The open source world is getting richer and richer every day. What are the new challenges on the front end in 2022? Below is a list of 20 interesting open source projects that we hope will include the one you want to bookmark.

U 1. The Proton particles


Proton is a lightweight, flexible Javascript particle animation library. You can easily create a variety of cool particle animations using it, and the project is referenced by the 2k project on Github. Proton also supports 3d particle versions… .

U 2. Awesome LowCode Component


LowCode – One of the hottest concepts in the front-end space in recent years, the Awesome LowCode Component project brings you a collection of LowCode components and cutting-edge solutions that can be used to quickly build enterprise-level projects or directly for development to dramatically improve the efficiency of business needs and business monetization.

U 3. Wp2vite


A particularly useful project to enable your Webpack project to support Vite. Compared to WebPack, the vite development environment builds about 80% faster and the production environment builds about 50% faster.

U 4. Awesome State


Collect a wide variety of front-end state management solutions in the industry, including react, Vue, Angular, applets and other state libraries.

★5. Front-end engineering tool Feflow


Feflow is Tencent’s open source front-end workflow and specification tool for improving engineering efficiency. At present, it has been widely used in NOW live broadcast, Pattern live broadcast, pattern make friends, hand Q near, group video, group gift, echo, App Treasure, Penguin and other businesses.

U 6. TDesign React to the Starter


TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter TDesign React Starter

U 7. Web IDE UI


Molecule is a VS Code-inspired Web IDE UI framework built using React.js. By designing a similar VS Code Extension mechanism (Extension), you can quickly and easily build a highly abstract Web IDE UI system.

★8. Flutter game Library


Zerker is a flexible, lightweight Flutter animation game framework. Have you tried using Flutter to develop cross-end games? It can also animate widgets, such as fly-out animations, pop-ups, scene transitions, and so on.

U 9. InkPaint


InkPaintIs a run onnode.jsEnd lightweightCanvasGraphics rendering library. useInkPaintYou can dynamically synthesize all kinds of pictures and PDFS on the server side. Meanwhile, InkPaint isnode.jsThe common library between the browser and the browser will still work on the browser side.

★10. Golang for Node.js Developers


This guide contains plenty of examples for anyone learning Go from Node.js and vice versa. Go is a high performance, high concurrency, cross-platform language, is getting more and more attention and application. As the saying goes, having more skills means more options when it comes to app development.

★11. Cloud development CloudBase CMS


CloudBase CMS is a Node.js-based Headless content management platform launched by Tencent Cloud Development. It provides rich content management functions, easy installation, easy secondary development, and closely integrated with the cloud development ecosystem to help developers improve development efficiency.

★12. Practice of Qiankun Microfront-end


Qiankun is a complete set of micro front-end solutions. This project will introduce how the Vue project can be connected to Qiankun through a micro service Demo. This project is based on vuE3 + KOA2 + Qiankun2 micro front-end and background management system project practice.

★13. Online video editor


An online video editor that supports timeline manipulation and video cropping. The project uses server-side rendering and supports modern mainstream browsers.

★14. Code clock collection


This project has dozens of interesting clock codes of all kinds. Find a nice clock to hang on your blog page and instantly make it look great.



Github is an open source project from Chinese developers. This project collects and collates some of our Chinese developers’ own works, and every one of them deserves a thumbs up. There are similar Awesome projects


Taken the 16. Alloy Worker


Transaction-oriented highly available Web Worker communication framework has withstood the test of Tencent Documents and other large front-end projects.

★17. Mall low code platform


Mall-Cook is a visual Mall building platform based on VUE development, including multi-page visual building, Json Schema generator (visual building material control panel), to achieve assembly line type standard access platform. The latest version uses UNI-App to reconstruct materials and template projects, and supports the generation of H5 and small program multi-terminal mall.

U 18. WebGPU Samples


WebGPU is the latest Web 3D graphics API. Currently, there are very few learning materials about WebGPU on the Internet. This project includes a series of Examples and codes of WebGPU, which can help you get started quickly.

★19. Front-end information TNT Weekly


Weekly project maintained by Tencent News TNTWeb front-end team, every week to recommend you the latest excellent articles and industry progress in the front-end field at home and abroad. Since open source, the project has gained 3.5K + STAR, which is favored by the majority of front-end developers in the industry.

★20. Programmers cook at home


Recipes are everywhere, searched on the Internet and even video tutorials, but the elusive “right amount” and “condiments” that pop up every now and then can be a headache for careful programmers. HowToCook was born.

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