List of articles in this series:

  1. # [Chunge Story Board 01] “2K monthly salary, starting tomorrow”
  2. # 【 Spring Brother Stories 02】 Magic Sister programming Magic
  3. At this time, a great God chose to change his career

Chun, there is a new technology called React Native. I hear it’s awesome! — Zhu Ge, 2016

Forced to learn the front end

In fact, since 2015, the Internet bubble has gradually cooled signs, began to have the “capital winter”.

In other words: Going from “startup” to “financing” isn’t as easy as it used to be.

At the very least, I thought that with the dismal number of customers on meizhai’s APP at the time, getting a decent round of financing was a stretch of the imagination.

If I see a problem, my boss will see it.

Because of investors’ “capital crunch”, the boss was prompted to see more clearly than ever before.

At some point, we suddenly stopped adding new features to our apps.

My pure “Android development task” became less pure from that day on, as the requirements of the project included a lot of H5 page development, a lot of active pages to write, and these pages had to be connected to different platforms.

Jingdong Home, Taobao home economics, all kinds of malls and so on…

The boss finally realized that no one wanted to download native App, and access to various mainstream platforms was the only way out.

So who remembers the hungry “fruit mart” mentioned above?

Nonsense! Investors are out of money, who cares about their needs…

As a result, native APP development was completely abandoned.

I was also assigned to do some H5 page development.

At first I refused.

After all, I gave myself at that time is a “primary Android RESEARCH and development”, my goal is through continuous learning, continuous training and exploration, become a can get 8K+ salary “intermediate Android research and development”.

As for the front end… Why would I learn that?

However, with the help of Lei, I did a quick review of the wC-School basics tutorial and after doing so, I suddenly realized:

Front-end development so cool? This is way better than andros!

Two, the first taste of sweet front

As mentioned above, when I joined “Zibo” Company, because the company had no extra office computers, I came to the post with my own equipment.

That device I brought with me, it was…

Y470, purchased in 2011, 4G memory, 2.3ghz CPU……

A five-year-old laptop, used as an Android developer, in one word: slow.

How slow?

I often had to wait 20 minutes in front of my computer to change a line of code and see it on my phone with a debugging tool…

But the “front end” is completely different.

After the front end changes the HTML, just click refresh, oh my god, the effect has!

Is that too much trouble? You can even press F12, wySIWYG is WYSIWYG, tweak the style in Chrome Developer and write it to a file.

For a second, I thought I was enlightened.

My precious life without waiting for “compiling…” Embrace the joy of “what you see is what you get”…

However, many years later, when I was working on a boulder front-end VUE project and faced the pain of having to compile for 20+ minutes after YARN Start, I was reminded of that afternoon when I was shocked that “front-end does not compile”.

At the time, I wondered if the whole front-end engineering group had lost sight of its original purpose.

Anyway, at that time, I began to enjoy the development of static active pages because of the joy of the front end.

Technology selection of the official website

Although we started to actively connect to various platforms, the drainage also started to pay off, with more orders and users.

But these meagre revenue increases cannot afford the entire research and development team.

“Financing” remains the company’s top priority.

But it is a pity that the winter of capital has really come.

After communicating with several investors, the company failed to obtain any financing.

Paving the way for “financing” has also become critical for our r&d.

The boss gave the order:

We need an official website! The kind that can order online!

Yes, you read that correctly. After operating for so long, “Zexibao APP” has no official website.

Finally, three developers were selected to work together as the “front end” to develop the official website of Hometreasure.

The three men are:

  • I, beginning to learn front-end less than half a month, only developed static pages of pure sprout new.
  • Zhu Ge, IOS developer, had little front-end development experience before.
  • Duan Ge, server-side development, some front-end experience before, in.jspWritten in a filejQueryTo the extent that.

According to the above configuration, brother Zhu and I are basically free, and Brother Duan is the “ceiling of the front end” of the team.

After a period of technical selection, Duan Ge excitedly told us:

“I chose a state-of-the-art technology called React.”

At the time, I didn’t realize what this selection would mean for our improvised team.

By the time I did, it was too late.

This is especially true of Brother Zhu.

Four, the cast brother

Brother Zhu, when I joined, he was about 22 years old and had just graduated from junior college for one year.

It is said that he majored in business administration in college, but since he was a distant relative of his boss, he worked as a customer service intern at “Zaibao Company” in his junior year. Because I happened to catch up with the company to continue IOS development, I got the opportunity to attend IOS training at my working expense.

I became a programmer by accident.

He is not only young, but also surprisingly good-natured. He always has a smile on his face and speaks pleasantly and politely to everyone.

I don’t remember him arguing at all.

This resulted in the entire company liking this guy from top to bottom.

Zhu ge’s catchphrase is: “I hear it’s really awesome”.

I’ve heard him use this phrase more than once since I started to work to describe various technologies and characters that people only half understand.

“React Native came out recently, and I hear it’s awesome.”

“The CEO of Facebook, I hear he’s awesome!”

So yunyun.

When the “official website development plan” was just released, Zhu Ge was also rubbing his hands at first, thinking that it was a very good opportunity to learn a new technology through this opportunity.

But when the project actually started developing, it was a completely different experience.

Five, the pain

If you don’t have the necessary Html, Js, and Css experience, what would it be like to develop a front-end application with React.

I can tell yes, that’s absolutely:

A traumatic experience.

We’ve pretty much pieced together Javascript code from other languages (although I’ve had a cursory look at the “Rhino Book” before), but it’s often painful to come across Es6 syntax:

What exactly does “() => {}” arrow function mean? Why are so many examples on the web written this way?

What operator is three dots? Can these bloggers write some normal code?

What does {name} mean? Why do you write that?

These questions, at that time, no one in the team could answer.

Every day MY mind was filled with question marks, confusion as I wrote code and searched for answers in blogs on the Web.

With the exception of Es6 syntax dilemmas, our dilemmas are far from that:

We don’t understand which parts of the React webPack Dev service happen in the browser and which happen in nodeJS.

React {zIndex} React {zIndex}

I don’t understand why writing it this way will work, because writing it that way will give an error.

Confused, confused, helpless, do not understand!

Although this process of fumbling is excruciating, fortunately, I am no stranger to it.


During those months of learning Android by myself, the pain of exploring alone was even more profound than this. I often get stuck for a whole day because of a problem I can see right away, only to have to delete the code and start from scratch.

At least for once, the three of us could talk to each other, and that was a great joy.

Just because I can stand it, doesn’t mean everyone can.

Six, collapse

When I spent more than ten hours a day in project development, I was constantly exploring, trying to understand, slowly learning the front-end knowledge points, and desperately trying to catch up with the project schedule.

Cast elder brother proposed to boss however “transfer post” appeal.

Zhu Ge later explained to us why he wanted to transfer his post:

During more than a month of working on the official website project, he fell into constant self-doubt every day, completely unable to understand the code he had written and relying on baidu search results to piece it together.

The process was extremely painful.

Make it clear that writing code is a painful process for him.

He thought he might not be cut out for coding.

The boss found it hard to understand at first and asked Him to calm down for a few days before making a decision.

A few days later, Zhu stands by his decision.

So He returned to the role of “customer service” and stayed with the company.

React, you’re too heavy. You’re so heavy that you’re crushing his path.

When I thought duan and I were the only ones to finish this project.

Another thunderbolt came:

Duan Ge put forward to resign, the reason is too tired, want to change a relaxed job.

In this way, the project team started with three people, but at the end of the project, I was left alone as a half-skilled front-end developer.

I’m so disappointed that I didn’t get a raise when my colleague left…

Nevertheless, I finished the development of the official website.


The website is a bit — “different”.

Seven, this official website, not quite the same

What’s different about our website?

7.1 First of all, it is extremely large 🤣

The official website page has a global Header and four Tab pages.

So we built five bundles, each of which was 6 M in size, and didn’t unpack them at all.

This was entirely due to our utter lack of common sense in React development and the use of the wrong architecture, which resulted in us having five times as many bundles as it should have.

7.2 Header and content page cannot communicate 🤣

As mentioned above, the Header and four Tab pages are divided into five complete and independent bundles, so the normal communication means such as event-bus are directly ineffective, and some common communication means are directly disabled.

At that time, we solemnly explained to the boss:

Boss, React technology has its limits. You can’t do this interaction.

The boss… Convinced by us…

7.3 No routing concept 🤣

This is one of the most bizarre aspects of the project that STRUCK me later.

We don’t have the concept of react-Router at all. The whole front-end project is completed under the “/” route. All attempts to remember the current page state are impossible.

Later, we gave the website in a certain degree to promote. (Zhu Ge, then a customer service officer, was responsible for the promotion.)

A certain degree of promoters asked Zhu ge: “you this website, different pages are the same path?”

Zhu Ge introduced our website with great pride and seriousness:

“Our website is developed with a brand new technology. It’s different from traditional websites. You don’t understand it.

Naturally, there is no SEO optimization, in addition to the purchase of keywords, there is almost no way to search our official website.

Standing at this moment, if I had to evaluate the website we made at the beginning, I would objectively give two words:

Dog poop.

New way out

After hearing that Duan Ge left his job, he was directly recommended by his boss to another unit, where Duan Ge did “live less easily”. I and duan Elder brother’s story is not over, so leave a foreshadowing temporarily.

After the development of the official website, the company invested thousands of yuan to promote Baidu, but the operation of “Zaibao” has repeatedly deteriorated.

Even though at this point, our r&d team is down to four people:

  • Background RESEARCH and development * 1 (Lei Ge)
  • Android and Front End * 1 (me)
  • IOS R&D * 1 (Xiao Fang, a girl)
  • UI * 1 (Xiao Tang, another girl)

However, the business profit of “Zibo” itself is still not enough to support the expenses and support such a four-person r&d team.

In this environment, the boss may have finally recognized a reality: “The house treasure is probably really not able to finance.”

At this moment, too, he remembered his old trade.

Then lei Elder brother and boss pass a total, final decision should receive “outsource live”, do project feed team, seek development again on this basis.

Soon, the boss used his connections to find a project:

Customize a website for a small machinery company that provides maintenance and presentation capabilities, along with a small forum system.

To Be Continue

End of this chapter.

The series is unfinished.

This chapter says

I’m Spring brother. Older front end workers are still studying hard. My goal is to share with you the most practical, the most useful knowledge point, I hope you can come off work early, and can quickly complete the work, calm touch fish 🐟.

You can find me in the official number: the front end to touch fish.