First of all, in order to facilitate some novice or have not installed plugin for a long time students, first briefly introduce the steps of installing plugin. Open idea, go to file-settings-plugins-Browse Repositories, search for the plugin you want, and click Install. Now, let’s get down to business. Plug-ins are divided into two kinds, one is practical, convenient for our development, one is fun, simply to increase the development of fun.

  • Free Mybatis plugin: For Mybatis development, one is to facilitate the jump between mapper file and XML file, the other is to quickly generate SQL statements in XML.
  • Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines: this is a code specification plug-in for Alibaba, you can check the code to write non-standard problems, very useful!
  • Lombok: Simplify Java code with annotations to improve coding efficiency. Lombok automatically generates constructors, getters/setters, equals, hashcode, and toString methods for properties at compile time via annotations. Before using it, remember to add dependencies.
  • Nyan Progress Bar: It has no practical value. Its function is to turn all the progress bars of IDEA into lovely progress bars like rainbows and simply improve the bar.
  • Rainbow Brackets: With the same color as Rainbow Brackets, they are comfortable to look at.
  • Activate-power-mode: this is a cool plugin that can make the whole screen shake while coding, but it’s also useful for people with eye problems, such as myself, so choose whether to install this plugin or not depending on their physical condition.