All installed using YUM


D /mongodb-org-4.0.repo create yum source file vi /etc/ymp.repos

(2) add the following content [mongo – org – 4.0] name = mongo Repository… Gpgcheck = 1 enabled = 1…

Yum install -y mongodb-org

4 run the MongoDB cat /etc/mongod.conf command

SystemLog: destination: file logAppend: true path: / var/log/mongo/mongod log / / log storage: store directory dbPath: /var/lib/mongo // Journal: enabled: true processManagement: fork: true pidFilePath: The/var/run/mongo/mongod. Pid / / pid file path net: port: 27017 / / listener port, default is 27017 bindIp: / / can define the IP address of the remote connection mongo

Change bindIp: to For: Connect to the MongoDB server using the client tool

Start MongoDB: systemctl start mongod

Connect to MongoDB: mongo –host –port 27017

Run the systemctl start mongod.service command to start the MongoDB service

Run the systemctl stop mongod.service command to stop the MongoDB service

Run the systemctl restart mongod.service command to restart the MongoDB service

Start MongoDB: systemctl enbale mongod.service


1) create a vi/etc/yum yum source file. The repos. D/nginx. ‘[nginx] name = nginx repo… gpgcheck=0 enabled=1

Nginx yum -y install nginx

Service # stop the nginx service systemctl start nginx.service # Start the nginx service systemctl restart nginx.service # stop the nginx service systemctl restart nginx.service Nginx systemctl status nginx.service


yum install -y wget

Xz -d node-v14.15.1-linux-x64.tar.xz

The tar XVF – node – v14.15.1 – Linux – x64. Tar

Then you get the folder Node-v14.15.1-linux-x64

Configure the environment variable vi /etc/profile export NODE_HOME=/opt/software/node-v14.15.1-linux-x64 export PATH=$PATH:${NODE_HOME}/bin

Save the environment variable source /etc/profile


npm install -g pm2

where is pm2

nginx -s reload