“This is the second day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The last Gwen Challenge 2021”.


In the recent project, THE UI design used jQuery to create the animation effect of unfolding and folding. The animation duration of unfolding and folding needs to be set. After searching through a bunch of React components, I finally found one that fit the bill. It’s this @kunukn/react-collapse.

The effect is as follows:

Code address of the above effect:

Helloreact /kunukn-react-collapse at main · bettersun/helloreact (github.com)

React collapse collapse @kunukn/react-collapse

NPM address:

@kunukn/react-collapse – npm (npmjs.com)

Making address:

[kunukn/react-collapse: Component-wrapper for collapse animation with CSS for elements with variable and dynamic height (github.com)] (github.com/nkbt/react-…).

The following content is the translation of the document (human translation, understanding or translation if there is any improper, also please correct, part of the content is not translated)

The necessary CSS

⚠️ ️ You need to add styles to the CSS style file to add animations.

Ex. :

<style>. Collapse - csS-transition {transition: height 280ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1); } </style>Copy the code

You can also add the style content to the Transition property.

    transition={`heightThe ${duration} cubic-bezier(4..0.2..1) `}isOpen={isOpen}
Copy the code

No animation if you do not specify this style.

Install React 16.8+

npm i @kunukn/react-collapse
# or 
# yarn add @kunukn/react-collapse 
Copy the code

Install React 16.3+

npm i @kunukn/react-collapse@^1
# or 
# yarn add @kunukn/react-collapse@^1 

Copy the code
import Collapse from "@kunukn/react-collapse";
// or with require syntax
// const Collapse = require("@kunukn/react-collapse");
const MyComponent = () = > (
  <Collapse isOpen={true || false} >
    <div>Your content</div>
Copy the code


attribute type The default value
isOpen boolean false
children node | function
render function
className string collapse-css-transition
transition string
elementType string div
collapseHeight string 0px
onChange function
onInit function
addState boolean false
noAnim boolean false
overflowOnExpanded boolean false
  • isOpen

    True: expand, false: fold.

  • Children: child component or child component function.


    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>Paragraph of text.</p>
        <p>Another paragraph is also OK.</p>
        <p>Images and any other content are ok too.</p>
        <img src="cutecat.gif" />
    Copy the code

    Render with attribute mode:

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse isOpen={isOpen}>
        {state => (
          <div className={`using-collapse-state-to-add-css-classThe ${state} `} >
            <p>I know the collapse state: {state}</p>
    Copy the code
  • Render: render function

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > {
      const render = state= > (
        <div className={`using-collapse-state-to-add-css-classThe ${state} `} >
          <p>I know the collapse state: {state}</p>
      return <Collapse isOpen={isOpen} render={render} />;
    Copy the code

    There are four collapsibility states available: collapsed, Collapsing, Expanded, and Expanding.

  • ClassName: CSS className of the child component

    You can specify a custom CSS class name. The default is collapsure-CSS-transition.

    When specifying the CSS class name of the child component, remember to add the CSS transition.

  • Transition: Transforms animation parameters

    You can also use the Transition property to specify the transition of the CSS.

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen, duration = "290ms" }) = > (
        transition={`heightThe ${duration} cubic-bezier(4..0.2..1) `}isOpen={isOpen}
        <p>Paragraph of text</p>
    Copy the code
  • ElementType: the HTML elementType of the generated child component, div by default.

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse elementType="article" isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>Paragraph of text inside an article element</p>
    Copy the code
  • CollapseHeight: height when collapsed. collapseHeight

    You can specify the height of the fold to display part of the content.

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse collapseHeight="40px" isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>
    Copy the code
  • OnChange: A toggle callback that takes state and style parameters and can be used to set state and style.

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > {
      const onChange = ({ state, style }) = > {
        /* state: string = the state of the collapse component. style: object = styles that are applied to the component. */
      return (
        <Collapse onChange={onChange} isOpen={isOpen}>
          <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>
    Copy the code
  • OnInit: Similar to onChange, but only called when the DOM is loaded.

    The following is an example that starts in a collapsed state and expands on load.

    const MyComponent = () = > {
      const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false);
      const onInit = ({ state, style, node }) = > {
        /* node: HTMLElement = the DOM node of the component. */
      return (
          <button onClick={()= >setIsOpen(state => ! state)}> Toggle</button>
          <Collapse onInit={onInit} isOpen={isOpen}>
            <p>A long paragraph of text inside an article element</p>
    Copy the code
  • addState

    If this property is added, the following properties are added to the component based on state.

    Copy the code
  • noAnim

    If you add this property, there will be no animation when the collapse unfolds.

    It only switches between folded and expanded states.

  • overflowOnExpanded

    If you add this property, you will expand without overflow: Hidden style.

  • Custom properties, Collapse supports applying custom properties such as aria- and data- to rendered DOM elements.

    For example, to set the aria-hidden property

    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse aria-hidden={isOpen ? "false" : "true"} isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>Paragraph of text</p>
    Copy the code

    For example, to specify the animation duration, you can use the following custom properties.

    const collapseStyles = { transitionDuration: "270ms" };
    const MyComponent = ({ isOpen }) = > (
      <Collapse style={collapseStyles} isOpen={isOpen}>
        <p>Paragraph of text</p>
    Copy the code

Supported browsers

Modern browsers above Internet Explorer 11

Supported React version

  • React Version 16.3+ : Use Collapse version 1
  • React Version 16.8+ : Uses Collapse version 2+

Use the lifetime of Act16.3

  • Render (using folded state to call CSS Transition)
  • ComponentDidMount (initially expanded or collapsed)
  • GetDerivedStateFromProps (Checks isOpen and applies a new collapse state if the isOpen property is changed)
  • ComponentDidUpdate (Updates style state from four folded states)

React16.8 hooks are used

  • useState
  • useEffect
  • useRef
  • useCallback
  • useReducer