This series of articles are mainly arranged in the book React State Management and Isomorphic Actual Combat, which is a reading note. This article recommends readers: novice front-end, beginner front-end. This is the second article in a series on how to build a simple, very basic Redux and what each step does, hopefully to help the reader a little bit.Copy the code

4, Redux basic use and practice

4.1 structure store

The Store, which holds the entire state database, is the core of Redux and holds many important apis.

store = {
    replaceReducer,// Ignore it for now
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Use of these methods:

  • Dispatch (Action) : Dispatches the action
  • Subscribe (Listener): Subscribe to the state of the page data, that is, the change in state in the store
  • GetState: Gets the state data tree, that is, the state state in the store

Once we introduce Redux, we can create a store for the page app using the redux.createstore method.

import { createStore } from 'redux';
const store = createStore( reducer, preloadedState, enhancer )
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  • Reducer: Reducer function written by the developer. This task is mandatory
  • PreloadedState: Optional initial state of the page state data tree
  • Ehhancer: Intensifier, function type, optional

The reducer function is required when creating a store, so we need to design the Reducer function before creating a store to tell us how the store data state will change according to the action.

4.2 tectonic action

  • The action describes the information about the state change, that is, the change that needs to be made on the page.
  • An action is essentially a JS object. According to Redux, an action must contain the following:
    • Type attribute: as the name of the action, it is used to identify the current action. It is equivalent to the identity card of the action (for the time being, it is understood to be the non-single attribute of the identity card, such as nationality, name, etc., because type can be a class of objects, not just one). It is usually of the type string.
    • Some data information about the action, mainly including the basic content of the action changes.
const action = {
    type: 'READ_BOOK'.data: {
        name: 'JS you don't know'}}// Where action.type can be stated as, 'read'. What are you reading? name:' JS you don't know '
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4.3 Using the Action Create (constructor)

There are scenarios: When a user makes a book recommendation, we want to produce a type: Action for ‘READ_BOOK’, but these actions have the same type despite their data differences, so we can create a function to construct these actions with the same type.

const createSameTypeAction = (na'me) => {
    type: 'READ_BOOK',
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4.4 Using Dispatch to dispatch the Action

Dispatch is the method property exposed in the Store object and can be called directly to dispatch the action.

store.dispatch(createSameTypeAction('node. Js practical'))
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4.5 Writing reducer Functions to update data

  • The action describes a change and carries some information about the change, but the reducer function is the reducer function that actually implements the change and generates the correct data state.
  • Reducer functions must be pure functions so that data changes are predictable (see section 3)
const updateStateTree = (preState={},action) = > {
        	return newState1;
        	return newState2
            return preState // Return the default state if none of the actions match}}Copy the code

4.6 Basic Usage Summary

  • Once a Store instance has been created through Redux’s createState method, an action describing the change can be dispatched using store.Dispatch (Action).
  • After store.dispatch, Redux ‘automatically’ executes the Reducer function that processes the store and updates the data.
  • The specific data change object action and data processing function Reducer need to be written by developers according to specific services.
  • After the reducer function is processed, the data changes. In this case, the page uses the store.subscribe(callbackFunction) method to subscribe the data update, and the page is updated according to the given callbackFunction.

4.7 Properly Splitting Reducer functions

When the business becomes complex, many actions may be needed to describe the different changes. In this case, if you still use the normal reducer function, it will be very large and difficult to maintain, so Redux provides a tool function called conbineReducers. Use to recombine the split reducer function into a full reducer.

// When a business needs to change multiple data, it can be split according to the data state
state = {
    data1: {... },data2: {... },data3:{...},
const reducer1 = ( preState={}, action ){
  // Calculate the new state.data1 from action and state.data1
  returnState1. Data1};const reducer2 = ( preState={}, action ){
  // Calculate the new state.data2 from action and state.data2
  return state1.data2
const reducer3 = ( preState={}, action ){
  // Calculate the new state.data3 from action and state.data3
  return state1.data3

const { combineReducers } = Redux
const finalReducer = combineReducers({
    data1: reducer1,
    data2: reducer2,
    data3: reducer3,
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