The author of this article is Huang Hailong, an excellent third year graduate student and my partner of Knowledge Planet. His name is 66.7% similar to mine. I won the second place in the dialogue contest held by JINGdong in September, 2018, and the first place in the large-scale text contest held by Kai-fu Lee’s Innovation Works in November, 2018. (The prize money of these two competitions was 240,000 yuan.)

The text start

Autumn recruitment in 2019 came earlier than in previous years, and most of the candidates for algorithmic positions this year are also a little anxious.

Competition is particularly fierce because the learning algorithm employs far more people than the back end, but far fewer people than the back end. The positions I interviewed are all natural language processing algorithm engineers. This article mainly describes my autumn recruitment process. \

This year, I have interviewed baidu, Ali, Tencent, Meituan, netease, JINGdong, Kuaishou, Pinduoduo and Bytedance. Now the interview is basically over and I am waiting for the offer stage.

I have received offers from Baidu, Ali, Tencent, Meituan, JINGdong and Pinduoduo, and the rest are waiting, so there is no problem.

1. Interview preparation

1.1 Resume Making

My resume is highlighted by two parts. One is my internship experience. I once worked as an intern in a startup company and Bytedance, and now I work as an intern in wechat. Second, competition experience. I participated in some natural language processing competitions and won the first and second prizes. To be honest, I have enough internship experience and competition experience. What is lacking is academic paper experience, which is also the direction of my next attempt to break through.

I spent a couple of days editing my resume specifically, pruning it down to a single page and condensing my extensive experience. Many people use Word to make resumes, but I always feel that it is not convenient to use it, so I designed a PPT template and used it to make resumes. The overall style is simple, more in line with the aesthetic of Internet interviewers.

It is recommended that you spend a lot of time polishing your CV. After all, it is the first impression the interviewer will have of you.

1.2 Algorithm brush

I divide algorithm investigation into hard algorithm and soft algorithm, hard algorithm refers to programming foundation, soft algorithm refers to machine learning algorithm foundation.

For hard algorithms, I have been doing one Leetcode algorithm every day since March. The following is my submission record, each box represents a day, the darker the color, the more the number of questions, the time span from March to the end of July.


Why did I not brush again? Because I like to summarize when I brush questions. After doing 200 questions, I have mastered the common knowledge points and can do the algorithm questions in the interview. Below is a list of common probability and algorithm problems I’ve compiled.


For soft algorithm, on the network to search the surface, such as, technical public number, CSDN and so on, before the interview with the corresponding company, first search the company’s position often investigated algorithm topic. The algorithms mentioned in the resume, such as LR, GBDT, CNN/RNN/LSTM, must understand the principle, and the formulas often examined need to master the derivation process, such as handwritten SVM derivation, neural network back propagation derivation process. Here’s a list of machine learning materials you can use to compete with your interviewer.

1.3 Resume Items

On the resume, to summarize, concise, with a minimum of words to present yourself. Write up the project, the probability of interview is very large, so we must ensure that we can skillfully explain each project, can be introduced in accordance with the three elements, project division of labor, project achievement, experience growth.

Not free from vulgarity, I also send welfare, but also hope that you can pay attention to my public number. Send qiu Zhao in the official account, you can get sorted algorithm data (programming questions and machine learning interview questions).

To sum up, in terms of technology, if the project is rich, the project will be talked about, so good internship and competition experience is very important; No project will look at the underlying algorithms more; Technical aspects will have programming problems, not difficult, basically no more than leetcode medium difficulty.

Director interview is to talk about the ability to solve practical problems, future career planning, views on the company and so on;

The HR interview is to find out what offers are available, where you plan to work, salary expectations, and why you want to work for the company.

Finally, I wish you all a lot of offers! Huang Hailong’s official account:

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“Machine Learning Beginners” is a personal public account to help artificial intelligence enthusiasts get started (founder: Huang Haiguang)

Beginners on the road to entry, the most need is “help”, rather than “icing on the cake”.

ID: 92416895\

Currently, the planet of Knowledge in the direction of machine learning ranks no. 1.

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