1, the introduction of

All data structures in Redis use a unique string key to obtain the corresponding value data. Redis has five basic data structures, which are:

  • String (string)
  • List (list)
  • Hash (dictionary)
  • Set
  • Zset (Ordered set)

List, set, Hash, and zset are container data structures that share the following two general rules:

  • Create if not exists: Creates a container if it does not exist
  • Drop if no elements: If there are no elements in the container, the container is immediately dropped to free the memory

This article is about the set of Redis 5 basic data structures.

2, Set (set) related introduction

2.1 Internal structure of a set

Redis’s set is the Java equivalent of HashSet, with unordered and unique key-value pairs. It internally implements a special dictionary where all values are null. After the last element in the collection is removed, the data structure is automatically deleted and the memory is reclaimed. \

2.2 Usage scenarios of Set (Set)

Set (set) can be used to store the ID of a winning user in an activity because of its special de-duplication function. This ensures that a user does not win twice.

3, set(set) related instructions

Sadd -> Add set member, key set name, member set element, element cannot be repeated

Sadd key member [member…]> sadd Name Zhangsan (integer) 1> sadd name Zhangsan Repeat 0 (integer) 0> sadd Name Lisi Wangwu Liumazi # Support adding multiple elements at once (integer) 3Copy the code

Smembers -> View all the elements in the collection, note that they are unordered

smembers key

1) lisi" 2) wangwu" 3) liumazi" 4) zhangsanCopy the code

Sismember -> Queries whether the collection contains an element

sismember key member> sismember name lisi # contains return 1 (integer) 1> sismember name tianqi # does not contain return 0 (integer) 0Copy the code

Scard -> Gets the length of the collection

scard key> scard name
(integer) 4
Copy the code

Spop -> Pop elements, count refers to the number of pop elements

spop key [count]

1) "lisi" 2) "zhangsan" 3) "liumazi"Copy the code