Hello, I’m Karsong.

One day, I was in bed watching LoL videos when I got this message:

I’m proud of it. Of course.

Result a lot of friends say: want to see face classics!


I made an appointment with this excellent friend, and thank him for writing this interview in his busy schedule.

Let’s move on to the main body.

Personal information

  • Graduated from a 211 school in 19 years

  • After graduation, I worked in a unicorn Internet company. My main work was in the direction of middle and background system, and I preferred React technology stack

  • At the beginning of May, I planned to go outside to look at opportunities. Now I have received offers as follows: Ali, Byte, Meituan, Kuaishou, Didi and Yuxingtuan (all of them are invested in). Finally, I went to Byte and Kasong to join AvIC

Preparation stage

The preparation time for this interview is mainly from May 1 to May 5, and then the resume submission and interview.


  • Basic learning: I mainly through the official website to learn the basic Api, because these in the daily development are familiar with the heart, prepare for the interview directly from the advanced learning began to prepare

  • Advanced learning: In my opinion, for the interview, the Diff explanation and Hooks practice in the concept + implementation part are frequently asked, and of course the framework part is also very good, but I have not met you in the interview too specific, such as how to achieve the completeWork stage, If you have the time and interest to read it, you should

  • For Hooks source code, casson also has a video version that explains the Hooks source code in a very good way. Remember that Hooks are essential in an interview with a major company (if you use the React stack on your resume). They will also require me to write out some common custom Hooks, so be sure to read this course.


  • The Little Red Book Fourth Edition: Go over it to consolidate the foundation.

  • Introduction to ECMAScript6: Proficient in using API

  • Hu Hu’s JavaScript In-depth series: Able to write common apis by hand

Principles of browsers

  • Working principle and practice of Li Bing’s browser: I feel good after reading it. This course has formed a knowledge network through many scattered knowledge points with doubts before. A lot of interviews and questions on the Internet are from here, I wonder if the interviewers also refer to the interview questions from this course


  • Normal project accumulation + Geek time to play webpack

Computer network

  • Li Bing course also involves a department, network knowledge is quite trivial, here recommended god ternary soul TCP series, soul HTTP series

Here is my personal situation: ACTUALLY, I haven’t brushed a single LeetCode, and I only have 9 days to prepare for the interview, so I put the algorithm review at the end, but I didn’t have time to look at the previous knowledge because I reviewed it for too long, so I almost went to the algorithm based on the reference

  • Hugh’s nuggets pamphlet: In the later interview time to make up, here you don’t have to refer to me.

However, as far as I am concerned, the investigation of algorithm in the interview is not about taking a LeetCode question or writing a red-black tree directly, but more about giving some situational questions or application questions to comprehensively investigate the comprehensive strength of the interviewer.

The interview process

Resume ready

There are too many words to expand here, post a link. After writing the resume, you can find a few good friends to help you look at it and give some suggestions.

A resume

I was interested in Ali, byte and other big factories, plus two years without an interview. So at that time, first cast some small and medium-sized factories to accumulate interview experience, such as small and medium-sized factories into the three sides of the big factory.

The interview content,

The preparation for the interview in front is more about the eight-part essay. But the actual interview is not just about these factors, but also about your project experience, communication skills, and adaptability.

Interview skills

For example, if the interviewer asks you in one direction or another, you can expand in moderation and point out the direction or knowledge that you are good at. Sometimes the interviewer will ask you, “You just mentioned x and y, can you expand on that? It will greatly increase the pass rate.

In my opinion, as long as you pass the resume screening and enter the interview stage, it means that the interviewer wants you, the interview process is the interviewer to support his argument, and you take the initiative to show your good direction and ability is the best argument.

The last

In addition, I am not good at all aspects of the front end, if the interviewer asked you are not good at, just say it, it is best to add reasons.

For example, I am not good at CSS and did not prepare for the interview, so I directly told the interviewer that because I usually do the background system, it is rarely involved, and the interviewer did not ask. However, if you are not prepared, you will leave a bad impression on the area officer.

Finally, I wish you all can get the offer you want.