
It has been more than half a month since Ugod released the vuE3 source code, and many curious and early birds have already cloned the UGod code to absorb nutrients. As one of them, then gather together the process and harvest of worship in order to form a series of self-improvement.

This article, the first in a series, introduces the README that open source projects must aim for.


The Vue3 Readme contains the following contents

  • circleci. Circleci is a continuous integration, continuous deployment platform. Similar tools or platforms include Jekins,Travis CI, TeamCity, GitLab CI, etc. Different companies or developers, depending on the scale of development and application type, use the appropriate tool platform to meet their respective needs. For those of you who do not use continuous integration or not at all, the concept of deployment can be read more here.

  • The current stateThe Pre – Alpha. If you have the concept of version, you can skip it here. If you don’t, you can click hereSoftware versionTo consolidate the understanding, pay attention to the version and naming of the subsequent release of company or personal projects.
  • Features And FunctionsThe main content in the VUE3 Readme is a description of the architectural goals and new features. It’s easy to understand
Compilers: 1. Use modular architecture 2. Optimize"Block tree"3. More radical static tree compensation function 4. Support Source Map 5. Built-in identifier prefix (aka name"stripWith"Built-in pretty printing function 7. removesourceMap and identifier prefix features after using Brotli 8. the compressed browser version is streamlined by about 10KB runtime: 1. 2. Support Composition API, Options API, and Typings 3. Proxy based data change detection 4. Fragments 5 are supported. 6. Support Suspense W/async setup()Copy the code

  • Contribution to the wayThis link corresponds to the complete developer contribution guide, with more detailed product concept documentation, project architecture, development configuration items, issue feedback guide, donation guide. For those who want to see the source code, it is of high value to read it carefully. For students who have developed their own open source software, the donation guide can also be consulted.

Harvest keywords

Circleci Software Version Donation Guide Markdown Continuous Integration, continuous deployment

Divergence problem

  • In our daily work, most of us are engaged in business development, so how to manage and maintain documents in business projects, what contents should the documents contain and from what aspects?
  • Readme is now in Markdown format. So how does markdown parse? How to implement a Markdown?

The above two problems, usually in the work of understanding or best practice of the students can also share with us to discuss and improve