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As developers, we should also know something about project management. Today we will talk about zen Tao, a Scrum-based project management tool. This article will start with the installation and deployment of Zen Tao, then explain the core concepts of Scrum, and finally practice the Scrum development process through a set of zen Tao practices.

Zen master profile

Zen road by Qingdao easy soft day network technology Co., Ltd. development, domestic open source project management software. It sets product management, project management, quality management, document management, organization management and transaction management in one, is a professional R & D project management software, complete coverage of the core process of R & D project management. The main management idea of Zen Dao project management software is based on the international popular agile project management method – Scrum. The Scrum method is pragmatic and operational, which is very suitable for rapid iterative development of software development projects. On the basis of following its management mode, zen Way integrates Bug management, test case management, release management, document management and other functions, covering the entire life cycle of software development projects.

Installation and Deployment

There are many ways to install Zen Tao. Here we use it in the Docker environment.

  • Download the Docker image of Zen Tao:
docker pull idoop/zentao:latest
Copy the code
  • Running zen in a Docker container:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 4306:3306 --name zentao-server \
        -e ADMINER_USER="admin" -e ADMINER_PASSWD="123456" \
        -e BIND_ADDRESS="false"\ - v/mydata/zbox / : / opt/zbox / \ - add - host smtp.exmail.qq.com: \ d idoop/zentao: the latestCopy the code
  • Startup parameters:

    • ADMINER_USER: indicates the administrator account.
    • ADMINER_PASSWD: indicates the administrator password.
    • BIND_ADDRESS: If the parameter is set to “false”, remote access is allowed after the Zen Dao database is started.
    • SMTP_HOST: Sets the IP address and host name of the SMTP service to resolve the problem that emails cannot be sent.
  • After the installation is successful, you can log in to the Chan Dao system using this address. The user name and password are admin:123456:

Core concepts of Scrum

The emergence of agile development

We are familiar with the software project management method is waterfall, the basic flow is requirements -> design -> development -> test. The basic assumption is that if you do everything right, you’re going to get the right result. But generally speaking, the waterfall project failure rate is relatively high. The foreign software pioneers explored, thought and summarized the problems exposed in waterfall development, and finally put forward the concept of agile development. There are many approaches to agile development, of which Scrum is a popular one.

Roles in Scrum

Scrum is composed of a Product Owner, a Project Manager, and a Dev team.

  • The product manager is responsible for organizing user stories, defining their business value, prioritizing them, making release plans, and being responsible for the product.
  • The project manager is responsible for holding various meetings, coordinating projects and serving the R&D team;
  • The R&D team consists of members with different skills who work closely together to achieve the objectives of each iteration and deliver the product.

Here we talk about what is user story: the so-called user story is to describe a thing, as a user, how to hope, the purpose or value of doing so, in this way, there are user roles, behavior, and purpose and value, it is very convenient to communicate with team members.

Iterative development in Scrum

Unlike waterfall, Scrum breaks product development into small iterations (sprints) ranging from one to four weeks, but not more than four weeks. There are typically five to nine team members involved, a fixed number of user stories to be completed in each iteration, and a number of deliverables to be produced in each iteration.

The basic flow of Scrum

The basic flow of Scrum is shown in the figure above:

  • The product manager is responsible for organizing the user stories to form the product backlog on the left.
  • Release planning meetings: The project manager is responsible for explaining stories, estimating and ordering them. The outcome of the release planning meeting is the sprint Backlog for stories to be completed for the iteration.
  • Iteration planning meeting: The project team will decompose tasks for each user story. The decomposition standard is to complete all tasks of the user story. Finally, each task will have a clear person in charge and complete the initial estimate of working hours.
  • Daily meeting: Every day the project manager calls a standing meeting, where team members answer questions about what they did yesterday, what they plan to do today, and what problems they have encountered.
  • Demo meeting: At the end of the iteration, a demo meeting will be held, and all relevant people will be invited to attend. The team will be responsible for presenting the results of the iteration to everyone. During the feedback recorded by the product manager to form a new user story;
  • Review meeting: The project team summarized the current iteration, found deficiencies, made improvement plans, continued improvement in the next iteration, has achieved the effect of continuous improvement.

Zen master using

Next we will look at how zen can be used to implement Scrum-based project management by role.

The administrator

The first thing an administrator needs to do after a successful zen Path installation is to set up the department structure and add user accounts.

  • throughOrganization > User > Maintenance DepartmentYou can add a department structure to an enterprise:

  • throughOrganization -> User -> Add UserYou can add users for an enterprise:

  • Note that adding a user requires adding a position and permission group:

  • Here we have added four accounts of product Manager, Project Manager, R&D supervisor and test Supervisor for use below.

The product manager

The product manager is very important to the company. Only by making good products or services, can we win the market and seek development and survival.

Let’s log in as a product manager to demonstrate what a product manager does in agile development.

  • Products can be added from the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the product:

  • Relevant information needs to be completed when adding products:

  • After the product is added, the product manager can passProduct -> Requirements -> Maintenance moduleTo create modules for the product:

  • Pass in the corresponding moduleProduct -> Requirements -> RequirementsRequirements can be created:

  • The requirements can then be refined and created:

  • After the requirements are created, they also need to be reviewed. Only those requirements that pass the review will be decomposed by the project manager and then transferred to the development task and assigned to the development team:

  • The requirement will be activated when the review result is confirmed:

  • Of course, the product manager can also change the current requirements, but the changed requirements need to be confirmed by the development team before subsequent development;

  • Product managers can also create schedules that specify when requirements will be completed:

  • When improving the plan information, it is mainly to improve the start and end of the plan:

  • You can specify the requirements to be fulfilled in this product plan through associated requirements:

The project manager

The project manager is mainly responsible for managing the development team, explaining the requirements of the product manager to the development team, determining the list of requirements to be completed by the project, task decomposition of the requirements and assigning to the development team, as well as the organization of various meetings. Let’s log in as a project manager to demonstrate what a project manager does in agile development.

  • In Zen Buddhism, projects correspond to the concept of iteration in Agile development. The project manager first needs to create a project:

  • Complete the project information, set the project development time and associate related products and plans:

  • The next step for the project manager is to create the project teamProject -> Team -> Team managementTo add members to the project team:

  • After the construction of the project team, the project manager can associate the project with the product through product association:

  • Then, the requirements to be made by the current project can be determined through associated requirements. Associated requirements or associated requirements as planned can be selected:

  • After the requirements are identified, several key elements of the project are identified: cycle identification, resource identification, and requirements identification. The following is what the project manager does for each requirement:

  • During task decomposition, task details should be improved and the execution time of the task should be clarified:

  • Here, the requirement for the product management function is broken down into three tasks of listing items, adding items, and editing items and assigned to the developer.

The development team

Once the tasks of the project are broken down, the development team members need to pick up their own tasks and start daily development. In addition to your daily coding work, you should also spend some time in the Meditation path each day updating the status and consumption of tasks. Let’s log in as a developer to demonstrate what a developer can do in agile development.

  • First developers need to figure out what tasks they need to accomplish fromProjects -> TasksYou can view the tasks assigned to you:

  • Developers click the Start button to start tasks and click the Finish button to finish tasks:

  • At the beginning of the task, you need to fill in your estimated remaining time. The initial estimated time can be set in the edit task:

  • When completing the task, you need to fill in your time:

  • Kanban for physical media is a more intuitive, scRUM-standard management tool, and there is also an electronic kanban in The Zen Path:

  • When the project’s tasks are complete, developers can create releases:

  • After completing the version information, create the version:

  • After you have the version, you can create a test sheet based on the current version:

  • To create a test sheet, you need to complete the version, responsible person, name and other information:

The test team

The test team is the guarantee of project quality. The test team is mainly responsible for testing the version of the project and assigning bugs to developers, who verify and close bugs after solving them. Let’s log in as a tester to demonstrate what a tester can do in Agile development.

  • When testers start testing, they need to set the test single state to Ongoing:

  • Testers are available atTest - > BugProposed the bugs found during the testing process:

  • BUG information needs to be refined and assigned to the appropriate developer:

  • Developers can mark bugs as resolved when they are done:

  • At this point, the Bug is automatically assigned to the tester, who can close the problem after confirming that it has been solved. If not, the problem can be activated.


We fully demonstrate a Scrum-based agile development process through a series of operations in the Meditation, but the responsibilities of all roles can be summarized in the following figure.

The resources

More information you can refer to the official document: www.zentao.net/book/zentao…