The framework of blink-Mind, the previously open source mind mapping library, is basically finished. The so-called wheel is done, do not build a car out of the yo-yo turn how to go, otherwise how to know whether the wheel works.

Therefore, I made such a mind map extension of VScode to verify the usability of this library. In addition, I will also use this extension in my work, and I will always invest time to maintain this plug-in in the future, so that this plug-in can use the unique functions of VScode to achieve some functions that other mind map software cannot achieve. For example:

  • Associate a certain piece of code with a topic item in the mind map. Click a link in the topic item to automatically jump to the corresponding one in vscode projectCode segment.
  • Put the code insideTODONote items are written in a certain format. Mind maps are used to analyze these TODO notes and generate hierarchical TODO list displays.
  • If you have a lot of Markdown files in your workspace, you can associate these Markdown files with remarks for mind map subject items.

Without further ado, picture above

Interface is introduced

The main interface:

The picture is too big, so I need to click it to see it more clearly

Theme selection interface

There are five built-in themes. The style for each node can also be fine-tuned using the style editor on the right.

Style editing interface

Supports editing of border, background and line styles.

Supports editing of text styles (size, line spacing, color).

Remarks Editing interface

Remarks can be added to any node

Note editor supports rich text editing and supports code insertion. Selecting the text to be edited will bring up the editing toolbar, which is similar to the editing experience of Medium website.

Operation is introduced

The new mapping

Ctrl+Shif+P opens the command panel and type Mind

Select Create new mindmap to Create a new mindmap

Enter the name of the new mind map. For example, IF I want to create a new mind map named new-Mind under the React subfolder in the current workspace root directory, press Enter.

The default mind mapping file name extension is. Blinkmind. The file is then created and the editor opens automatically.

Edit mapping

Right-click any node to bring up a menu

Shortcuts are also available, and drag and drop is also supported.

Focused mode

Right-click on any node and select the Set as Editor Root menu item to put the node into focus mode for editing. In addition, a navigation bar appears in the upper left corner of the map, through which you can return to any parent node.

Save the mapping

Clicking the save button on the far left of the toolbar writes the buffer contents to the hard disk.

Download link…


When will I publish to vscode extention market

At present, icon has not been designed, welcome any students who are interested to contribute icon~~~~~. I am not good at using design software at present, but I am still exploring. After icon is finished, I will upload VScode Extention market

A mind map I created myself

My own mind maps created during the learning process are placed under this repository…