How to use regular expressions elegantly in Javascript
Write an article summarizing how to use regular expressions in JS.
The RegExp type
You can create a regular expression in JS with let expression = / pattern/flags. This expression is supported by the RegExp reference type.
Where the Parttern can be any simple or complex regular expression. Each regular expression can have one or more flags that indicate the behavior of the expression.
: represents the global pattern, that is, the pattern will be applied to all strings, instead of stopping immediately after the first match is found.i
: indicates case insensitivem
: indicates the multi-line mode
Like other languages, all the metacharacters used in the model have to escape, yuan characters in regular expressions include: (1) {[\ ^ $|]? * +.})
You can also use the constructor of RegExp to declare regular expressions
let pattern1 = /[bc]at/i // Match the first bat or cat case insensitive
let pattern2 = /\[bc\]at/i // Match the first [BC]at case insensitive
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Is equivalent to
let pattern1 = new RegExp('[bc]at'.'i') // Match the first bat or cat case insensitive
let pattern2 = new RegExp('\\[bc\\]at'.'i') // Match the first [BC]at case insensitive
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Since RegExp takes a string as an argument, all metacharacters need to be double-escaped
Instance method of RegExp
The main method of the RegExp object is exec()
The exec() method takes an argument (string) and returns an array containing information about the first match, or null if there is no match. The returned array instance contains additional index and input attributes. Index indicates the position of the match in the string, and input indicates the string to which the regular expression is applied.
Take a chestnut
The grouping grammar in chestnut can be viewed in the grouping section.
let text = 'mom and dad and baby'
let pattern = /mom( and dad (and baby)?) ? /gi
const list = pattern.exec(text)
console.log(list.index) / / 0
console.log(list.input) // 'mom and dad and baby'
console.log(list[0]) // 'mom and dad and baby'
console.log(list[1]) // ' and dad and baby'
console.log(list[2]) // 'and baby'
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The second method on the RegExp object is test()
The test() method takes a string argument and returns true if the re matches the argument and false if it does not
code | instructions |
. | Matches any character except newline |
\w | Matches alphanumeric or trailing lines or Chinese characters |
\s | Matches any whitespace character |
\d | Match the Numbers |
\b | Matches the beginning or end of the word |
^ | Matches the beginning of the string |
$ | Matches the end of the string |
/\ba\w*b/.test(/** matches words that begin with the letter a */)
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code | instructions |
* | Repeat zero or more times |
+ | Repeat once or more |
? | Repeat zero times or once |
{n} | Repeated n times |
{n,} | Repeat n times or more |
{n, m} | Repeat n to m times |
[aeiou] matches any English vowel, [.?!] Matches punctuation (. Or? Or!) , [0-9] is equivalent to /d matching one digit, [a-z0-9a-z] is equivalent to /w.
Branch conditions
/ 0 \ d {2} – \ d {8} | 0 \ d {3} – \ d {7} / this expression to match the phone number of the two separated with: one is the three codes, eight local number (such as: 010-12345678), one kind is four area code, seven local number (such as 0376-2233445)
/\(0\d{2}\)[-]? \d{8}|0\d{2}[-]? \d{8}/ This expression matches a phone number with a 3-digit area code, which can be enclosed in parentheses or not, separated from the local number by hyphens, Spaces, or no space
We can specify subexpression (also called grouping) with parentheses so that we can specify the number of repetitions of multiple characters (subexpression)
(\ d {1, 3} \.) {3}\d{1,3} is a simple IP address token expression
code | instructions |
\W | Matches any character that is not a letter, number, hyphen, or Chinese character |
\S | Matches any character that is not a whitespace character |
\D | Matches any non-numeric character |
\B | A match is not the beginning or end of a word |
[^x] | Matches any character other than x |
[^aeiou] | Any character except the letters aeiou |
String (string
You can use the re method in
The String type defines several methods for matching a re in a String, the first being match()
The match() method has the same result as exec(). This method takes only one argument (a regular expression).
const text = 'cat, bat, sat, fat, hat'
const pattern = /.at/
const matches = text.match(pattern)
console.log(matches.index) / / 0
console.log(matches[0]) // cat
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const text = 'cat, bat, sat, fat, hat'
const pattern = /.at/g
const matches = text.match(pattern)
console.log(matches) // ['cat', 'bat', 'sat', 'fat', 'hat']
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The second method is the replace method, which takes two arguments. The first argument is a re or a string, and the second argument can be a string or a function. If the first argument is a string, only the first self-string is replaced. If you want to replace all matched self-strings you need to provide a regular expression and specify a global (g) flag.
const text = 'cat, bat, sat, fat'
const result = text.replace('at'.'ond')
console.log(result) // cond, bat, sat, fat
const text = 'cat, bat, sat, fat'
const result = text.replace(/at/g.'ond')
console.log(result) // cond, bond, sond, fond
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The second argument to the replace() method can also be a function that, if there is only one match, passes three arguments to the function, the match, the position of the match in the string, and the original string. If there are multiple matches, the argument list is, first match, second match,….. , the last two items are still the matching item’s position in the string and the original string. The return value of this function should be a string representing the match being replaced.
A selection of interview questions
How do I implement trim() with re?
const trim = (str) = > str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g."")
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Implement a simple function conversion function with re
// Convert normal function declarations into es6 syntax anonymous function declarations
// Do not consider closures, special symbols, function context, and other marginal cases
// Input parameter format reference 1:
const inputFuncStr = "function a () { console.log('transfer') }";
// Output parameter format reference 1:
const outputFuncStr = "const a = () => { console.log('transfer') }";
// case1
const inputFuncStrCase1 = "function() {}"
// expect1
const outputFuncStrExpect1 = "() = > {}";
// case2
const inputFuncStrCase2 = "const a = function() {}"
// expect2
const outputFuncStrExpect2 = "const a = () => {}";
// case3
const inputFuncStrCase3 = "function test_1() {}"
// expect3
const outputFuncStrExpect3 = "const test_1 = () => {}";
export function transfer(normalText) {
let reg = /(function)([\w ]*)(\([\w ,]*\))/
return normalText
.replace(reg, (match, s1, s2, s3) => {
if (s2) {
return `const${s2}= ${s3}= > `
} else {
return `${s3}= > `}})}Copy the code