Author: Ken Meng

Log analysis is probably no stranger to you. With the support of distributed computing, big data processing, and open source analysis frameworks like Spark, potentially millions of logs can be analyzed every day.

Event analysis and log analysis are two completely different fields. Event analysis has higher requirements on real-time performance, and it needs to smooth the message transformation pipeline from semi-structured to structured in the event field to achieve query, retrieval, visualization and other functions. However, there are very few tools available for analyzing streaming events, which can be very inconvenient for developers looking to use the Serverless architecture or EDA (event-driven) architecture. (more EDA architecture introduces reference:…).

Based on the characteristics of events, the inability to trace event content, track event flow, and perform visual analysis of events has become a stumbling block to the evolution of event-driven architecture. To address the challenges of streaming event analysis in the event space, EventBridge has released a new analytics tool for the event/message space, the EventBridge Real-time Event Analysis Platform. Here is a brief introduction to the EventBridge Real-time Event analysis platform.

EventBridge real-time Event Analysis platform

The EventBridge real-time Event analysis platform relies on the event-based real-time processing engine to provide numerical retrieval, visual analysis, multi-configuration analysis, event trajectory, event traceability, and Schema management capabilities. The EventBridge real-time event analysis platform features no intrusion, no data reporting, low cost, and fast operation, enabling rapid event-based streaming queries and analysis through simple wizard-style interactions.

The EventBridge real-time Event analysis platform relies on the event-based real-time processing engine to provide numerical retrieval, visual analysis, multi-configuration analysis, event trajectory, event source, and Schema management capabilities. EventBridge real-time events feature no intrusion, no data reporting, low cost, and fast operation. Simple wizard-style interaction enables fast event-based streaming query and analysis.

The core function

Multi-scenario support

At present, the more popular event query platform on the market, but there are some essential differences between analysis and query, analysis is based on query, but query is not the whole analysis.

EventBridge has built a complete chain of event tools to help development, operations, and even operations teams use analytics tools more effectively, seamlessly integrating all events into one analytics platform to provide efficient, reliable, and common event analysis capabilities.

  • Serverless domain: Thanks to the promotion of Serverless architecture, event driven is more used in enterprise core links. The definition of serverless is that there is no need to manage any infrastructure, but the opacity and difficulty of debugging of serverless is a pain point that the whole architecture must solve. After configuring the trigger, we will not know what data triggers the function at what time and whether the trigger link is abnormal. EventBridge event analysis capability will eliminate the Serverless trigger data black box completely, making all event triggers visible.

  • Microservices: Microservices are common in modern development architectures, which are collections of small, loosely coupled, independently deployable services. This makes microservices difficult to debug, and small failures in one part of the system can lead to large-scale service crashes. Many times you have to skip some normal service to debug a single request. EventBridge event analysis can effectively track and remove barriers through event ID staining for all link microservice messages, helping microservices to perform visual barrier removal.

  • Message domain: In the traditional message domain, message Schema management and message content retrieval are always unsolvable problems. In most cases, subscribers need to be added for offline analysis of messages. The EventBridge Event analysis platform provides message Schema management and message content query capabilities to provide a more complete solution for message visualization.

  • Cloud product field: Cloud products in significantly reducing the complexity of the enterprise in infrastructure construction, but also brings many problems, in the case of ECS, many things will damage due to system error or cloud disk performance and trigger fault event, such events usually involve peripheral products (such as an ACK, etc.) to capture all the cloud basic debugging the challenge of more events. EventBridge provides seamless access to all cloud service events, minimizing o&M failures caused by cloud product changes.

EventBridge provides a more efficient and versatile event analysis platform that can be used to analyze events, query events, and track events in most scenarios.

Out of the box

Supports Schema management, numerical retrieval, visual analysis, multi-configuration analysis, event trace, event traceability and other core capabilities, without additional deployment, out-of-the-box.

  • Numeric search: Provides basic numeric search capabilities, supporting key, value, =,! =, exists, AND, OR meet the basic requirements of event retrieval scenarios.

  • Visual analysis: provide GROUP BY, ORDER BY and other visual analysis capabilities, support multi-configuration, multi-chart, multi-dimensional analysis capabilities.

  • Link tracing: Provides the event tracing capability and restores the overall link status of events. Helps developers quickly remove obstacles and locate link problems.

Low-cost access

EventBridge supports access as an EventBus, which can be a cloud service EventBus or a custom EventBus. Cloud service bus supports almost all ali Cloud product events and seamlessly supports cloud service events to access event analysis platform; The custom event Bus supports RocketMQ, Kafka, or other custom event access (the current version only supports a small number of cloud service events).

The overall access process is simple, with little intrusion on existing services. You can disable or enable event analysis at any time. In addition, the online configuration can take effect in real time.


EventBridge provides a more efficient event analysis tool that allows developers to easily define query criteria and visually analyze event content in a timely manner.

The EventBridge event analysis platform is currently in beta. To try it out, click here and fill out the form!

A surprise forecast

If you want to learn more about EventBridge, you are welcome to watch the live broadcast of Building Advanced Event Analysis Capabilities based on EventBridge hosted by Ali Cloud technology expert Wang Chuan (name: Fording) on December 27.