Story outline
Redux is a data management library with several important apis
Gets the state of the datadispatch
Send events to change the statesubscribe
Subscribe to respond to view changes when state changes
Everything that changes state according to the rules is a pure function
Let’s write the Redux code by hand
Redux creates a store primarily through createStore
function createStore(){
let currentState;
let currentListeners = [];
function getState(){
return currentState
function dispatch(action){
currentState = reducer(currentState,action)
currentListeners.forEach( listener => listener())
function subscribe(listener){
dispatch({ type: "initial" })
return {
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Finally return a few methods
Middleware is used in REdux
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You can see that applyMiddleware handles redux middleware so let’s write this function
function applyMiddleware(... middlewares){ return function(createStore){ return function(reducer){ const store = createStore(reducer) let dispatch = store.dispatch; let midApi = { getState: store.getState, dispatch: (action,... args) => dispatch(action,... args) } let middlewareChain = middleware => middleware(midApi) ) dispatch = compose(... MiddlewareChain)(store.dispatch)// Must be executed // The final enhanced dispatch looks like this return {... Store, dispatch}}}} // One of the basic operations of functional programming: function compose(... funcs) { if (funcs.length === 0) { return args => args; } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0]; } return funcs.reduce((a, b) => (... args) => a(b(... args))); } logger(thunk(dispath))Copy the code
Enhanced Dispatch
Executed at dispatch time in the page
How to write middleware
Function thunk({getState,dispatch}){return next => action => {console.log("******* execute thunk method **********") if(typeof action === 'function'){ return action(dispatch,getState) } return next(action) } }Copy the code
Function logger ({getState} {return next = > action = > {the console. The log (" * * * * * * * to perform logger methods * * * * * * * * * * ") console.log("prevState",getState()) let resultReturn = next(action) console.log("prevState",getState()) return resultReturn } }Copy the code
You can see that logger(Chunk (dispatch)) executes its own method first and next() is the method below
Action = > {the console. The log (" * * * * * * * to perform thunk method * * * * * * * * * * ") if (typeof action = = = 'function') {return action (dispatch, getState) } return next(action) }Copy the code
Then continue to execute thunk middleware and finally complete all middleware execution