FastRTC – Video Chat

Project Experience Address:


This is a webrTC-based video chat platform, using a self-built STUN /TURN server.

Inspired byZipcallVideo communication platform.

The code is based on Zipcall, which is a great project with a very comfortable UI that I love and recommend.

But for well-known reasons, in China, we need to use Zipcall through the Scientific Internet. I have done some work on this problem.

Based on Zipcall,FastRTC adds the following features.

  • Support for self-built STUN /TURN servers, removing twilio dependency.
  • Call encryption is supported, and the connected parties need to know the room password before they can talk.
  • It has PWA features and can be mounted on the screen.
  • The whiteboard

I will continue to add new features.


  • Direct peer-to-peer connection ensures minimal latency
  • No download required, completely browser-based
  • Screen sharing
  • Picture in picture
  • Text chat
  • Support for self-built STUN /TURN servers
  • You can use passwords to join calls to ensure security
  • Installable (PWA)

Quick start

  • You will need to install Node.js
  • Clone the warehouse
git clone
cd FastRTC
Copy the code

Install dependencies

Copy the code

Start the server

npm start
Copy the code
  • Open it in a browserlocalhost:3000
  • If you want to use the client on another computer/network, be sure to publish the service over an HTTPS connection.

Pay attention to

You need to add your own STUN/TURN server information to server.js


Maybe you need coturn

Zipcall ‘s home page
