1, the HTTP server

When it comes to HTTP server, mature software such as Apache and Nginx are generally used, but in some cases, we may also use some very lightweight HTTP servers. Of the c++ lightweight implementations of HTTP server, Mongoose and tinyhttpd are well known and valuable.

Tinyhttpd is compact, with only one.C, 500 lines of code. But for all its versatility, many people recommend TinyHttpD for beginners.


Tinyhttpd – C language to achieve the simplest HTTP server


Mongoose only has one dot H and one dot C, and it’s very cross-platform. In my work, I have applied Mongoose to PC software and Android APP, and the effect is also good.



Github.com/liigo/tinyw… — libuv

Github.com/Akagi201/li… — libuv

Github.com/haywire/hay… — libuv

github.com/h2o/h2o   — libuv


2, HTTP client

Libcurl: HTTP client library for C/C++ github.com/curl/curl curl. Haxx. se/ curl


HTTP parsers



4, RESTful

C++ REST SDK (also known as cpprestsdk), a C++ library that supports HTTP and is mainly used for RESTful interface development. C++ REST SDK is an open source cross-platform project of Microsoft. It uses a large number of modern asynchronous C++ apis to implement a B/S component based on HTTP/HTTPS protocol. You can easily develop high-performance RESTful, HTTP/HTTPS servers and clients on Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, and Android platforms.



Corvusoft’s Restbed framework brings asynchronous RESTful functionality to c++ 11 applications.



