Spirit boy online carry the pot
Redis Records of online primary/secondary switchover
The instance host where the Redis master resides needs to be offline for maintenance. How to perform primary/secondary switchover has the least impact on online services. The current architecture is shown below
Technical solution
Plan 1
The introduction of redis sentinel.
- The deployment of redis sentinel
- Modify service configurations and modify service codes.
- kill master.
- check
- Create a new master-slave logic
- Kill the master database. Sentinel automatically promotes slave -> master.
- Need to deploy Redis Sentinel, new middleware.
- You need to change the business code.
Scheme 2
Switch directly
- Make writable from the library,
redis-cli -h redis-slave -p 6379 CONFIG set slave-read-only no
- Modify the service configuration to point the redis address to the writable slave instance and restart the service application
- Ensure that the primary/secondary synchronization is complete and stop the synchronization.
redis-cli -h redis-slave -p 6379 slaveof no one
- Create a new master-slave logic.
- In line with the intuition
- No code changes
- If any problem occurs during the switchover, the configuration and service project publication must be rolled back in time. It takes a long time and may cause data loss.
Plan 3
Introduce 4 layer proxy, haProxy
- Deploy haProxy as the proxy for the current master.
- Modify the service configuration, and the redis address points to the HaProxy address to restart the service application.
- Make the slave library writable
- Modify the haProxy configuration to point to the writable slave library, and reload the configuration.
- Ensure that the primary/secondary synchronization is complete and stop the synchronization.
- Create a new master-slave logic.
- Haproxy is introduced in the middle layer, because haProxy supports dynamic reload configuration, and ensures that the connection before gracefully closes, and the business side can not perceive the primary/secondary switch of REDis.
- The primary/secondary switchover time is short
- New middleware has been introduced
Determine the solution
To be on the safe side, use plan 3.
The implementation of
The post-HaProxy architecture was introduced
Perform a primary/secondary switchover
export redis-slave=REDIS_SLAVE_IP
export redis-master=REDIS_MASTER_IP
Write from library
redis-cli -h redis-slave -p 6379 CONFIG set slave-read-only no
Change the haProxy configuration
sed -i 's/redis-master/redis-slave/g' haproxy.cfg
# reload haproxy
haproxy -f haproxy.cfg -p /tmp/haproxy.pid -sf `cat /tmp/haproxy.pid`
Make sure the master/slave synchronization is over
redis-cli -h redis-slave -p 6379 info | grep master_sync_in_progress
The value of # must be 0
# Stop master/slave synchronization
redis-cli -h redis-slave -p 6379 slaveof no one
# Create a new master and slave
redis-cli -h redis-master -p 6379 slaveof redis-slave 6379
Confirm that the new master/slave synchronization is over
redis-cli -h redis-master -p 6379 info | grep master_sync_in_progress
The value of # must be 0
# end
Copy the code
- Post-switch architecture
It simply records the choice and operation of Redis master/slave switching.