System number: BS-PT-033

Back-end technology: Spring+Springmvc+Mybatis

Front-end technology: BootStrap

Development tool: IDEA/Eclipse

Database: Mysql

Application server: Tomcat8.5.31

JAVA version: JDK1.8

VX:  baozai_7788

This system is based on the SSM framework development and surface, to achieve a microblog system, complete functions, simple and generous interface, suitable for graduation design.

It mainly realizes the functions of user registration, login, sending micro-blog, forwarding micro-blog, liking, commenting, collecting, following the blogger, adding friends, viewing the circle of friends, replying to comments and so on.

Display of some functions of the system:

Front-end function display:


User login and registration:



Check the weibo


System notification: The system will remind others when they like, comment or forward

Forwarding microblogging

You can view my favorites, my likes

Check your tweets

Modifying personal Information

Micro-blog background management

Weibo management

User management

Modify background user information

The above is the basic function of the micro-blog system, if your graduation project topic selection is consistent, you can use to do graduation project. VX: baozai_7788
