Editor: Zhang Handong

Hitbox: Asynchronous distributed caching framework

Hitbox is an asynchronous caching framework that supports multiple backends for distributed and stand-alone applications. Actix is already integrated with the framework.

The back end supports Redis, a framework that is still being refined.


Neuronika: Rust’s new machine learning framework

With the strong growth of the popularity of Rust, many researchers have also explored the research of Rust in machine learning and other aspects. Neuronika, a machine learning framework, was recently written by researchers using Rust.

Neuronika was developed by Francesco Iannelli and others, who are now masters students in computer science. The framework provides automatic differentiation and dynamic neural networks, much like Pytorch.

  • Github.com/neuronika/n…
  • zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/381854038

Thruster release v1.1.2

Thruster, a fast and intuitive Rust Web framework designed to enable developers to be productive and consistent across projects and teams.

Some highlights of v1.1.2:

  • Fully reconstructed routing trees and parsers;
  • A completely rebuilt internal “middleware” system that takes a list of middleware capabilities and combines them using closures;
  • Easier to use middleware macros;
  • Upgrade dependent libraries;

Some interesting metrics for using Thruster in production:

  • In the past four months, it has processed 2.4 million requests;
  • There were no fatal frame-related errors (0%) in the instances;
  • The average response time in 95% of the instances was well under 25 milliseconds;
  • The average RAM per instance was 14.75MB;

For details, see Release, github.com/thruster-rs…

Tantivy: V0.15 has been released

Tantivy is a library of full-text search engines written by Rust. Tantivy is now hosted by QuickWit – Inc.


Messages: Asynchronous Actor framework

Messages is an asynchronous Actor framework inspired by Actix.


Release RG3D 0.20, a feature-rich and easy-to-use game engine

Rg3d 0.20 has been released. This release contains many new features and improvements. The biggest features are WebAssembly support, initial 2D support, and multi-layer terrain.

  • Rg3d. rs/ General /202…
  • Github.com/rg3dengine/…

Wasmer 2.0 released!

WebAssembly runtime Wasmer 2.0 released: 50+% faster runtime, 70+% faster hot start, and more features like reference types, SIMD, and more!

Wasmer. IO /posts/wasme…

Walleye: Chess engine

Walleye is a UCI-compatible engine written using classic alpha-beta style AI. Supports loading checkerboard positions from arbitrary FEN strings, Unicode beautifully prints to the console and helps debug UCI communication logs. Note that this is the engine and you need to add a GUI if you want to play with it, such as Cute Chess, which has already been tested.


FEN is short for forsyth-Edwards Notation, which is used to describe the board position. See Wikipedia for details.