
Idea, as one of the editing tools we use every day, is recommended by various gods for its power and humanization. I have learned the operation of Idea in my spare time. During the process of looking for plug-ins, I found some treasure plug-ins, which are quite helpful for our daily development or improving code skills. Hereby I select ten to recommend to you

  1. FindBugs

Although the code checking tool provided by Idea itself is already powerful, Idea provides more prescriptive checking, and you can use this plug-in if you need to check for exceptions in depth.

Usage: Right click the project, package or file, the following interface appears:

  1. Translation

For students who don’t use English very much, when naming classes, methods and variables, they always need to open the web page to search for words, which is too troublesome. This plugin allows you to query the words you want to translate directly in the editor.

Usage: Select the word to be translated, right click to appear the following page:

  1. Grep Console

When the console console of Idea outputs logs, a large amount of information is displayed together. If you want to find the desired log type quickly, you can use this plug-in to quickly locate the log type you care about and configure your favorite color.

Usage: Click “File” in the menu bar and click “Settings” in the drop-down list. Enter “Other Settings” and click “Grep Console”.

  1. GsonFormat

When we want to use an object to receive the JSON object returned by the peer interface, we can use this plug-in to convert. Of course, in addition to using plug-ins, you can also use some online JSON conversion sites, such as BeJSON, etc.

  1. Free MyBatis Plugin

The previous name of this plugin was free-idea-Mybatis. Usually in the development of mybatis XML and the corresponding mapper between repeated horizontal jump, but different people develop, placed in different positions, this plug-in can help us quickly jump between Mybatis XML and the corresponding Mapper, but also help generate mapper XML files.

Mybatis XML and mapper will have arrows on the left side to enable quick jump:

  1. CodeGlance

This plugin works like a thumbnail, helping us quickly switch to the desired code area without frantically dragging it through.

How to use: After installing the plug-in, you can see it by restarting:

  1. Maven Helper

When your program is inexplicably stuck, perhaps you can start by resolving dependency conflicts. Prior to the plugin, you need to type the command line:

MVN denpendency:tree allows you to view dependencies. To check whether there is a dependency package conflict, you need to run commands. Install this plug-in to operate through the interface, without entering a command to view dependencies.

How to use it: After installing the plug-in, open POM.xml with the Dependency Analyzer option under it and click to see this page:

  1. Background Image Plus +

Although this plug-in can not directly improve the development efficiency and code quality, but can let you set the background to your favorite picture, let you face IDE no longer monotonous, indirectly improve the code efficiency ~

To use: Select Set Background Image from the drop-down table after finding the View in the menu bar:

  1. Mybatis Log Plugin

In the development process, there is always a log system, and in the process of writing mysql statements often ignore the corresponding relationship of parameters, and the OUTPUT of SQL statements on the console have to be manually converted. This plug-in can be mybatis executed SQL script display, no processing, direct use.

Select the output SQL statement in the console and right-click Restore SQL from Selection.

  1. RestfulToolkit

We often need to use Postman or Postwoman for RESTful service development and debugging. However, THE IDEA plug-in RestfulToolkit provides a set of auxiliary tools for RESTful service development, making our daily debugging more convenient.

How to use: after installing the plug-in, the RestServices sidebar will appear on its right side. Click to open it:


Of course, there are also some plug-ins worth recommending, such as:

Stackoverflow: used to search for questions, but using Google search engine, not very useful for students who don’t buy VPN… NyanProgressBar: For sophisticated students, this is an image tool. VisualVM Launcher: Java VIRTUAL machine debugging tool. Jrebel: Hot deployable plug-in, but for a fee (there are many hacks online) JUnitGenerator V2.0: Unit testing tool. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines…