The introduction
After a period of learning React, React and Vue development are indeed very different, but both are based on data-driven view front-end framework, so it is not very difficult to get started. This time, React+Redux was used to develop a small weather forecast project. Source code address:…
Technology stack
The front end
React: Front-end framework for building interfaces
Redux: Centralized status management of React facilitates communication between components
** redux-thunk :** Redux asynchronous action middleware used to handle asynchronous operations such as interface requests
Styled – Components: Writes CSS styles in a componentized manner
React-redux: The component reads data from Redux and distributes actions to the store to update the data
Antd: The React based UI library
Immutable: A persistent data structure that prevents state objects from being incorrectly assigned
Data acquisition
- Axios: Implementing data interface requests (emulating data with native JSON files)
Project preview
Page initialization
Choose hot Cities
Search for other cities
Realize the function
Get local real-time status
When we opened the page for the first time, the weather was displayed according to the city we were in, which required us to obtain a real-time status. Here, I used Amap Web JS API. First we introduce the entry script tag to add JS API to the page in the index.html file in the public folder.
/ / the key value to be on the official website to apply for the < script type = "text/javascript" SRC = " application key value" > < / script >Copy the code
We use the official interface for real-time positioning, and since we need to display weather information for the first rendering, we use the componenDidMount lifecycle function for this request:
ComponentDidMount () {// let _self = this; if(_self.props.init){ //eslint-disable-next-line AMap.plugin('AMap.CitySearch', function () { //eslint-disable-next-line var citySearch = new AMap.CitySearch() citySearch.getLocalCity(function (status, result) {if (status === 'complete' && === 'OK') { GetCity ( _self.initWeather( _self.props. GetInit ()}})})} else{ _self.initWeather( } }Copy the code
There is a judgment to be made here. If the city selection is changed from another page, returning to this page will result in a new load that changes the changed city, so we use an identifier to determine if it is the first load.
React could not find an AMap instance. I’m using comments here
Written on the first line of each occurring AMap class, its ESLint ignores this line of code to not report an error
Get city weather information
Similar to getting location information, I still use the API provided by Amap. Here I attach the official website,…
Echarts data visualization
In order to show the trend of temperature change, I used the line chart of Echarts for a data visualization
The implementation code
let domChart = this.dom;
var myChart = echarts.init(domChart);
let option = null;
option = {
xAxis: {
show: false,
type: "category",
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: "#fff"
grid:{bottom: "20"}
yAxis: {
show: false
series: [
data: array,
type: "line"
myChart.setOption(option, true);
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Use react-redux to operate redux
React -redux is used by react to bind redux. Provider is placed on top of redux, so stores can be received by the following components
<Provider store={store}>
<Route exact path='/' component={MainPage}></Route>
<Route exact path='/search' component={SearchCity}></Route>
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Connect () is used to get the state or Dispatch action in the store, which makes it easy to change the city, search history, and determine the identifier.
Use of middleware Thunk
By default, Redux-Thunk allows dispatch to accept only one object argument. Functions and promises are not allowed. Thunk middleware solves this problem. Component is not affected. Here I implement an update operation for redux data with React-Redux.
Secondary page city search
I implemented a search city in the secondary page, query the city weather function, here I use local JSON file, and use AXIos to implement the request,
axios.get('/city/citys.json').then((res) =>
{ var tem = []
tem = => item.citysName.includes(value))
if(tem = [])
unfound = 'Not Found'
callback(tem.slice(0, 10))
loading = false
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I use a filter method to filter the conditions, returning data containing input values or a prompt if it is empty. I used the antD official component for the search box, which has been packaged for us
<Select placeholder value={this.state.value} placeholder=' DefaultActiveFirstOption ='flase' showArrow='true' filterOption={false} onSearch={this.handlesearch} onChange={this.handleChange} onBlur={this.handleBlur} notFoundContent={null} style={{ width: '75%' }} bordered='false' loading={loading} notFoundContent={unfound} > { => <Option key={}>{d.citysName}</Option>); } </Select>Copy the code
I use the handleSearch method, the callback function when the text box value of this component changes, to realize the interface request and filter the content that meets the search conditions for display. And use the handleChange callback to make a change to the state city in redux, and jump to the home page, code:
handleSearch = value => { if (value) { loading = true fetch(value, data => this.setState({ data })); } else { this.setState({ data: [] }); }}; handleBlur = () => unfound = null; handleChange = value => { => { if ( == value) { let city = item.citysName.split(',')[0] this.props.changeCity(city) this.props.history.push('/') this.setState({ data: [] }); }})};Copy the code
Although this project is only a simple small project, but for their skills tips or have a certain help. I also encountered some problems in the process of development. As the saying goes, the process of solving problems is the process of improving my ability. After all, the road of learning is long and blocked, and the line is coming. Feel good, everybody can leave a praise, each praise is to me great encouragement
For more details about the project, please visit Github and leave comments