
This paper mainly studies the use of Redis GEO

Relevant command


Time order log N.

Geoadd cityGeo 116.405285 39.904989"Beijing"Geoadd cityGeo 121.472644 31.231706"Shanghai"
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  • Add latitude and longitude information


Time order log N.

Geopos cityGeo Beijing 1) 1)"116.40528291463851929"
   2) "39.9049884229125027"
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  • Query the latitude and longitude of a specified key. Multiple keys can be specified and returned in batches


Time order log N.> Geodist cityGeo"1067597.9668"> Geodist cityGeo Beijing Shanghai km"1067.5980"
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  • Returns the distance between two places. You can specify units such as meters m, kilometers km, miles mi, or feet ft


The time complexity is O(N+log(M)), where N is the number of elements within the specified radius and M is the number to be returned

Georadius cityGeo 116.405285 39.904989 100 km WITHDIST WITHCOORD ASC COUNT 5Copy the code
  • Returns an element whose radius does not exceed the specified distance, based on the given latitude and longitude
  • You can specify WITHDIST to return the distance, WITHCOORD to return latitude and longitude, and WITHHASH to return the geohash value
  • You can specify ASC or DESC to sort by distance
  • You can specify COUNT to limit the number of records returned


The time complexity is O(log(N)+M), where N is the number of elements within the specified radius and M is the number to be returned

Georadiusbymember cityGeo Beijing 100 km WITHDIST WITHCOORD ASC COUNT 5Copy the code
  • Queries the location within the specified radius based on the specified location
  • You can specify WITHDIST to return the distance, WITHCOORD to return latitude and longitude, and WITHHASH to return the geohash value
  • You can specify ASC or DESC to sort by distance
  • You can specify COUNT to limit the number of records returned


The time to find a location is order log of N.> GeoHash cityGeo Beijing 1)"wx4g0b7xrt0"
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  • The geohash value is returned

RedisTemplate GEO use example

    public void testAdd(){Long addedNum = redistemplate.opsforgeo ().add(cityGeoKey,new Point(116.405285,39.904989),"Beijing");

    public void testGeoGet(){
        List<Point> points = redisTemplate.opsForGeo().position(cityGeoKey,"Beijing"."Shanghai"."Shenzhen");

    public void testDist(){
        Distance distance = redisTemplate.opsForGeo()
                .distance(cityGeoKey,"Beijing"."Shanghai", RedisGeoCommands.DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS);

    public void testNearByXY() {/ / longitude, latitude Circle Circle = new Circle (116.405285, 39.904989, the Metrics. KILOMETERS. GetMultiplier ()); RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs args = RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs.newGeoRadiusArgs().includeDistance().includeCoordinates().sortAscending().limit(5) ; GeoResults<RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<String>> results = redisTemplate.opsForGeo() .radius(cityGeoKey,circle,args); System.out.println(results); } @Test public voidtestNearByPlace(){ Distance distance = new Distance(5,Metrics.KILOMETERS); RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs args = RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs.newGeoRadiusArgs().includeDistance().includeCoordinates().sortAscending().limit(5) ; GeoResults<RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<String>> results = redisTemplate.opsForGeo() .radius(cityGeoKey,"Beijing",distance,args);

    public void testGeoHash(){
        List<String> results = redisTemplate.opsForGeo()
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  • The operations of geoadd, geopOS, geodist, Georadius, Georadiusbymember and geohash using RedisTemplate are respectively shown above
  • The x axis is longitude longitude and the y axis is latitude latitude


Redis provides rich operations for GEO, and RedisTemplate also encapsulates corresponding apis, making it very convenient to use.


  • geo
  • geoadd
  • geopos
  • geodist
  • georadius
  • georadiusbymember
  • geohash
  • Mongo’s Geo query