Hi, I’m your cat brother, the super cat who doesn’t like to eat fish and doesn’t like cats

1. node

The best learning resource is definitely the most authoritative Official Node.js project.

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside the browser.

For more information about using Node.js, see the Node.js website.


2. node-api-cn

Node.js API Chinese documentation project


3. node-in-debugging

This is a node.js debugging guide project that has been published.

When the application performance bottleneck, how to combine the code to predict where the problem may occur, show the application performance bottleneck method.

For example, using PERF, flame chart, red and blue differential flame chart to analyze and locate the problem.


Flame graph:

Red and blue differential flame diagram:


4. nodebestpractices

Node.js best practices

  • This is a summary and sharing of the highest ranking node.js best practices
  • This is the largest pool, and it’s growing every week. Currently, more than 50 best implementations, style guides, and architectural recommendations have been presented. New issues and PR are created every day to keep the online book up to date.
  • Most entries contain additional information. Next to most of the best practice items, you’ll find links that present you with sample code, blog references, and more


  • Project Structure Practice (5)
  • Exception Handling Practices (11)
  • Code Specification Practice (12)
  • Testing and Overall Quality Practice (8)
  • Into production practice (16)
  • ⭐ New: Safety Practices (23)
  • Performance Practices (coming soon)


5. deep-into-node

This project is about: deep understanding of Node.js: core ideas and source code analysis.

Source code analysis includes (Libuv, V8) and requires a certain degree of C and C++ foundation. Node.js source code everywhere flashing the wisdom of developers and the pursuit of the ultimate spirit. Including but not limited to:

  • System architecture
  • Design patterns
  • Performance optimization
  • Exotic curiosity-a solution looking

This book through the analysis of node core module implementation, to the reader node asynchronous IO, the core idea of the event cycle. Help developers make better use of Node.js.

Learn the design philosophy of Node.js by tracing the node community development issues to explore the changes and evolution of Node.


6. Nodejs-Roadmap

This project is the author’s learning process since the development of Node.js. It aims to provide you with a more detailed learning tutorial, focusing more on the technology stack involved in node.js server. If this article can help you, please give support!

Node.js consists of Libuv, Chrome V8, and some core apis, as shown below:

The above shows the structure of Node.js, and the following is a brief explanation:

  • Node Standard Library: Node.js provides JavaScript interfaces, such as HTTP, buffer, FS, and Stream modules

  • Node bindings: this is the bridge between JavaScript and C++, which encapsulates the lower module and provides the basic API interface to the upper layer.

  • V8: Google’s open-source, high-performance JavaScript engine, developed in C++ and running in Google chrome. If you are interested in learning more about V8 engines, visit What is V8?

  • Libuv is a cross-platform event-driven I/O library. It was developed for Node.js using C and C++ and is a core part of I/O operations, such as reading files and OS interaction. From a Libuv Chinese tutorial

  • C-ares: C-ARES is an asynchronous DNS resolution library

  • Low-level Components: Provides HTTP parsing, OpenSSL, data compression (Zlib), and other functions.

The above is just a snapshot, but each of these points is worth exploring if you want to learn more about Node.js.

Both content and reading effect, are very good, is worth recommending a learning Node open source project.


7. NeteaseCloudMusicApi

Netease Cloud Music Node.js API Service


There are 206 apis in total!

Such as:

Login Refresh Login Send verification code verification code register (change password) Get user information, playlist, favorites, mv, DJ quantity obtain user playlist obtain user radio obtain user concern list obtain user fan list obtain user dynamic obtain user playing record obtain high-quality playlist obtain playlist details search search suggestions obtain lyrics song comment Collect single to playlist album comment Playlist comment MV comment radio program comment Banner Obtain song details Obtain album Content obtain singer single obtain singer MV Obtain singer album obtain singer Description Obtain similar singer obtain similar song list Similar MV Obtain similar music obtain recent5A user who listened to this song get daily recommended song list get daily recommended song private FM check-in like music and so on...Copy the code

If you want to make an open source music project, take a look at this project.


8. node-elm

This is a background system built based on Node.js + Mongodb.

The whole project is divided into two parts: foreground project interface, background management interface, a total of more than 60. Involving login, registration, adding goods, goods display, sorting, shopping cart, order, user center, etc., constitute a complete process.

The target function

IP location -- complete city list -- complete search address -- complete upload picture -- Complete add shops -- Complete add food -- Complete measure distance -- complete search food, Restaurant -- Complete sorting and screening according to distance, sales volume, rating, special dishes, delivery method, etc. -- Complete evaluation list -- complete food details -- complete business details -- complete shopping cart functions -- complete login, registration -- complete password change -- complete user information -- Add, delete, modify the delivery address -- complete the order -- complete ✨✨ order information -- complete the red envelope -- complete the shop management -- complete the food management -- complete the administrator authority verification -- complete the super administrator -- complete the order management -- complete the traffic statistics -- Complete the isomorphism of front and back - Deployment online - CompleteCopy the code


9. awesome-nodejs

Table of contents

Official matching crazy science command line application function programming HTTP debugging/analysis record command line utility building tools hardware tempetization Web framework documentation file system control flow stream real-time image text digital mathematics date Web site data verification parsing humanized compression Web database quizzes security benchmark-management Miniaturizer authentication authorization E-mail job queue Node.js Administration Natural Language processing process management automation AST Static web site generator content management system forum blog strange serialization various resources explain Discover articles newsletter Video, book, blog, course cheat sheet, tool community, various related listsCopy the code


The last

Well, node.js is a great open source project to learn from, and that’s all we’ve found so far.

Unconsciously, the original article has been written in the 43rd issue, almost every article is the high-quality open source project carefully selected by Mobrother, and the project in every article pushed is almost very helpful to the front-end development.

Original is not easy, a high-quality article is to liver a few nights to liver out, spend a lot of time, energy to screen and write recommendation reasons, big guys after reading the article, to a key three even, when the cat brother a little encouragement.

Please look at the treasure warehouse below, please be careful to enter!


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