By Patricia Neil

Translation: Crazy geek

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Javascript frameworks, along with HTML and CSS, have become an important part of the front-end development of every modern software project. 2020 will be another year of choosing the right javascript framework for your Web project.

If you’re reading this, you’re confused about the technology stack for the next program. Identifying it is not easy, and this article aims to address this dilemma for every developer. Some common problems associated with selecting a technology stack are:

  • React or Vue: Which is better for my next Web project?
  • React or Vue, which provides better performance?
  • What is the most popular JavaScript technology among developers?
  • React and Vue better suited to small Web applications?
  • Which is more reliable?

After reading the answers to these questions, you will be able to choose the perfect Javascript technology for your project. Let’s compare React to Vue based on various metrics to reveal the reality of these tools in 2020.


Javascript comes out with new frameworks and libraries very quickly. In fact, it’s an ongoing thing, and every few months, these javascript technologies trade places in the popularity charts.

Let’s take a look at the latest 2019 stats to see which is more popular between React and Vue.

#1: Google Trends: A line chart shows the search trends for Vue and React in Google. React is way ahead of vue.js.

2: Stack Overflow Survey: React ranks first among the most popular frameworks. But vue.js has also shown remarkable success. Since its launch in 2014, it has become a popular choice for developers in a relatively short time.

Background knowledge

Let’s take a quick look at some background on these JavaScript technologies.

Vue.js: Former Google engineer Yu Yuxi created this framework in 2014. But it doesn’t have the support of a reputable top organization. The latest version as of writing is 2.6.10, released on 20 March 2019.

It is the youngest member of the javascript family, only five years old. Alibaba and Gitlab are benefiting from this framework. Vue is considered a combination of some successful javascript technology features.

React: Unlike Vue, this JavaScript library was created by Facebook. It was originally created for Facebook AD traffic management. At the time, Facebook was having maintenance and coding problems.

It is known for its ability to dynamically create and interact with UIs. The latest version is 16.8.6 and was released on May 6, 2019. Some of the most popular companies writing code using React are the BBC, Instagram, WhatsApp and the list is actually quite long!

React VS Vue: Performance

Changes to Web programs are reflected in their user interfaces and in something called the DOM. It can be a virtual DOM or a real DOM. The type of DOM has a big impact on the performance of any programming technique.

React: It has a lightweight Virtual DOM and is not browser-specific. This is the main reason React gained popularity along with the Virtual DOM, eliminating inefficiencies.

Vue: Vue also uses the virtual DOM, but provides faster performance than React. It also ensures error-free performance.

Community support

Community support is critical to every software technology. It motivates new users to commit to specific technologies.

React: Facebook developed this Javascript library to keep up with growing AD campaign traffic. Facebook employees are committed to working for

React features add new and advanced features. This provides react developers with great reliability.

Vue: It was developed by former Google engineers, but was not backed by any of the top companies, which resulted in a lack of reliability and distribution in the market. But Vue’s unexpected popularity and support among developers helped it overcome this hurdle. Vue created its own community support.

The frame size

React is smaller than vue.js. React is about 100 KB and Vue is 80 KB. The size of frameworks and libraries can have a significant impact on software development projects.

React requires support from some other libraries, one of which is routing. Its small size is ideal for lightweight applications. Vue’s will be even smaller, making it more suitable for lightweight applications.

Use cases

Before choosing the right programming technique, it is important for developers to research the types of companies using different technology stacks. Javascript has long been an incredible part of software development services.

Mainly due to the capabilities of its various frameworks and libraries. Here are the main use cases for React and Vue:


  • Facebook, as mentioned earlier, uses this technology to manage Facebook’s AD series.
  • Twitter, a social media platform known for rapidly improving its web capabilities.
  • Instagram is a social platform for photo sharing
  • Whatsapp, a messaging app that is widely used around the world.


  • GitLab enables developers to form team code or copy code.
  • 9Gag is known for sharing viral memes and other trending content

The learning curve

The learning curve is a measure of a software developer’s ability to apply code in a particular language, framework, or library. Between these two programming technologies, Vue is statistically more Web developer-friendly.

In a Stateofjs survey that polled respondents on the “used it and will use it again” option, more respondents voted React. In addition, respondents also gave their opinions on other situations.

Here are the responses:

To understand the bar chart above, use the following index:

Vue is a new framework that Web developers must try. It scored high on “Heard of, want to learn”. This ensures the technology’s future for years to come.


React: There’s not much in the official React library. Here you have the flexibility to choose the tools you need. There are frameworks like Angular that provide everything in a package.

React routing and Redux and MobX for office administration tasks are some of the tools that can be integrated with this technology. Experienced mobile application developers can benefit from this free-form approach to development because it allows them to create dynamic applications.

Vue: Unlike React, Vue has some content on its official website for vue.js developers. And Vue server-side rendering technology also supports server-side development. Vuex for state management and Vue Router for routing are available in custom software development services, just to name a few.


Based on the above statistics and factual analysis, we can summarize some differences between React and Vue:

  • React is a more popular programming technique than Vue.
  • React has a top company facebook support, but Vue doesn’t.
  • React offers more flexibility than Vue.
  • Vue is smaller than React.

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