Arthas official community is holding an essay call for prizesClick on the submit】


During the epidemic, I worked at home and was 007 every day. I felt that I had been upgraded to panda agent.

I finally had time to take a break today and document a simple use of Arthas while working from home.

Download and install

  • A:It is recommended that you download the Cloud Toolkit using the IDEA plug-in to use Arthas

Cloud Toolkit is a free local IDE plug-in released by AliYun to help developers develop, test, diagnose and deploy applications more efficiently. Plugins enable one-click deployment of native applications to any server, even the cloud (ECS, EDAS, ACK, ACR, applets, etc.); There are also built-in Arthas diagnostics, Dubbo tools, Terminal terminals, file uploads, function calculations, and MySQL executators. Not only the mainstream version of IntelliJ IDEA, but also Eclipse, Pycharm, Maven and others.

  • Method 2:Direct download

Start: java-jar arthas-boot.jar

It is important to note that you must use the same user as the target process; otherwise, the process will fail to start.

The problem background

I just put in an assignment the day before yesterday. Due to the wrong hand of a product, the online data was misoperated, so we need help to delete the data.

This is a fucking hole. It’s clearly a hole.

Good foresight, no time to do the task of more or less will write a few back door tools (not to delete the library run, but these back doors in specific circumstances can be used in emergency, as for yourself). But this time the backdoor tool has to be transformed, the middle of the night and can not find people to help you online, they have no authority. Arthas is hot loaded.

The key to the

  • Jad decompiles the code
Jad - source - only com. XXX. XXX. Service. Aggregate. AggregateNoRoomService > / TMP/AggregateNoRoomService. Copy the Java codeCopy the code

There is a confidentiality agreement, the package path has been coded, friends can directly watch the process.

  • Vim modifies the decompilated code
public AggregateNoRoom getAggregateNoRoom(String agentHotelId) {
	  List<AggregateNoRoom> aggregateNoRooms = aggregateNoRoomDao.selectList(agentId);
 		if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(aggregateNoRooms)) {
    	returnnull; } // The newly added logicfor (AggregateNoRoom room : aggregateNoRooms) {
  	returnaggregateNoRooms.get(0); } Duplicate codeCopy the code
  • Recompile this class into a class file

For example, the simple application javac x x x x. Java is ok, but I also rely on other types in the class, so I compiled the entire Java project using Maven directly, and then copied the new class file and uploaded it to the server.

This modified file would normally be recompiled using Arthas’s MC command. But I did not compile successfully on the server, and the cause of the error will be studied later.

  • Sc finds the ClassLoader that loads **AggregateNoRoomService **

sc -d * AggregateNoRoomService | grep classLoaderHash

The result is classLoaderHash 1b36FA2

  • Re-define hot update code

redefine -c 1b36fa2 /tmp/AggregateNoRoomService.class

Re-define success, size :1

It is time to decompile the class using jad to see if the update is actually successful.

Implementing rear door tools

When the magic happens, the data is cleaned up, there’s no ops to give you permission to redeploy, there’s no TL to call to temporarily approve a script, it’s great.

But I still emphasize here, it is best to use with caution, after all, the formal process does not need to carry the blame. (This is very easy to do, and the product brother or product sister will directly ask you to help me repair some data next time, directly bypassing your leader or superior. I really have no black products here, come to hurt each other)


Arthas is actually quite powerful and can help us troubleshoot online problems. It is recommended to use Arthas when the environment allows, which will bring a lot of convenience.

Arthas’s essay campaign is in full swing

Arthas is officially holding an essay call if you have:

  • Problems identified using Arthas
  • Source code interpretation of Arthas
  • Advise Arthas
  • No limit, other Arthas related content

Welcome to participate in the essay activity, there are prizes to win oh ~ click to submit

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