Reactive data: The data in the data is attached to the VM. The data in the VM is actually reactive and the content in the page changes as the data changes
- In daily development, why is the data of data modified, but the view is not updated?
- To summarize the problem: When adding a new property to an object or array declared or already assigned in vue data (the value of the array is an object), updating the value of the property does not update the view
- Defines that if new attributes are added to an instance after it is created, it does not trigger view updates
- Reason: When you pass an ordinary JavaScript Object to a Vue instance as the data option, Vue iterates through all of the Object’s properties and converts them to getters/setters using Object.defineProperty
- Due to the limitations of modern JavaScript (and the deprecation of Object.obsserve),Vue cannot detect the addition or removal of Object properties. Since Vue performs getter/setter conversion procedures on properties when initializing instances, properties must exist on data objects for Vue to convert them. That’s what makes it responsive.
- The solution
- You can use the $set() method to both add attributes and trigger view updates
- This.$set(Data to operate, new content, value)
/ / for example < h2 > {{obj. Name}}, {{obj. Age}} < / h2 > < button click = "add ()" > point I add the age < button / > the methods: {the add () {/ / this. Obj. Age = 19 this.$set(this.obj,"age",20) console.log(this.obj.age) } }, data(){ return{ obj:{ name:"sally" } } }Copy the code
- In addition, as the data changes in the VUE, so does the data in the DOM, but asynchronously
When the vUE data changes, the DOM is not updated immediately, and will not be updated until the next render is executed
- The solution
- You can use the nextTick() method, which is executed after the DOM update, and the nextTick() method, which is executed after the DOM update, is automatically called when the Vue is done updating the DOM. When Vue finishes updating the DOM, the nextTick function is automatically called to ensure that the DOM structure is up to date in this function
- this.$nextTick(()=>{})
ClickFn () {// Data changes, The contents of the view, but to follow this. MSG = '1' I am enclosing MSG = '2' I am enclosing MSG = 'I am a 3' this. MSG = 'I am 4' this. MSG = 'I am 5' enclosing $nextTick (() = > { Let result = document.querySelector('p').innerhtml console.log(result) // I am 5})}Copy the code