower) limits, or, if no restrictions are placed on type parameters, with type Object. Therefore, the compiled bytecode contains only regular classes, interfaces, and methods. Type conversions are inserted when necessary to preserve type safety. Bridge methods are generated to preserve polymorphism as generics are extended
When compiling a class that extends a parameterized class, or an interface that implements a parameterized interface, the compiler may therefore create a composite method called a Bridge method. It is part of the type erasure process
A simple example of how Java handles generics
Define a generic interface
public interface Box { void set(T t); T get(); }
Command to obtain the bytecode file
public interface Box { void set(T var1); T get(); }
javap -c
Command to view the generated bytecode, our T becomes type Object.
public abstract interface test3/Box { public abstract set(Ljava/lang/Object;) V public abstract get()Ljava/lang/Object; }
We define a class to implement this interface
public class ConditionalBox implements Box {
private List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>(10); public ConditionalBox() { } @Override public void set(T t) { items.add(t); } @Override public T get() { int index = items.size() - 1; if (index >= 0) { return items.get(index); } else { return null; }}Copy the code
5. Run the javap -c command to view the generated bytecode. You can see that our set and get are still constructors, and T becomes Object.
public class test3/ConditionalBox implements test3/Box { // compiled from: ConditionalBox.java // access flags 0x2 // signature Ljava/util/List<TT; >; // declaration: items extends java.util.List<T> private Ljava/util/List; items // access flags 0x1 public <init>()V L0 LINENUMBER 10 L0 ALOAD 0 INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Object.<init> ()V L1 LINENUMBER 8 L1 ALOAD 0 NEW java/util/ArrayList DUP BIPUSH 10 INVOKESPECIAL java/util/ArrayList.<init> (I)V PUTFIELD test3/ConditionalBox.items : Ljava/util/List; L2 LINENUMBER 11 L2 RETURN L3 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/ConditionalBox; L0 L3 0 // signature Ltest3/ConditionalBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.ConditionalBox<T> MAXSTACK = 4 MAXLOCALS = 1 // access flags 0x1 // signature (TT;) V // declaration: void set(T) public set(Ljava/lang/Object;) V L0 LINENUMBER 15 L0 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/ConditionalBox.items : Ljava/util/List; ALOAD 1 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;) Z (itf) POP L1 LINENUMBER 16 L1 RETURN L2 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/ConditionalBox; L0 L2 0 // signature Ltest3/ConditionalBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.ConditionalBox<T> LOCALVARIABLE t Ljava/lang/Object; L0 L2 1 // signature TT; // declaration: t extends T MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2 // access flags 0x1 // signature ()TT; // declaration: T get() public get()Ljava/lang/Object; L0 LINENUMBER 20 L0 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/ConditionalBox.items : Ljava/util/List; INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.size ()I (itf) ICONST_1 ISUB ISTORE 1 L1 LINENUMBER 21 L1 ILOAD 1 IFLT L2 L3 LINENUMBER 22 L3 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/ConditionalBox.items : Ljava/util/List; ILOAD 1 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; (itf) ARETURN L2 LINENUMBER 24 L2 FRAME APPEND [I] ACONST_NULL ARETURN L4 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/ConditionalBox; L0 L4 0 // signature Ltest3/ConditionalBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.ConditionalBox<T> LOCALVARIABLE index I L1 L4 1 MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2 }Copy the code
IntelligentBox<T extends Comparable> implements the Box interface. The following code
public class IntelligentBox<T extends Comparable> implements Box {
private List<T> items = new ArrayList<T>(10); @Override public void set(T t) { items.add(t); Collections.sort(items); } @Override public T get() { int index = items.size() - 1; if (index >= 0) { return items.get(index); } else { return null; }}Copy the code
Use the Javap -c command to view the bytecode generated by IntelligentBox
public class test3/IntelligentBox implements test3/Box {
// compiled from: IntelligentBox.java
// access flags 0x2 // signature Ljava/util/List<TT; >; // declaration: items extends java.util.List private Ljava/util/List; items
// access flags 0x1 public ()V L0 LINENUMBER 7 L0 ALOAD 0 INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Object. ()V L1 LINENUMBER 9 L1 ALOAD 0 NEW java/util/ArrayList DUP BIPUSH 10 INVOKESPECIAL java/util/ArrayList. (I)V PUTFIELD test3/IntelligentBox.items : Ljava/util/List; RETURN L2 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/IntelligentBox; L0 L2 0 // signature Ltest3/IntelligentBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.IntelligentBox MAXSTACK = 4 MAXLOCALS = 1
// access flags 0x1 // signature (TT;) V // declaration: void set(T) public set(Ljava/lang/Comparable;) V L0 LINENUMBER 13 L0 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/IntelligentBox.items : Ljava/util/List; ALOAD 1 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.add (Ljava/lang/Object;) Z (itf) POP L1 LINENUMBER 14 L1 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/IntelligentBox.items : Ljava/util/List; INVOKESTATIC java/util/Collections.sort (Ljava/util/List;) V L2 LINENUMBER 15 L2 RETURN L3 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/IntelligentBox; L0 L3 0 // signature Ltest3/IntelligentBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.IntelligentBox LOCALVARIABLE t Ljava/lang/Comparable; L0 L3 1 // signature TT; // declaration: t extends T MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2
// access flags 0x1 // signature ()TT; // declaration: T get() public get()Ljava/lang/Comparable; L0 LINENUMBER 19 L0 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/IntelligentBox.items : Ljava/util/List; INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.size ()I (itf) ICONST_1 ISUB ISTORE 1 L1 LINENUMBER 20 L1 ILOAD 1 IFLT L2 L3 LINENUMBER 21 L3 ALOAD 0 GETFIELD test3/IntelligentBox.items : Ljava/util/List; ILOAD 1 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; (itf) CHECKCAST java/lang/Comparable ARETURN L2 LINENUMBER 23 L2 FRAME APPEND [I] ACONST_NULL ARETURN L4 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/IntelligentBox; L0 L4 0 // signature Ltest3/IntelligentBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.IntelligentBox LOCALVARIABLE index I L1 L4 1 MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2
// access flags 0x1041 public synthetic bridge get()Ljava/lang/Object; L0 LINENUMBER 7 L0 ALOAD 0 INVOKEVIRTUAL test3/IntelligentBox.get ()Ljava/lang/Comparable; ARETURN L1 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/IntelligentBox; L0 L1 0 // signature Ltest3/IntelligentBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.IntelligentBox MAXSTACK = 1 MAXLOCALS = 1
// access flags 0x1041 public synthetic bridge set(Ljava/lang/Object;) V L0 LINENUMBER 7 L0 ALOAD 0 ALOAD 1 CHECKCAST java/lang/Comparable INVOKEVIRTUAL test3/IntelligentBox.set (Ljava/lang/Comparable;) V RETURN L1 LOCALVARIABLE this Ltest3/IntelligentBox; L0 L1 0 // signature Ltest3/IntelligentBox<TT; >; // declaration: this extends test3.IntelligentBox MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2 }
As you can see, there are two places to cast, the GET and set methods.
INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; (itf) CHECKCAST java/lang/Comparable
CHECKCAST java/lang/Comparable INVOKEVIRTUAL test3/IntelligentBox.set (Ljava/lang/Comparable;) V
You can see that there are two bridge methods
public synthetic bridge set(Ljava/lang/Object;) V public synthetic bridge get()Ljava/lang/Object;
The process of representing IntelligentBox in pseudocode
public class test3/IntelligentBox implements test3/Box { public void set(Comparable t) { /* compiled code */ }
public Comparable get() { /* compiled code */ } @Overide public synthetic bridge get(){ } @Overide public synthetic bridge set(Object t){ set((Comparable)t) } Copy the code
Remnants of generic erasure
Take a look at Box’s bytecode file, box.class, and view the generated bytecode
public interface Box<T> {
void set(T var1);
T get();
Copy the code
Question: Does the type become Object after erasure? Why is the bytecode file still of type T? In fact, what you see here is actually a signature, but still retain the defined format, which is good for analyzing bytecode. It’s not really erased, it’s stored in the class’s constant pool.
/ * *
- ParameterizedType
- Specific generic types, such as Map
,> - There are the following methods:
- Type getRawType(): returns the object carrying the generic information, such as Map
the object carrying the generic information is Map
- Type[] getActualTypeArguments(): Returns a list of actual generic types, such as Map
,> - Type getOwnerType(): returns whose member it is.
*/ public class TestType { Map<String, String> map; Public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {Field f = TestType.class.getDeclaredField(“map”); System.out.println(f.getGenericType()); // java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String> System.out.println(f.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType); // true ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType(); System.out.println(pType.getRawType()); // interface java.util.Map for (Type type : pType.getActualTypeArguments()) { System.out.println(type); Class java.lang.string} system.out.println (ptype.getownerType ()); // null } }
In response to the problem of how to get parameterized types from generic classes, the Java Virtual Machine specification introduces new attributes such as Signature and LocalVariableTypeTable to record generic information. Therefore, the so-called generic type erasure is only the bytecode erasure in the code attribute of the method. This information is stored in the class bytecode constant pool. Code calls that use generics generate a signature field. Signature specifies the address of the constant in the constant pool. So we also know that we now know that generic erasure is not all erasure
QUESTION: How does Java generics work? What is the generic erase mechanism?
ANSWER:Java generics is a new feature introduced in JDK5. For backward compatibility, virtual machines actually do not support generics, so Java implements a pseudo-generics mechanism, which means that Java erases all generics information at compile time, so that Java does not need to generate new types to bytecode. All generic types are ultimately primitive types, and there is no generic information at all in the Java runtime.
QUESTION: How exactly does the Java compiler erase generics
Check the generic type to get the target type
If the type variable of a generic type is not qualified (), Object is used as the primitive type. If there are more than one qualification (T extends XClass1&XClass2), the first bound XClass1 is used as the primitive class
Type conversions are inserted when necessary to preserve type safety
Bridge methods are generated to maintain polymorphism while scaling
Effects of using generics and generic erasure (side effects)
Generic type variables cannot use primitive data types
For example, there is no ArrayList, only ArrayList. When the type is erased, the type variable (T) in the original class of ArrayList is replaced with Object, but Object cannot hold an int value
Int ArrayList<int> ints = new ArrayList<int>(); ArrayList<Integer> integerArrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();Copy the code
The instanceof operator cannot be used
Because after erasing, the ArrayList is left with the original type, and the generic String information is gone, instanceof can’t be used
ArrayList<String> stringArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); / / use ArrayList <? > if (stringArrayList instanceof ArrayList<? If (ArrayList instanceof ArrayList<String>){} if (ArrayList instanceof ArrayList<String>){}Copy the code
Problems with generics in static methods and classes
Since the instantiation of a generic parameter in a generic class is specified when an object of a generic type (such as an ArrayList) is defined, and a static member is not called using an object. None of the objects are created. How do I determine what the generic parameter is
Public static T a; public static T a; Public static T test1(T T) {} public static <T> T test2(T T) {return T; }Copy the code
Method conflicts in generic types
Because the two equals methods are the same after erasing
@override public Boolean equals(T obj) {return super.equals(obj); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return super.equals(obj); }Copy the code
Unable to create generic instance
Because the type is uncertain
Class Test02 {// Cannot create an instance of a type parameter. Public static <E> void append(List<E> List) {// elem = new E(); // compile-time error // list.add(elem); } public static <E> void append(List<E> List, Class<E> cls) throws Exception { E elem = cls.newInstance(); // OK list.add(elem); }}Copy the code
There are no generic arrays
Because arrays are covariant, erasing doesn’t satisfy the covariant principle of arrays
// Plate<Apple>[] applePlates = new Plate<Apple>[10]; // not allowed // T[] arr = new T[10]; // Not allowed Apple[] apples = new Apple[10]; Fruit[] fruits = new Fruit[10]; System.out.println(apples.getClass()); //class [Lcom.zero.genericsdemo02.demo02.Apple; System.out.println(fruits.getClass()); //class [Lcom. Zero. Genericsdemo02. Demo02. Fruit; fruits = apples; / / what kind of fruits was put inside? Fruit or Apple / / Apple fruits [] [0] = new Fruit[] is the parent of Apple, Fruit[] is the parent of Apple[], which is the covariant of the array. [] plates = new Plate<?>[10];// This is okCopy the code
Generics, inheritance, and subtypes
Given two concrete types A and B(Fruit and Apple, for example), MyClass has nothing to do with MyClass, whether A and B are related or not. Their common parent Object is Object
The generic PECS principle
If you only need to get type T from the collection, use <? Extends T> wildcard
If you only need to put type T into the collection, use <? Super T> wildcard
If you want to both get and place elements, do not use any wildcards. Such as the List
PECS is Producer extends Consumer super for easy memorization.
Why PECS principles? Improved API flexibility
- You can neither deposit nor take it out
When using partially qualified parameters in generic programming, <? Super T > and <? The use of extends T> is confusing, and PECS principles can help us remember them well: providers use extends and consumers use super. In plain English, Provider refers to a container that provides objects of type T or subtypes of T from its own container for others to use. Consumer means that the container puts objects of type T or subtypes of T in its own container that it gets from elsewhere.
Kotlin generics
Use the keyword out to support covariant, equivalent to the upper bound wildcard in Java? Extends.
Use the keyword in to support inversion, equivalent to the lower bound wildcard in Java? Super.
var textViews: List var textViews: List
Out and in at the declaration
Kotlin offers an alternative: you can declare a class by adding the out keyword to the generic symbol to indicate that the generic parameter T will only be used for output.
class Producer<out T> { fun produce(): T { ... }} val producer: producer <TextView> = producer <Button>()
Producer<out TextView> = Producer<Button>() //
out can but not necessaryCopy the code
The where keyword
When you declare a class or interface in Java, you can use extends to set boundaries, limiting generic type parameters to a subset of a type. This boundary can be multiple, concatenated with ampersand:
Class A<T extends B & C>{} class A<T extends B & C>{}Copy the code
In the Kotlin
Class A<T> where T: B, T: CCopy the code
Reified keyword
Inline fun <reified T> printIfTypeMatch(item: Any) {if (item is T) {//
Copy the code
Where Kotlin generics differ from Java generics
- Arrays in Java support covariance, whereas arrays in Kotlin do not.
This is because arrays in Kotlin are represented by the Array class, which uses generics just like collections, and therefore does not support covariance.
- The List interface in Java does not support covariance, whereas the List interface in Kotlin does.
Lists in Java do not support covariance, for reasons already described above, and need to be addressed using generic wildcards.
In Kotlin, the MutableList interface is actually the Java equivalent of a List. The List interface in Kotlin implements read-only operations and no writes, so there are no type-safety issues and covariance is naturally supported.
The interview often ask
- Can generics be used in Array?
A: can’t
- Generic type reference passing problem
Q: Can you pass a List to a method that takes a List argument?
ArrayList arrayList1=new ArrayList(); ArrayList arrayList1=new ArrayList();
A: No. It doesn’t matter
- In Java List <? What’s the difference between > and List? A:
List: No type restrictions or assignment restrictions at all.
List: Appears to be used in the same way as List, but a compilation error occurs when accepting other generic assignments.
List: a generic set that accepts assignments of any type before assignment, but cannot add elements to it after assignment, but can remove and clear, and is not an immutable set. A List typically receives an external collection as an argument, or returns a collection of specific element types, also known as a wildcard collection.
- What are qualified and unqualified wildcards in generics?
The qualified wildcard <? extends T> <? super T>
The unqualified wildcard <? >
5. Generic type variables cannot be primitive data types
//error ArrayList<double> arr1 = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> arr2 = new ArrayList<>(); Copy the code
Run time type query
ArrayList arrayList=new ArrayList(); If (arrayList instanceof arrayList) // Erase if(arrayList instanceof arrayList <? >)
Java generics themselves do not support covariant and contravariant types
Can you use generic wildcards? Extends makes generics covariant, but “reads, not modifies”, where modification only means adding elements to a generic collection, such as remove(int index) and clear.
Can you use generic wildcards? Super makes generic types contravariant, but “can only be modified but cannot be read”. By “cannot read”, we mean that we cannot read from the generic type.
- Arrays in Java are covariant