Zoom, a video-conferencing software provider, competes with Cisco, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Facebook. It is not easy to stand out among so many giants these years. And its founder, Eric Yuan, who went from a Chinese college graduate unable to speak a full word of English to a billionaire worth $3.3 billion, has a legendary entrepreneurial story.

Yuan Zheng, born in shandong, because childhood like to read a book, in the early 1990 s, with the rise of the global Internet science and technology, he seemed to notice so he came out of the idea of selling books on the Internet, but suffer from the domestic online circulation is the post office by t/t, there is no convenient way to a third party to receive money, so in shandong university after graduation, He decided to go to the United States to find internet-related work, but his decision changed his life.

It was not easy to get to the United States at that time. He had been rejected eight times and seemed to be struggling to find a job. “When I first came to the United States, I didn’t even speak English, but I knew I could write code,” Yuan said, recalling the past. Then he was hired by WebEx, a small software services company, as an ordinary programmer. Hard work and focus led him to the company’s divisional vice president of engineering, where he worked for more than a decade.

The company grew from 10 engineers to more than 800, was taken by Cisco (CSCO) for $3.2 billion, and was at the peak of his career when he left to start all over again.

And the reason yuan zheng will leave is that he found that he spent more than ten years to build a product, many users began to appear dissatisfied. So he didn’t realize, in the most began to develop only focus on you want to do, and no real to understand customer’s idea, and until the shape of the products really to understand customers, there will be a new demand, and this will need to use the new scheme to solve, but he doesn’t have much in the matter of display space, so choose to leave.

After leaving his previous company, Yuan founded Zoom, which offers software and services such as remote videoconferencing and office services, largely inspired by a painful long-distance relationship. He got the idea for a video-calling device when he was in college and had a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend (who would become his wife), a 10-hour train ride apart, and the difficulty of meeting each other.

According to foreign institutions, the compound annual growth rate of global video conferencing is expected to reach 8.3% in the past five years, and the market size is expected to reach 55 billion DOLLARS (about 370 billion yuan) this year. With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasingly obvious trend of digitalization in all walks of life, collaboration and communication within and outside enterprises have become a rigid demand, contributing to the steady growth of the video conference market.

At that time, the competition in the video market was very fierce, and Yuan Zheng did a survey to understand the user’s idea before thinking about his direction. He thinks it’s important to find out what the nature of the problem is before making a decision. Through the study of competitors, Yuan Zheng found that most of the teleconference products on the market are not easy to use. In the future, large enterprises will have more and more meeting rooms, so they will need more and more video tools. To create the perfect product, he and his team spent two years polishing it.

Later, the company continued to improve its product service capability through technical means, and served more and more enterprises, including many fortune 500 enterprises, and became a unicorn enterprise in just a few years. Notably, Mr Yuan’s venture was later backed by Jerry Yang, founder of Yahoo, and Li Ka-shing, China’s richest man.

At present, Yuan Zheng’s r&d team still focuses on new product research and development, and more than 200 new product features are launched every year to continuously improve user experience. Its video communications product was named “customer favorite meeting solution” last year. And his enterprise has become one of the most eye-catching enterprises in the world in the past two years.

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