Writing in the front
Today’s review of the Python Cookbook is in the form of a question-and-answer pair, a note I looked at a long time ago. The Cookbook is more like a tool than a primer. There is no need to read it one by one since you have the basics. My advice is to turn over the knowledge and skills in that section if you need to use it. Below big karma oneself check a leak to fill a vacancy!
Chap1 Data structure and algorithm
Decompose elements from an iterable of any length
* Expressions can be used to decompose a data structure type with N elements into the desired parts. For example, the grades store 100 grades and we only care about the first and last grades, we could store all middle grades in a list like this:
first, *middle, last = grades
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Save the last N elements
- Collection.deque (maxlen=N) creates a fixed-length queue that automatically removes the oldest record when new records are added and the queue is full.
- If you do not specify the size of the queue, you have an unbounded queue;
- A deque supports adding and popping elements from both ends of the queue
from collection import deque
q = deque()
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Find the largest or smallest N elements
- Heapq contains two functions: nlargest() and nsmallest()
import heapq
nums = [ -.]
print(heapq.nlargest(3, nums))
out: [42.37.23]
out: [4 -.1.2]
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- Both functions can also take a key argument
In [1]: portfolio = [
...: {'name': 'IBM'.'shares': 100.'price': 91.1},
...: {'name': 'AAPL'.'shares': 50.'price': 543.22},
...: {'name': 'FB'.'shares': 200.'price': 21.09},
...: {'name': 'HPQ'.'shares': 35.'price': 31.75},
...: {'name': 'YHOO'.'shares': 45.'price': 16.35},
...: {'name': 'ACME'.'shares': 75.'price': 115.65}
...: ]
cheap = heapq.nsmallest(3, portfolio, key=lambda s: s['price'])
[{'name': 'YHOO'.'price': 16.35.'shares': 45},
{'name': 'FB'.'price': 21.09.'shares': 200},
{'name': 'HPQ'.'price': 31.75.'shares': 35}]
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Keep the dictionary in order
- The OrderedDict of the Collection module operates in the order in which elements were originally added;
- It maintains a bidirectional linked list that arranges key positions according to the order in which elements are added. OrderedDict is therefore more than twice the size of a regular dictionary.
Dictionary calculation problem
- Use zip() to reverse the keys and values of the dictionary
Find the element that occurs most often in the sequence
- The Counter class of the Collection module
- And the Counter class has a very handy most_common(n) method that directly gets the top few occurrences
from collections importWord_counts = Counter(words) top_3 = word_counts. Most_common (3)
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Sort dictionary lists by public keys
- Itermgetter function for the operator module
from operator import itemgetter
In [26]: rows = [
...: {'fname': 'Brian'.'lname': 'Jones'.'uid':1003},
...: {'fname': 'David'.'lname': 'Beazley'.'uid':1002},
...: {'fname': 'John'.'lname': 'Cleese'.'uid':1001},
...: {'fname': 'Big'.'lname': 'Jones'.'uid':1004}
...: ]
Out[31]: <operator.itemgetter at 0x7f01606657d0>
rows_by_frame = sorted(rows, key=itemgetter('fname'))
Out[30] : [{'fname': 'Big'.'lname': 'Jones'.'uid': 1004},
{'fname': 'Brian'.'lname': 'Jones'.'uid': 1003},
{'fname': 'David'.'lname': 'Beazley'.'uid': 1002},
{'fname': 'John'.'lname': 'Cleese'.'uid': 1001}]
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- The itermgetter() function can also accept multiple keys
rows_by_frame = sorted(rows, key=itemgetter('fname'.'lname'))
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Chap3 Numbers, dates, and times
The value is rounded
- Use the built-in round(value, ndigits) function
>>> round(1.23.1)
>>> round(1.27.1)
>>> round(162773.- 1)
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- When a value is exactly halfway between two integers, the integer operation goes to the nearest even value. For example, 1.5 and 2.5 are rounded to 2
- Ndigits in round() can be negative, in which case round to tens, hundreds…
Format the output of the value
- Use the built-in format() function
>>>x = 123.456
>>>format(x, '0.2 f')
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Binary, octal and hexadecimal conversions
- To convert an integer to binary, use bin()
- To convert an integer to octal, use oct()
- To convert an integer to hexadecimal, use hex()
Random selection
- Random.choice () can pick elements at random from a sequence
>>>import random
>>>values = []
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- Random.shuffle () can shuffle the order of elements in a sequence
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- Random. Sample () can sample N elements
>>>random.sample(values, 2)
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Time conversion
- The Datatime module can be used to convert between different time units. For example, to represent a time interval, you can create a Timedelta instance
from datetime import timedelta
In [33]: a = timedelta(days=2, hours=6)
In [34]: b = timedelta(hours=4.5)
In [35]: c = a + b
In [36]: c.days
Out[36] :2
In [37]: c.seconds
Out[37] :37800
In [38]: c.seconds/3600
Out[38] :10.5
In [39]: c.total_seconds() / 3600
Out[39] :58.5
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Chap4 Iterators and generators
Manually access elements in iterators
with open('/etc/passwd') as f:
while True:
line = next(f)
print(line, end=' ')
except StopIteration:
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Entrust the iteration
- For a custom container object that holds a list, tuple, or other iterable inside it, we want our new container to be able to iterate. In general, all we need to do is define an __iter__() method that delegates iteration requests to a container held inside the object.
class Node:
def __init__(self, value):
Self._value = vaule
self._children = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'Node({! r})'.format(self._value)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._children)
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In this example, the iter() method forwards the iteration request to the _children property held internally by the object.
Create new iteration patterns with generators
- Any occurrence of a yield statement in a function turns it into a generator
def frange(start, stop, increment):
x = start
while x < stop:
yield x
x += increment
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- Note that the generator runs only in response to an iteration operation
Slice the iterator
- Itertool.islice () slicing iterators and generators
In [3]: def count(n): ... : while True: ... : yield n ... : n +=1. : In [5]: c = count(0)
In [6]: c
Out[6]: <generator object count at 0x7f92899b3c80>
----> 1 c[0]
TypeError: 'generator' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
import itertools
In [10] :for x in itertools.islice(c, 10.20) :... :print(x)
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Skip the previous part of the iterable
- The itertools.dropwhile() function discards the first few elements of the sequence. For example, if we need to read a file that begins with a series of comment lines we don’t want
from itertools import dropwhile
with open('/etc/passwd') as f:
for line in dropwhile(lambda line: line,startwith(The '#'), f):
print(line, end=' ')
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Iterate over all possible combinations
- We want to iterate over all possible combinations of a list of elements
- The itrtools.permutations() function takes a set of elements, rearranges all of them into all possible scenarios, and returns them as tuples.
In [11]: from itertools import permutations
In [12]: items = ['a'.'b'.'c']
In [13] :forp in permutations(items): ... :print(p) ... : ('a'.'b'.'c')
('c'.'b'.'a'If you want shorter permutations, you can specify the length In [14] :forP in permutations (items,2) :... :print(p)
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- Itertools.com binations takes no account of the actual order between elements, i.e. (‘a’, ‘b’) and (‘b’, ‘a’) are considered to be the same combination.
- To remove this restriction, you can use combinationS_with_replacement.
Iterate over multiple sequences simultaneously
- The zip() function can be used to iterate over elements in multiple sequences
>>>xvalues = []
>>> yvalues = [] > > >for x, y in zip(xvalues, yvalues):
... print(x, y)
1 101
5 78
4 37
2 15
10 62
7 99
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Iterate through different containers
- We need to perform the same operation on many objects, but these objects are contained in different containers, and we want to avoid writing nested loop processing and keep the code readable. The itertools.chain() method can be used to simplify this task.
from itertools import chain
In [18]: a = []
In [19]: b = ['x'.'y'.'z']
In [20] :forx in chain(a, b): ... :print(x) ... :1
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Merge multiple ordered sequences and iterate over the entire ordered sequence
- Heapq. Merge () function
>>>import heapq
>>>a = []
>>>b = [] > > >for c in heapq.merge(a,b):
... print(c)
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Chap 5 file and I/O
Redirect output to a file
- Simply add the file keyword argument to the print() function
with open('somefile.txt'.'rt') as f:
print('Hello World! ', file=f)
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Print with a different delimiter or line end character
>>>print('GKY'.1995.5.18, sep=The '-',end='!!!!! \n')
GKY- 1995.- 518!!!!!Copy the code
Performs IO operations on a string
- Use io.stringio () and io.byteio () to create file-like objects that manipulate string data.
Read and write compressed data files
- Gzip and BZ2 modules can do this
import gzip
with open('somefile.gz'.'rt') as f:
text = f.read()
import bz2
with open('somefile.bz2'.'rt') as f:
text = f.read()
import gzip
with open('somefile.gz'.'wt') as f:
import bz2
with open('somefile.bz'.'wt') as f:
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Read binary data into a mutable buffer
- We want to read binary data directly into a mutable buffer without any copying. For example, we want to modify the data in place and write it back to the file.
import os.path
def read_into_buffer(filename):
buf = bytearray(os.path.getsize(filename))
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
return buf
with open('sample.bin'.'wb') as f:
f.write(b'hello world')
buf = read_into_buffer('sample.bin')
In [16]: buf
Out[16]: bytearray(b'hello world')
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Serialize Python objects
- We need to serialize Python objects into byte streams so that we can save them to a file, store them in a database, or transfer them over a network connection.
- The most common way to serialize data is to use the pickle module.
import pickle
data = ... #some python object
f = open('somefile'.'wb')
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- To dump an object as a string, use the
import pickle
data = ... #some python object
f = open('somefile'.'wb')
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- To recreate an object from a byte stream, use pickle.load() or pickle.loads()
Chap 6 data encoding and processing
Reading and writing JSON data
- Mainly using JSON modules
- The two main functions are json.dumps() and json.loads()
- Use json.dump() and json.load() for files instead of strings
Parsing simple XML documents
- Xml.etree.ElementTree can extract data from simple XML documents
from urllib.request import urlopen
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
u = urlopen('http://planet.python.org/rss20.xml')
doc = parse(u)
In [24] :for item in doc.iterfind('channel/item'):
....: title = item.findtext('title')... : date = item.findtext('pubDate')... : link = item.findtext('link')... :print(title) .... :print(date) .... :print(link) .... :print()
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