Background: in the external interface, in order to limit the interface access frequency of each user, or paid interface (how much money how many times to call the number of times, etc.), as the most helpless and painful code porters, we need to take out the “code”, not to say much, do

  • Why Lua?

Because Redis performs Lua steps atomically, we can write our judgment logic in the steps

  • Let’s start with Lua
// Read key from redis as KEYS[1The value of the]local val ="GET", KEYS[1]) // If not, set the key and value expiration timeif not val 
then'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
    return true// If the value is less than the threshold, the count is increased by oneelseif val < ARGV[3]
then'INCR', KEYS[1])
    return true// The threshold is exceededfalse
    return false
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KEYS: represents the array of KEYS passed in, with subscripts starting at 1

ARGV: indicates the argument passed in

  • In the code
  1. xml

Configure redis dependencies

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  1. conf

Configuration redisTemplate

class RedisConf {
    fun redisTemplate(redisConnectionFactory: LettuceConnectionFactory): RedisTemplate<String, Serializable> {
        val template = RedisTemplate<String, Serializable>();
        template.keySerializer = StringRedisSerializer();
        template.valueSerializer = GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer();
        returntemplate; }}Copy the code
  1. redis+lua

Call the Lua script

class TestController {
    private lateinit var redisTemplate: RedisTemplate<String, Serializable>

    fun test(@PathVariable userId: String): Boolean {
        val luaScript = buildScript()

        val redisScript: RedisScript<Boolean> = DefaultRedisScript(luaScript, Boolean:
        return redisTemplate.execute(redisScript, listOf("test:uri:$userId"), 1.60.5)}private fun buildScript(a): String {
        return """ local key = KEYS[1] local val ="GET", key); if not val then'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2]) return true elseif val < ARGV[3] then'INCR', KEYS[1]) return true else return false end """.trimIndent()
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