Reading notes on the OKR Work Method


This book was recommended to me by The algorithm of Wanduo, and I bought it because it was interesting on the cover. However, after a rough review, I found that this working method and TDD development-driven mode have more guiding significance than practical significance, especially in this domestic environment, this working mode may only be suitable for start-up companies to try to implement. And the book happens to tell the story of a startup pushing this approach.

An overview of the

At the heart of OKR work is a measurable and challenging goal that uses key results to guide the organization toward its core goals. While this approach is difficult to promote domestically, it can be a good guide for individuals.

Personal assessment

2 stars (out of 5 stars), the guiding significance is greater than the practical significance, if used in the company OKR work method is to promote the enterprise to complete the target, but if used in the individual OKR is for personal target management and energy management.

The story in the book is too idealized, in short, can be seen as a popular science book, maybe foreigners eat that set of management system in the book?

Contents summary

In fact, the content is relatively simple. The majority of this book is a story about how to apply OKR working method. In the middle of the book, OKR working method leads the company into a desperate situation.

A brief introduction to OKR working methods

For a brief introduction, OKR will be divided into three parts:

O: Objectives stand for objectives that are challenging and measurable

KR: Key Results indicates a Key result.

Here’s what the book says:

Key objective: to complete the supply of high-quality tea

Key outcome 1: Achieving a repeat order reduction below 50%

Key result 2: Completed the transaction volume of 250,000 yuan.

Key outcome 3:…

What’s wrong with this OKR? The first point is that the target is immeasurable, and the target range of achieving the supply of high-quality tea is too broad, which can only be regarded as a big plan rather than a small goal. The second point is that there are too many key results. The more goals we want to achieve, the more dispersed our energy will be.

Priority of key results

The OKR working method was reformed from the key results to achieve the separation of objectives and set the priority order. The key results were divided into P1, P2, P3 and so on with P as the grade.

Here are the key results of the change:

P1: Sign A contract with Company A

P2: : Interview of three sales candidates

P3: : Complete customer service job description

Key result prioritization is the classification of important priorities for results. Deal with the important and urgent things first, and then focus on the important and non-urgent things. The urgent and non-important things are postponed, and the unimportant and non-urgent things are eliminated quickly.

Why did OKR fail?

1. You don’t have a Clear goal: When setting a goal, you should set a big goal and break it down into smaller goals. Prove yourself with a little win.

2. Not getting your priorities right: It’s important to get your priorities straight. Doing what’s important first is the main goal.

3. Lack of good planning: Planning behind goals is more about setting lower limits and preventing human inertia.

4. Poor communication: Only good communication and cooperation can gather people’s wisdom.

Can OKR work for individuals?

This is a different matter if OKR is applied to individuals, for example, OKR can be applied to individuals as follows:

1. Make a 5-year / 3-year / 1-year plan.

2. Make a plan for each month, three months and six months.

3. Create a weekly plan and review each week and each month.

  1. Set daily targets for yourself.

    In fact, it can be found that these methods are the same old talk, in fact, management by objectives, energy management, planning management of some variations, the truth is interlinked but the book only gives the general, without any substance, the end result is false.

Write in the last

In general, this book is really not a lot of reference significance, more of a guide, so I have arbitrarily excerpted some of the content.