Reading for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Antecedents to review

Continuous integration can be implemented using git hooks. The following is a question that will be addressed in this article:

Current release applets status

In the process of small program development, most developers open, are compiled through the developer tools, preview, upload, and then log in the small program background, release.

Perhaps little attention has been paid to the CI helper for small programs, miniProgram-CI.

miniprogram-ciWhat is the

Miniprogram-ci is a compilation module of small program/small game project code extracted from wechat developer tools.

Developers do not need to open the small program developer tool, and independently use miniprogram-CI to upload and preview the small program code.

miniprogram-ciWhat can do

  • Upload code, corresponding to the small program developer tools upload
  • Preview code, corresponding to the applets developer tool preview
  • Build the NPM, corresponding to the applets developer tools: menu-Tools-Build NPM
  • Upload cloud development cloud function code, corresponding to applets developer tools to upload cloud function capabilities
  • The agentTo configure the network request proxy mode of miniProgram-CI
  • Support for getting the recently uploaded version of sourceMap
  • Node script invocation and command line invocation are supported

How to useminiprogram-ciUpload code

  • First, we need to configure the key and IP whitelist on wechat public platform.

    Before using miniProgram-CI, you should visit “wechat public Platform-development-Development Settings”, download the code, upload the key, and configure the IP whitelist. Developers can choose to open the IP whitelist, and only the IP in the whitelist can call the relevant interface. We suggest that all developers enable this option by default to reduce the risk. The code upload key has the permission to preview and upload the code. The key will not be stored in the wechat public platform in plain text

  • Second, install the NPM package of miniProgram-CI in your project

    npm install miniprogram-ci --save
    Copy the code
  • Third, create a file to write the upload code.

    Before writing this code, you need to understand the concept of project objects. It can be understood as an abstraction of the entire small program, defined as follows:

    interface IProject {
      appid: string // AppID of small program/small game project
      type: string / / the type of project, RMS miniProgram/miniProgramPlugin/miniGame/miniGamePlugin
      projectPath: string // The path of the project, that is, the directory where project.config.json is located
      privateKey: string // Private key, used for authentication when obtaining project attributes and uploading, downloaded after login on wechat public platform
      attr(): Promise<IProjectAttr> // Project properties, if privateKey is specified real project properties are used
      stat(prefix: string, filePath: string): IStat | undefined // prefix the stat of the filePath (filePath) in the specified directory, undefined if it does not exist
      getFile(prefix: string, filePath: string): Promise<Buffer> // Prefix filePath Buffer in the specified directory
      getFileList(prefix: string, extName: string): string[] // list of files under the prefix filePath (filePath) in a specific directory
      updateFiles: () = > void // Update the project file
    Copy the code

    Then you can implement an upload function, such as the code on the official document:

    // upload.js
    / / reference miniprogram - ci
    const ci = require('miniprogram-ci')
    ;(async() = > {// Create the project object
      const project = new ci.Project({
        appid: 'wxsomeappid'.type: 'miniProgram'.projectPath: 'the/project/path'.privateKeyPath: 'the/path/to/privatekey'.ignores: ['node_modules/**/*'],})// Perform the transfer action
      const uploadResult = await ci.upload({
        version: '1.1.1'.desc: 'hello'.setting: {
          es6: true,},onProgressUpdate: console.log,
      // Prints the upload result
    Copy the code

    We can place this code as a command in a package.json file

    // package.json
      "name":"miniProgram"."version":"1.0.0"."scripts": {"npm run upload": "node ./upload.js"}}Copy the code

    In this way, we can execute NPM run upload after local development to complete the upload of the small program.

    The same goes for preview.

    Realize continuous integration of small programs

    To implement continuous integration, use the post-Update hooks of Git hooks to configure the upload script for the applets.

    Possible issues to consider — the ability to display a preview qr code at preview time.


  • Need to knowminiprogram-cipackage
  • Need to knowminiprogram-ciPackage, external API
    • uploadupload
    • previewpreview
    • packNpmBuild the NPM
    • getDevSourceMapPull the recently uploaded version of sourceMap

One last word

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