Concept introduction

Basic understanding of

  1. Redis publish subscribe is a message communication mode
  2. Redis has three roles in publishing subscriptions: publisher, subscriber, and channel

Realize the principle of

Take an easy to understand example: wechat public account

Now there are three characters

  • A represents the creator (publisher) of A wechat public account (assume VC).
  • B1,B2,B3…. Represents people who subscribe to VC (subscribers)
  • S stands for channel, namely wechat public account itself.

So the relationship between them is shown here

Simple publish subscribe via Redis

The commands used to publish subscriptions

Specific operation

To implement Redis publishing and subscription, two Redis- CLI clients need to be enabled

  1. Subscriber: subscribe to a wechat public number VC > subscribe VC# Subscribe to a wechat official account VC
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "VC"(3)integer1)Copy the code
  1. Publisher: Publishes messages > publish VC"this is a good artical"  Send the first message
(integer) 1> publish VC "do you like to read it more than once"  # Send the second message
(integer6379 > 1 :Copy the code

When you look at the subscriber, you will find that you have received the message published by the publisher