This is the sixth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

As a front-end developer, VSCode is a necessary coding tool. In addition to daily coding, we should also learn to use our spare time to learn and have fun. Next, I will introduce 10 Nice VSCode plug-ins that will become addictive after playing. More plug-ins can be found in the VSCode Extensions official documentation.

First, plug-in recommendation

1.WeReadForVSCode- Reading on wechat

We can use wechat to read books in VSCode. Please read books in your spare time. It can help us open a window of wisdom in our hearts.

Use the shortcut key: Ctrl + F3

2,Leek box- Know the stock market

VSCode can see the stock & fund real-time data, you can pay attention to the rise and fall of your stock.

Use shortcut keys: Press F1 to open the command panel, type leekFund or click the “Stock” icon button in the left toolbar

3,VSC Netease Music- netease Cloud Music

VSCode allows you to listen to songs during breaks to relax your body, relieve stress and debug more efficiently.

Use shortcut keys: Press F1 to open the command panel and enter the command prefix netease Cloud Music or NeteaseMusic

4,vscode-plugin-weibo-hot- Trending on Weibo

You can see the hot searches on weibo and zhihu in VSCode.

Use shortcut keys: press F1 to open the command panel, enter Weibo or click the “hot search” icon on the left toolbar

5,Front-end toolset

In VSCode, you can view the built-in common interview question bank, common toolbox and development documents, and also import your own website!

Use shortcut keys: Click the “front-end Toolset” icon on the left toolbar

6,Super motivator- To your motivator

In VSCode, you can check out beautiful photos, quotes, handy widgets, common apis, good blog projects, and entertainment.

Use shortcut keys: click “Super Encourager” or F1 in the lower right corner of the status bar to enter the command selection, and activate the command: Summon encourager

7,LeetCode- Force buckle brush

VSCode can brush algorithm questions, one every day, to help you improve your programming skills efficiently, easily win the Offer of the world’s IT famous Dream.

To use shortcut keys: click the “LeetCode” icon on the left toolbar

Eight,Little overlord- small game

VSCode can play small games, let you relax in VSCode after tense development, through the combination of work and rest, improve the development efficiency.

Use shortcut keys: Click the “Game” icon button on the left toolbar

9,vscode-plugin-dailyEnglish- Study English every day

VSCode can learn English, learn a sentence every day, to improve their English level.

Use shortcut keys: Click the “Everyday English” icon on the left toolbar

10,everest-architecture- Front end daily study

VSCode can practice a topic every day, review to consolidate their front-end knowledge.

Use shortcut keys: click the “Front question of the Day” icon on the left toolbar

How to search and install VSCode plug-in?

You must have the VSCode editor installed before installing the VSCode plug-in.

Shortcut key: Shift + Ctrl + X or open VsCode shortcut key to open the app store, enter the desired plug-in in the input box and install it.

Here are the plugins recommended above:

  • WeReadForVSCode
  • Leek box
  • VSC Netease Music
  • vscode-plugin-weibo-hot
  • Front-end toolset
  • leetcode
  • Super motivator
  • vscode-movie
  • Little overlord
  • everest-architecture

Three, the last

If you find more fun plugins, feel free to comment below.