I recommend mometa, an open source visual programming project for developers. There are also some low-code related projects that have been recommended before, which can be viewed later in this article.

However, today’s recommended open source project mometa is different from the traditional mainstream low code platform, and its users are the visual design and editing platform for developers.

Source address: https://github.com/imcuttle/mometaCopy the code

Let’s see how this project works.

Similar to other low-code projects, there is typically a component area on the left, an interaction area in the middle, and a property adjustment area on the right. Support for locating code from the view, as shown below.

Supports visual insertion of materials

Delete the view

Mobile view

Edit the code

The material preview

Responsive layout

Routing simulation

According to the project creator, the project currently only supports React, and will support Vue later. At the same time, the project has many advantages, such as:

  • Secondary development can move seamlessly into code development mode,

  • It also supports wySIWYG visual editing

  • Provide material ecology, can customize the material

  • R & D – oriented code visual editing, directly in the source code

Check out GitHub’s history of other low-code related open source projects. If you’re interested, click on the link below to check out the history of these projects:

  • Low code project Inventory (1)

  • Low code project Inventory (2)

  • Low code project Inventory (3)

Please visit GitHub and recommend a fun and interesting open source project every day. GitHub project:

Source address: https://github.com/Wechat-ggGitHub/Awesome-GitHub-RepoCopy the code