
Second-hand Time — Alexievich Nobel Prize

I read this book in the spirit of socialist brotherly plot.

The book tells the story of ordinary Russians’ lives and the price they paid for their dreams during the painful social transformation that took place between 1991 and 2012 after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Alexievich interviews people who lived in the society before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and records them in an oral way, similar to reportage that was very popular in China in the 1980s. Or, you could call it nonfiction.

Read this book, understand the meaning of second-hand, can be integrated through the use.

Interview little people, more sense of The Times, let a person feel particularly real.

The book, which is actually written in chronological order, is divided into two parts.

The past sleeps, the old dream never wakes up

The last part of the interview took place very close to the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time, people were either excited at the beginning of a new era, or angry at the end of the Republic. Most people are confused about the future. The Times are going through chaos, The Times are reforming, The Times are receding. Many people are poor, many people have broken values, many people are desperate, many people see a new life, many people are opportunistic, many people turn over and shine. The era is such, who also can’t say clearly, has changed dramatically. Wake up one night, changed everything, everything has changed. Life seems like a dream, ideal seems like a dream, life seems like a dream, communism seems like a dream. Back to reality, broken, turbulent, chaotic. The past has passed, but the world to come, really as people wish?

The next part of the interview was with people long after the Collapse of the Soviet Union. But how long? The year 2020 is less than 30 years away. Just in the days of gradually far away, in the ideal collapse of the world, they or they, life each have sour, sweet, bitter and hot, ubiquitous gather and scatter joys and sorrows. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russians experienced the Chechen war, terrorist attacks, and the world economy. Chechnya and Kyrgyz, who have suffered ethnic discrimination and oppression, are full of hardships and sorrow on the road to independent development. Life is never easy. The end of a dream is the beginning of another dream. How many young people remember the red flag and read the Communist Manifesto when the Soviet Union was fading into history?


The Nature of Finance

The essence of finance summed up three good bureau:

First, finance the rich and finance the needy.

Second, credit, leverage, risk and finance are all just three words;

Third, finance should not entertain itself, but serve the real economy, or it will be a bubble.

“Catch a fool”

You can’t control human nature

Bad money drives out good money


This book discusses how leaders inspire others to achieve excellence in their organizations voluntarily.

The book is written by Sir Alex Ferguson, the former manager of Manchester United and David Moretz, a venture capitalist.

It’s how Fergusson manages the football team.

The author developed a leadership assessment tool, “The List of Habits and Behaviors of Leadership”. After knowing this, I took a test and found that I was not suitable for leadership potential.

Ferguson has made a point of making young, dynamic youngsters realise they have a lot of potential.

Give them 20% of their learning time to develop their potential

Lots of deliberate practice that encourages self-discipline and introversion.

You can’t be emotional. You have to make decisions.

Don’t fall in love with your players, they will cheat you, there is no such thing as family, but employees need to be comforted when they ask for help.

No one invited the leader. Motivate people, get to know them,

A leader and an employee are partners, and you want your employees to get what they want.

Cristiano ronaldo has Ferguson as his godfather. Avoid reprimanding players as little as possible. It’s important to have an open line of communication with your boss. Communicate deeply with the leader.

Success is not about buying users and data. You have to earn it.

The basic salaries of players are not as high as those of workers and are not stable.

The prize money is spent, but the MEDALS are there forever. Managing employees requires constant motivation and encouragement.

His philosophy is that companies need to have a sense of urgency, a sense of crisis, and that motivates leaders to think.

  • I’m thinking

Combined with so many years of experience, I will be decisive and resolute when I become a leader, often face to face, and deeply understand their interests and hobbies. In order to… Do not repeat the same mistakes.

After School ———— Higashino Keigo writes deductive novels

This novel has both the laughter and sorrow of youth, and various problems gradually arise from the club, leading to the murder and solving of the crime later, thus reflecting the subtle and dark of human nature. It is a direct attack on Japanese social problems from multiple angles, and gives people a warning: when beautiful, pure and true things are destroyed, and cherished memories and dreams are destroyed, hatred begins to germinate and spread unscrupulously.

Tell about the students because of the arrangement of a few stolen murder cases, will be more ink on the contradictions between teachers and students to create an atmosphere, the end to his wife is the murderer of the island before the murder.

The book is characterized by an emphasis on logical reasoning and human frailty. The arrangement for the final case seems masterstroke.

  • I’m thinking

Hobbies: always like to see the case, in fact, from the novel, Higashino Keigo’s novel is a good embodiment.

The next article can be read “White Night Walk”, “Letter” and other works.

The benefits of reading novels: improve writing style, increase literary accomplishment.

The Fourth Age of Consumption

It takes ten days to polish a piece

“The Second Sex” — Author: De Beauvoir published the women’s Rights Bible

This book systematically elaborated her existentialist feminist ideas and boldly declared to the secular world: “We will study women from an existentialist point of view and give due attention to all our situations.”

Existentialism: people-oriented, respect for individual character and freedom. People live in a meaningless universe, and their existence itself is meaningless. However, people can build and achieve themselves on the basis of their original existence, and live a wonderful life, so as to have meaning.

The subordinate status of women, how is the female temperament solidified down, the label given to women by the patriarchal society, we are so fixed ideas.

We thought that this other status is an occasional prejudice, but the fact is that these essentialist thinking towards women is everywhere, this huge cultural oppression, rooted in the culture of the whole society and everyone’s ideological roots.

It can be said that naming the second sex is a kind of discrimination against women’s status, because

Under the stereotype, the essence of women is other, rooted in the blood.

Beauvoir said the most classic sentence: women are not born, but made.

However, now the society is gradually changing, The Times are changing, will once again go through the shaping of social culture. Nowadays women are more and more independent and there are more and more opportunities for women.

Much of this book’s argument is out of date, many phenomena have changed, and posterity has gained more insight. But women have not completely gotten rid of secondary roles, such as employment and fertility.

Rw time: don’t want to have a second child, want to break free of the second sex bondage. Make yourself not only a user, but also a researcher.

Summary: Get an overview of the main ideas of the book, and then pick out a few ideas to evaluate. The harvest comes at the end

Women’s liberation status: they need to work by themselves, get rid of dependence on men, and can get their own place through their own efforts. They have children because they want to have children, not because of social pressure.

A Short Walk down Wall Street ———— Malkiel’s bestselling investment book

The book’s point:

Stocks are a waste of our money and time, not a magic bullet to help us.

Both fundamental and technical analysis have been savaged by academics and spooky people.

Thoroughly criticized the technical analysis, partly criticized the fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is nonsense,

It is wiser to be rid of an illusion than to discover a truth.

Stock market: Wives invest, gamblers gather

The stock market is a matter of luck as well as strength.

Jargon: short selling, breakdown, sinister bookmaker

In the first part… The second part is about… , and then summarized

Undercurrents of Money

Watergate: One of the most scandalous political scandals in American history. In 1972, President Nixon (Republican) was caught stealing information from the Democratic Party.


There are spirits in the workplace

Thinking style * enthusiasm * ability

Think about:

Ability 90 * Passion 30 = 2700 Ability no enthusiasm ability 60 * Passion 90 = 5400 No talent enthusiasm is mainly to have a way of thinking: direction enthusiasm + ability to play in the positive direction

Be passionate About everything Be passionate about everything Play: Be so serious as to drive yourself into a desperate situation A sign from the gods that you will work so hard that the gods will see it.

Make the impossible possible

Chapter 2: You Can learn nothing by Sweating On the Spot turn the impossible into the doable. The capacity is calculated in the future continuous tense, and the span of the railings is fixed at more than 2 floors higher than the present.

Striving To live today in the present moment. Great results come from sweat and blood.

Companies don’t like people who don’t burn.

Natural and combustible people who strive to be natural enjoy their work and give it their all so it doesn’t become a pain and they feel a sense of accomplishment when they’ve done any work well.

Liking your job thoroughly is the only way to enrich your experience of life.

Chapter two: Conquer yourself and move on

Chapter 2: Get to the essentials, Complex Questions Simplify binary questions answered in three-way questions that can be simplified for example: tell a story that the layman can understand

Chapter two: International problems can also be simplified

How I felt: Watching Kazuo Inamori’s chicken soup can still give positive energy when the task is heavy. He advocated the transformation of the soul, believing in the importance of taking “assigned work” as one’s vocation. You will never be free from the misery of work until you have abandoned the sense that it is not appropriate to do what is asked of you. I don’t think many people can do that.

The next step is to understand the way management thinks, so as to align with the above ideologically.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Be proactive: First, choose things in the circle of influence and less things in the circle of concern. Start with the end 3. First things first 4. Win-win thinking 5. 7. Keep updating

Put things that aren’t urgent and important first.

Everyone needs to create an emotional account. In the process of getting along, people can withdraw money and save money, which is to become interdependent and create a win-win relationship

Take the goose with the following golden egg for example: if you can lay a golden egg every day, you don’t feed it every day but open up your stomach, which is not output.

Transformational responses, probing reactions to the other person’s emotions, empathic speaking.

You don’t agree with me, say what you think

Human beings are an upward spiral. Keep learning, practicing, and persisting

From dependent to independent to interdependent personality.

The Third Choice links to the community, the Analects of Confucius

Confucius said: have to establish man, have to reach man

Personal Experience:

  • Work and study should be done first, not immediately the most important things, such as needs in order
  • Wz has such a character that he should choose the right thing instead of settling down to settle himself
  • Talk about the three dimensions of management:

First, in management principles, we need to rely on systems to manage people, work according to procedures, assess them by performance, and encourage them with incentives. Second, in terms of implementation requirements, the top management should do the right thing, the middle management should do the right thing, and the grassroots should do the right thing. Third, in terms of management actions, management is to be stared at, skills are to be practiced, methods are to be thought out, potential is to be forced out.

  • WZM should think more about how to do things correctly, improve team efficiency and stimulate team passion
  • There is a change in personal mentality, pointing out a lot of wrong ways and mentality, so focus on how to solve things, not on people

Ways to hurt people: one year of work experience takes 10 years

“Exercise Transforms the Brain” (John Ratey, Eric Hagerman)

Exercise produces endorphins and dopamine, slows aging, increases brain cells and reduces Alzheimer’s disease by 50 percent. Detox with exercise.

Women who try to keep fit have good IQ and EQ.

The more physical, the more resilient the brain.

Walk: Start with light exercise and make it a habit

Jogging: Moderate intensity exercise, release a variety of factors, let the brain stronger

Run fast: Do interval training with intense exercise to greatly increase HGH concentration

Yoga, Tai Chi or weight training: Rejuvenate your brain

Exercise teaches the brain that anxiety is a cognitive error

Exercise at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise six days a week.

People used to walk 8,000 to 16,000 meters a day.