Redis series of directories

Redis series – distributed lock

Redis series – Cache penetration, cache breakdown, cache avalanche

Why Is Redis so fast?

Redis series — Data Persistence (RDB and AOF)

Redis series – consistent hash algorithm

Redis series – High Availability (Master slave, Sentinel, Cluster)

Redis series – Things and Optimism lock

Redis series — Geospatial: Do you have Lao Wang next door?

Bitmaps: Did you check in today?

What is a Bloom filter?!

The head of a slightly but person, or the name of a suction eye, or a funny character signature, then open the WeChat “near” function, just a little while, will have several, a dozen strangers say hello, these people say “hello” inside, to remove some marketing promotion, exchange of interests, the rest are mostly “booty call”, “talk about” etc, among them, Some develop into a variety of twisted emotional disputes such as cheating, extramarital affairs, one-night stands and emotional cheating.

Today, we’re not going to talk about why product managers on social apps are “nearby people.” We’re going to talk about how to implement “Nearby people.”

Latitude and longitude

Before we get started, let’s review what latitude and longitude were all those years ago. Are reading the article you to answer, don’t look at, say is you!

Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I haven’t completely forgotten it. Good. Let me add:

Spread out a map of the world, dividing the earth into north and south along the equator and east and west along the prime meridian. The equator and prime meridians are 0 degrees;

Starting with 0 degrees of equator,90 degrees are separated up and down, the South Pole and the North Pole are respectively 90 degrees south and 90 degrees north, the span from the South Pole to the North Pole is (-90,90), of which the equator to the South Pole is called south latitude, the equator to the North Pole is called north latitude;

Starting from 0 degrees of prime meridian, the left and right branches out 180 degrees respectively, the span is (-180,180), which is called the left meridian of the prime meridian, the right meridian is called the East meridian.

To work out the correct geohash, latitude and longitude must be within these two ranges, and note that the earth is round and the two numbers are measured not in distance but in angles.

How to implement

When it comes to positioning, the first reaction of many people should be to report the longitude and latitude in real time, store all the longitude and latitude in the database in advance, and then compare the reported longitude and latitude with the longitude and latitude in the database to calculate nearby people or shared bikes. This approach requires cyclic traversal, large amount of data in the database, slow query, low efficiency.

So, how do these apps achieve both accurate location and real-time query? The answer is to use geohash. Redis geospatial calculates the Geohash. Redis uses the Geohash technology to convert the accuracy and latitude reported in real time into a string with a maximum of 12 characters through a certain algorithm. The more identical the prefix of the string calculated for the longitude and latitude of two positions, the closer the two positions are. This allows you to fuzzily query the database data using the database’s like plus the first few bits of the GeoHash. For ofo shared bikes, a table t_bike is used in the database to store the number no, longitude longitude, latitude latitude and geohash of each ofo vehicle. When each ofo vehicle reports its longitude and latitude, a geohash is calculated and stored in the table. When the user wants to use the car, report the latitude and longitude of the real-time location of the user and calculate a hash value, such as hash=efgrtv98fjng, then you can use:

select * from t_bike where geohash like 'efgrtv98%'
Copy the code

We can find out how many cars are nearby. The more hash digits used after “like”, the more accurate the search scope.

The real-time location function must be enabled before query.

Geohash technology

The geoHash technology converts latitude and longitude into a string of up to 12 characters, and the closer the two positions are, the more consistent the prefix. How does this work?

For example, the longitude and latitude of the Oriental Pearl, 121.506377 east and 31.245105 north.

The following takes the Oriental Pearl Tower as an example to briefly explain how to calculate the two longitude and latitude into a hash string.

The calculation of geohash

1. Use dichotomy to generate binary

Divide latitude (-90,90) into two intervals, (-90,0) and (0,90). If the target latitude falls in the left interval, it is marked as 0, otherwise, it is marked as 1; Then divide the interval where the target latitude is into two equal intervals by dichotomy. If the target latitude falls on the left interval, it is marked as 0, otherwise, it is marked as 1, and so on.

Similarly, the longitude (-180,180) is computed in this way.

Finally, the longitude and latitude calculations give a binary of zeros and ones, respectively.

Suppose, after calculating the longitude and latitude of the Oriental Pearl, two binary bits are obtained:

Longitude, latitude 110101100101001110111100011010:101011000101010000110101100101Copy the code

2. Merge binary

Combine the above two bits into one binary, counting from zero, according to the principle of “even bits for longitude and odd bits for latitude”.

You can think of it as moving the latitude back one place, and then pressing two lines into one.

Results: 111001100111100000110011000110101000111110110001011010011001Copy the code

3. Convert binary to decimal

Divide the above 60 bits of binary from left to right, every 5 bits into 1 group. If the last group is less than 5 bits, fill up with 0 to 5 bits. As shown after grouping:

Grouping results: 11100 11001 11100 00011 00110 00110 10100 01111 10110 00101 10100 11001Copy the code

Convert each of the above binary groups to decimal:

Decimal result: 28 25 28 3 6 6 20 15 22 5 20 25Copy the code

4. Decimal to base32 Character string

Using the Base32 encoding table, replace each decimal number with a character in the encoding table to obtain a string.

Base32 encoding table is as follows:

Converted string:

Base32 The value is 4Z4CGGUPWFUZCopy the code

This is the value of the geoHash produced to simulate the longitude and latitude of the Oriental Pearl (not the real value).

The precision of the geohash

The geohash string represents a rectangular block on a map.

The string of hash is 1 to 12 bits long, corresponding to a precision level of 1 to 12. The longer the string, the more precise the position.

The above simulated Oriental Pearl hash has a 12-bit string with an accuracy of less than 37mm. As you can see above, the accuracy of the 6-bit hash is within 1.2km. So when the first six bits of the two hashes are the same, the range can be narrowed down to within 1.2km. In practical applications, we can control the scope of the search by adjusting the accuracy level.

Boundary issues for geohash

A point within the same block of a geohash is considered to be the closest. Here, if you search for the nearest convenience store in the center of the pearl circle, you’ll find point A, but not point B, even though point B is the closest. This is the boundary problem with geohash. So how do we solve this?

In fact, it is to compute the hash of the upper, lower, left, and right blocks of the block and the eight blocks of the four diagonal blocks, respectively calculate the distance between these convenience stores and itself, and find the nearest one. Because this is a very small amount of data, it is also very fast to calculate the eight surrounding blocks.

Redis support for location

You can do this programmatically, or you can use Redis directly to compute the GeoHash.

Geospatial in Redis is essentially stored using sorted set. The geoHash technology is also used. The longitude binary and latitude binary, through the principle of “even digits in longitude and odd digits in latitude” introduced above, form a unique 52-bit binary. When the sorted set stores each member, it gives each member a sorted score. The score is a double-precision 64-bit floating-point number string that can contain integers ranging from -(2^53) to +(2^53). So using a sorted set to store 52-bit binaries does not lose precision. Meanwhile, when the data in this format is queried by radius, it can query the middle block and the surrounding 8 blocks, and discard the elements of unexpected radius, which can solve the boundary problem of geohash.

In practice, you can import a longitude and latitude table of each region into redis memory by redis command in advance. Then you can calculate the geohash of each region by redis command, search for the regions in redis within a specified range, and calculate the distance between two longitude and latitude.

Redis > GEOADD China: City 121.47 31.23 Shanghai# Add latitude and longitude for Shanghai
(integer) 1 Redis > GEOADD China: City 116.40 39.90 BeijingAdd latitude and longitude to Beijing
(integer) 1
redis> GEODIST china:city shanghai beijing km  # Calculate the straight-line distance between Shanghai and Beijing
redis> GEORADIUS china:city 116 39 1500 km  # Find the locations within 1500km from the location of longitude and latitude 116,39, because there are only two cities in Redis, so only two can be displayed
1) "beijing"
2) "shanghai"
redis> GEOHASH china:city beijing # Get Beijing geoHash
1) "wx4fbxxfke0"
Copy the code

The resources

There are 6 commands related to geospatial in Redis. For details, please refer to the official website. Redis website

That’s all for this issue.

Done, done!!

[Spreading knowledge and sharing value], thank you for your attention and support, I am [Zhuge Little Ape], a struggling Internet migrant worker.