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Off topic: have a good weekend everyone, our second article of the week is here, almost doves, hahaha.

Those who are familiar with me know that I have never had the habit of using a mouse. I almost never use a mouse when I work, except when I play games. However, I feel that I have never played games since I got the troublemaker in my house.

It’s hard and easy to do without a mouse at all. I use a lot of productivity tools to do this anyway, but one of the most important is a Chrome productivity plugin called cVim.

What does cVim do?

CVim is the Vim extension for Chrome, which uses Vim shortcuts to operate Chrome browser actions, such as creating/closing tabs, going back to home/bottom, page forward/back, keyword search, page refresh, etc.

It does pretty much anything you can think of, and pretty much anything you can’t think of. The whole thing is as smooth and efficient as using the Vim editor.

Why use cVim

Some students will ask, why do we use him? I feel like I’m pretty good with Chrome shortcuts.

Personally, I think there are the following:

1.Chrome shortcut keys are mostly combination keys, which is cumbersome to use. Many Vim keys can handle, Chrome requires several key combinations. Chrome refresh page Ctrl+ R, close page Ctrl+ W, corresponding to cVim, R, X two single keys 2.Chrome shortcut keys are not powerful enough, for example, I can not flexibly control the page forward and back, cVim can use H, L key 3. Using cVim can be as quick and easy as using VIm, and you can customize these shortcuts through VIMRC.

As long as we know a little bit of Vim is very convenient, no matter, you master two or three shortcuts can greatly improve the efficiency of browsing the web, experience the general feeling of flying.

Common use

CVim has many powerful functions. I will not introduce them here. I will share them with you

1. Jump link through F /F, so that you can jump to the current page without the mouse, and open the new TAB of “F”. 2. Daily page up and down JK, TAB page left and right switch JK, page forward and backward HL, jump to the top/bottom of the page GG, G 3. New TAB page: open a new TAB page T and open the url O on the current page

The rest are search history I, search bookmark B, and visual mode insert select copy web content which I won’t go into here. I think most of you can be very efficient with this.

A lot of configuration you can download Chrome plugin in the background to customize vIMRC, shortcut key customization.

More advice friend can refer to making project, also all shortcuts using method. Small friends can scan to jump.

If you feel good, quickly use it, you are welcome to give me a message, you commonly used efficiency artifact.

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