Focus on PHP, MySQL, Linux and front-end development, interested in thank you for your attention!! Article collated in GitHub, mainly includes PHP, Redis, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML&CSS, Linux, Java, Golang, Linux and tool resources related theoretical knowledge, interview questions and practical content.

Redis, as a high performance and memory noSQL database, has become an essential technology in daily development. For a developer, it is not only easy to use Redis, but also to learn how to manage and monitor Redis services.

For the management of Redis, we can use command tools to manage it. If it is only a single service, it is better. If there is cluster or multiple service management, it is particularly cumbersome to operate through the command line. At this time we can use some visual interface tools to manage. There are a lot of tools for this, too.

Some of these tools are charged, some can only query, modify some key function, function is relatively simple. Generally, I use RedisDesktopManager for daily Redis management tools. It is a cross-platform Redis management tool and supports many functions.

Website address:

While using Redis’s Bloom filter recently, I came across a Redis artifact. It’s really super easy to use and very powerful. By comparison, it is probably the most useful Redis management artifact in the world. redis-insight

Official website…

I will not introduce how to use the tools recommended above, but it is a foolproof operation. The kind that works when you use it.

Redislabs introduction

Let’s start with what ReddisLabs is all about. Redis Labs is a cloud database service provider dedicated to providing cloud hosting services for popular NoSQL open source databases such as Redis, Memcached, etc. The Redis Cloud service for comprehensive product management and The Redis Labs Enterprise Cluster for creating and managing The Redis database have been launched. Company address: North America – United States Company size: Less than 10 People Funding Stage: Series D Website:

If you log in to the reddislabs website, you can see that many Redis plugins are supported. For example, RedisJson, Redisgraph, Redisfliter and so on. Specific introduction:…

Get into the business

The above feeling said a bunch of miscellaneous introduction, the following is not as good as the topic, lead to today’s master.

RedisInsight is designed to simplify Redis application development.

Function is introduced

Visualize and interact with the Redis database

Scan existing keys, add new keys, and perform CRUD or batch operations. Displays objects in a nicely printed JSON object format and supports friendly keyboard navigation.

Built-in support for Redis modules

Query, visualize, and interactively manipulate graphics, streams, and time series data. Use a multi-line query editor to generate queries, browse results, optimize, and iterate quickly. Support for RedisJSON, RediSearch, RedisGraph, Streams, RedisTimeSeries and RedisGears.

Redis memory analysis

Offline analysis of memory usage to identify memory problems through key mode, key expiration, and advanced search without compromising Redis performance. Use recommendations to reduce memory usage.

Trace Redis command

Identify top keys, key patterns, and commands. Filter by client IP address, key, or command on all nodes of the cluster. Debug Lua scripts effectively.

Intuitive CLI

When a GUI isn’t enough, our command line interface utilizes the Redis CLI for syntax highlighting and auto-completion, and uses integrated help to provide intuitive instant help.

Management of Redis

Learn about real-time performance indicators, check slow commands, and directly manage Redis configurations through interfaces.

Installation and use

Various installation methods are supported, including Mac, Linux, Windows, and Docker construction. In the following demonstration, I also apply docker installation, and I also recommend that you use Docker to operate.

You need to fill in a basic personal information before using it.

Specific operation document:

  1. Docker installation

First, create a new directory locally. My directory here is redisinsight. The main method is to mount the internal data of Docker to the local disk.

/ / create a mount mkdir redisinsight / / pull mirror and start the container docker run - v - d redisinsight: / db - 8001 p: 8001 redislabs/redisinsight: the latestCopy the code
kert@192  ~  Docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES C2772F255565 Redislabs/redisinsight: latest "bash. / docker - entry..." 37 minutes ago Up 37 minutes>8001/ TCP, :::8001->8001/ TCP xenodochial_taussig 8AEeca3792C4 php_dnmp_nginx "/docker-entrypoint..." 4 Weeks ago Up About an hour>80/ TCP, :::80->80/ TCP nginx 057860a8a2ff php_dnmp_php "Docker-php-entryPOi..." 4 Weeks ago Up 34 hours 9000/ TCP,>9501-9504/ TCP, :::9501-9504->9501-9504/ TCP PHPCopy the code

Seeing port 8001 and status above indicates that we have successfully installed it.

  1. Access and initialize the configuration

With the service set up, we went to via a browser. For the first time, the following interface will appear. Just check them all.

Next, if you use the local Redis service, you can directly select the left button; if you do not have Redis locally, you can select the right button to perform the step by step operation, which is also very simple.

Next, set up the link information for our Redis. The default value is local, so the host address is, the port number is 6379, and the Name field is used to create a Name for the connection.

  1. Effect of early and look

With the steps above, we’ve created all the groundwork, and now we’re ready to use it. First comes the overview page.

The number of client connections, total memory usage, total number of keys, hit ratio, and service start time are displayed.

  1. Browse for left and right keys

Click brower on the left to browse the existing keys in the database.

  1. Use the CLI tool.

Click the CLI on the left, we can directly use the command of Redis. Not only does the Redis command execute, but it also displays some of the search patterns for the command.

After the function is not a description, you can use the direct interface operation.