The first figure


About the blogger:

— I am Xiaoqi, a Java programmer who likes reading, making friends and sharing technology. I prefer to sort out and share some Java interview questions. If you need to pay attention to “Xiaoqi Java Interview” to get information.

The article directories

The first figure


The article directories

Windows Operating System

1, download

2, installation,

3, validation,

Windows Operating System

1, download


I want to download version 3.2.0, so we choose the historical version

2, installation,

After downloading, we double click to install.

Select “Add Redis directory to environment variable PATH” so that the system can automatically identify where the Redis execution file is

Set the maximum value to 100M.

After you click Install, the formal installation process begins. It will be finished in a moment.

After the installation is complete, you need to do some setup work so that the service can run properly once it starts. Using a text editor, in this case Notepad++, open the Redis service configuration file. Note: don’t get me wrong. It is usually, not The latter is the configuration file used by the startup program as a non-system service.

Find the requirepass word, append a line, and type the Requirepass password

This is the password required to access Redis, but it is not required for general testing. However, even for local access, a password is recommended. Simple 12345 is used here.

Click Start > Right – click Computer > choose Manage. In the left column, find and click Computer Management (Local) > Services and Applications > Services. Then find the service with the name Redis on the right and check the startup status. If it is not started, start it manually. Normally, the service should be up and running.

3, validation,

Finally, let’s test whether Redis is working properly. Go to the Redis directory, CD C:\Program Files\Redis. Type redis-cli and press Enter. (Redis – CLI is the client program.) If the interface is displayed and the port number is correct, the service is started.

Password authentication is required before using the service. Type “auth 12345” and press Enter (12345 is the password you set earlier). If OK is displayed, the authentication succeeds.

Actually test reading and writing. Type set myKey1 “Hello word!” Enter to save a key value. Type get myKey1 to retrieve the key value you just saved. If no problem is found, the Redis service is successfully installed.